This volume of essays discusses the European and global expansion of Italian opera and the significance of this process for debates on opera at home in Italy. Covering different parts of Europe, the Americas, Southeast and East Asia, it investigates the impact of transnational musical exchanges on notions of national identity associated with the production and reception of Italian opera across the world. As a consequence of these exchanges between composers, impresarios, musicians and audiences, ideas of operatic Italianness (italianit...) constantly changed and had to be reconfigured, reflecting the radically transformative experience of time and space that throughout the nineteenth century turned opera into a global aesthetic commodity. The book opens with a substantial introduction discussing key concepts in cross-disciplinary perspective and concludes with an epilogue relating its findings to different historiographical trends in transnational opera studies.
Mummified explores the curious, unsettling and controversial cases of mummies held in French and British museums. From powdered mummies eaten as medicine to mummies unrolled in public, dissected for race studies and DNA-tested in modern laboratories, there is a lot more to these ancient remains than first meets the eye. This book takes you on a journey from Paris to London, Leicester and Manchester, from the apothecaries of the Middle Ages to the dissecting tables of the eighteenth century, and finally behind the screen of today’s computers, to revisit the stories of these bodies that have fascinated Europeans for so long. Mummified investigates matters of life and death, of collecting and viewing, and of interactions – sometimes violent and sometimes emotional – that question the essence of what makes us human.
Cutting across multiple disciplines, this book maps out a new role for the public sociologist in the post-COVID world. It envisions a new kind of public sociology that brings together "the digital" and the "physical" to create public spaces where critical scholarship and active civic engagement can meet in a mutually reinforcing way. --
The book provides a clear assessment of the New Labour governments in Britain, when Tony Blair then Gordon Brown were Prime Ministers between 1997 and 2009. This assessment is based upon a review of implemented public policies and their outcomes instead of programmes or discourses.
The style of the Associated Press defines clear news writing. In fact, more people write for the AP news service than for any single newspaper or broadcaster in the world. The AP Stylebook is therefore ”the journalist's bible,” an essential handbook for all writers, editors, students, and public-relations specialists. The AP Stylebook contains over 5,000 entries laying out the AP's rules on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage. It gives journalists the references they need to write about the world today: correct names of countries and organizations, language to avoid, common trademarks. Special sections cover business and sports reporting. This edition, published in the Associated Press's 150th year, also includes crucial advice on how writers can guard against libel and copyright infringement.An up-to-date AP Stylebook belongs on the desk of every working writer.
The history of Oxford University Press spans five centuries of printing and publishing. This fourth volume explores the Press's modern history as an unsubsidized business with significant educational and cultural responsibilities, and how it maintained these through economic turbulence, political upheaval, and rapid technological innovation.
This book investigates how different cultures of fear manifest in South African social and mainstream media, arguing that fear and other emotions are a critical lens for understanding contemporary life. It discusses the myth of 'white genocide'; so-called 'Satanist' murders; township urban legends; and white suburban anxieties.
University Presses worldwide are struggling with three key issues: profitability and sustainability, globalization (digitalization and dominance of English), and Open Access. Indonesia, categorized as the third world in global discourse, is still developing its scholarly communication institution, including its University Press. Many publications stated that the Indonesian university press is in a weak position because of the managerial problem, the lack of support from authority and human resources matters. This research aims to seek the position of Indonesian University Press in the three main issues and pay much attention to elaborating the UGM Press. It combined the online survey and int...
Oxford University Press is one of the oldest and best-known publishing houses in the world. This history, originally published to mark 500 years of printing in Oxford, traces the transformation of the Press from a lucrative Bible house into a great national and international publishing business. Great names in the early history of the Press, like Laud, Fell, and Blackstone, laid sound foundations, but as late as the 1890s the University was censured for sanctioning the publication of the secular and profane literature of Marlowe and Shakespeare.