Public Health Nursing is an essential resource for all health visiting students, school nursing students, and occupational health nursing students, that reflects the current key changes in community public health nursing. It is a key textbook for specialist practitioner programmes, and those new to the public health arena. Written by relevant experts in the field, this practical textbook uniquely explores the three main specialties of Public Health Nursing: Health Visiting, School Nursing and Occupational Health Nursing. A particular strength of the book is the way it shows the diversity of each discipline and how they each address Public Health in vastly different ways according to the needs of their relevant population. This will be essential reading for all students on the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) programmes offered across the UK. Key features: Focuses on the specialist community public health nursing part of the NMC register Multidisciplinary, with contributors from all three specialisms Concerned with improving the health of the population, rather than treating the diseases of individual patients Focuses on practice and competencies
How to get a PhD is THE classic book on studying for a PhD. It provides a practical, down to earth and realistic approach to studying for a PhD and offers support and reassurance for both students and supervisors.
Alcohol and its consumption is a major topic for public policy-making. Growing awareness of alcohol-related health problems among the general public has led to high levels of interest in alcohol consumption and its impact on society. This innovative collection of new perspectives on this critically important issue is informed by a leading group of international social scientists. Topics covered include alcoholism, the family, minimum pricing, paternalistic controls, and Socially Responsible Investment programs. Together, these essays reveal illuminating new insights into how public policy might be improved. This book was originally published as a special issue of Contemporary Social Science.
This book is about the function and use of official statistics. It welcomes the aspiration for official statistics to be an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. The book identifies the political role of official statisticians, who decided what gets measured as well as how it is measured. While thousands of official statistics are published every year, and some are quoted by politicians, used by policy-makers or reported in the media, the authors observe that, in the main, official statistics do not feature much in everyday lives of people and businesses. The book concludes with suggestions for more that should be done, especially in the context of improving wellbeing and helping meet the worldwide set of sustainable development goals set for 2030.
Fully updated for the second edition, this text provides a concise and informative introduction to how global health is governed, exploring the ways in which we understand global health governance, exposing its complex nature, and asking who or what really governs global health, to what outcome, and for whom. Governing outbreaks, emergencies, pandemics, access to medicines, non-communicable diseases, and the financing of fully functioning health systems remain among the biggest challenges national and international policymakers and practitioners face. While COVID-19 made apparent the tensions, contestations, and complexity of governing health threats, to understand what could and should have...
For Students, Scholars, Researchers, Investigators, Trainees and Scientists. "If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." Isaac Newton. This book on research is an attempt to try to answer the basic fundamental questions that come to the minds of young students, researchers, scholars, investigators, trainees or scientists. It is an outcome of collaboration between 43 researchers from 11 different countries (Pakistan, India, United States, Iran, United Kingdom, Nepal, Canada, Greece, Poland, Japan and Australia): Achakzai AM, Afghan AK, Ahmed A, Ali D, Ans M, Asad RM, Ashfaq A, Butt NM, Farooq F, Fatima M, Gilani AI, Ibrahim M, Ishtiaq O, Janjua NZ, Kakisi O...
You can hardly open a paper or read an academic journal without some attempt to explain an aspect of human behaviour or experience by reference to neuroscience, biological or evolutionary processes. This ‘biologising’ has had rather a free ride until now, being generally accepted by the public at large. However, there is a growing number of scholars who are challenging the assumption that we are little more than our bodies and animal origins. This volume brings together a review of these emerging critiques expressed by an international range of senior academics from across the social sciences. Their arguments are firmly based in the empirical, scientific tradition. They show the lack of ...
This book explores the philosophical and theological significance of evolutionary anthropology and includes diverse approaches to the relationship between evolution, culture, and religion. Particular emphasis is placed on the work of Michael Tomasello, who contributes an opening chapter that tackles the role of religion in his natural history of human thinking and human morality. The first section of the book considers the philosophical foundations of evolutionary anthropology and shows that evolutionary anthropology is open to a multitude of philosophical analyses. The second part offers theological perspectives on the relationship between evolutionary and theological anthropology and between evolution and religion. The volume also reflects more broadly on the complex relationship between religion and science in the contexts of late-modern societies. It makes a significant contribution to the religion and science debate and offers performative evidence that an interdisciplinary discussion between theologians, philosophers, and natural scientists is feasible.
The book will focus on three key aspects of delivery of child health services: service integration and coordination, public health measures, and enhancing the quality of care for children. Taking a child-centric view on understanding how health services and systems work the book aims to contribute towards improving children’s health through deepening the understanding of children’s health services.Focusing primarily on the western European countries the book draws on research conducted with child health leaders in ten countries: Austria, Britain, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Sweden. The chapters include clinical scenarios designed to help identify and describe the various ways in which children and their families negotiate health services when dealing with twelve different conditions. Using clinical scenarios in this way allows the book authors to capture the diverse aspects of each health system as well as assessment and analysis of the challenges involved in each, and their successes and failures.