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How many times does a body under constant acceleration travel in the second half of its motion the distance covered in the first half of it? Is it possible to compare the whiteness of a pearl to that of snow? Is a human being two times, three times or infinitely more perfect than a horse? In the late Middle Ages, these questions were hotly debated in relation to the problem of quantifying forms. This book is about understanding why these questions arose and how some of them contributed to the development of scientific knowledge. Combien de fois un corps en accélération constante pendant un temps donné parcourt-il dans la seconde moitié de son mouvement la distance traversée durant la pr...
occurred in the textbooks of medieval logicians. Hubien (1975,1977) did the same in recent articles and other modern logicians with interest in the history of their field of knowledge, or students of the history of logic with knowledge of modern achievements in this field, could be mentioned. For example, Trentman (1977:41) in his recent edition of Vincent Ferrer's Tractatus de Suppositionibus, 'Treatise on suppositions', elucidates Ferrer's theory of natural supposition with the aid of modern logic and points out that in some respects, for example, in the theory of irltensionality, modern theories have been developed with little more success. In the Middle Ages, semantics and logic were ent...
Few philosophical books have been so influential in the development of Western thought as Aristotle’s Metaphysics. For centuries Aristotle’s most celebrated work has been regarded as a source of inspiration as well as the starting point for every investigation into the structure of reality. Not surprisingly, the topics discussed in the book – the scientific status of ontology and metaphysics, the foundations of logical truths, the notions of essence and existence, the nature of material objects and their properties, the status of mathematical entities, just to mention some – are still at the centre of the current philosophical debate and are likely to excite philosophical minds for m...
Proclus (c. 410 - 485) was one of the major Greek philosophers of late Antiquity. In his metaphysics he developed and systematized fundamental problems of Plato's thought, such as participation; transcendence - immanence; causation - participation - return; henads and monads. In a theological way he interpreted some of Plato's dialogues. In the tradition of the neo-platonic school of Athens he tried to bring together Orpheus, Pythagoras and Plato. Before and after his works had been translated into Latin, Proclus influenced the Christian West through the Liber de causis ("Book of Causes"), a Latin translation of an anonymous Arab version of his Elementatio theologica. Among those who commented on the Liber or on some of its theses, were many well-known philosophers: Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Master Eckhart, Berthold of Moosberg and William of Ockham. The Liber de causis stimulated discussions about the concepts of God, first and second causality, universals, metaphysics of being as opposed to metaphysics of the one. In the volume various specialists discuss these problems: Saffrey, De Rijk, Meyer, Steel, De Libera, Aertsen, Beierwaltes and Bos.
This collection presents perspectives into the pristine field of phenomenology/philosophy of life conceived by Tymieniecka, initiated in the Analecta Husserliana and unfolding with each volume. This new and original philosophy reaches to the `inner workings of Nature' as well as to the innermost recesses of the Human Creative Condition, opening a basic starting point for all philosophy. Life, `the theme of our times', finds at last a profound philosophical treatment.
Ce dictionnaire est la refonte complète et fortement augmentée d'un Dictionnaire abrégé des philosophes médiévaux paru en 2000. Il est le fruit de recherches menées depuis plus de trente-cinq ans et se veut un instrument de haute érudition tout autant qu'un outil de consultation. Il n'est donc pas réservé seulement aux spécialistes de la philosophie médiévale, mais s'adresse aussi à quiconque s'intéresse de près ou de loin aux grandes orientations de la pensée du Moyen Age. Il comprend plus de 450 entrées consacrées aussi bien à des penseurs occidentaux, tels que Pierre Abélard, Philippe le Chancelier, Duns Scot, Buridan, Ockham ou Thomas d'Aquin, qu'à des philosophes arabes, tels que Al-Fârâbî, Avempace, Avicenne ou Averroès, ou juifs, tels que Maïmonide ou Gersonide. Il passe également en revue les principaux savants, traducteurs et auteurs spirituels de cette époque, tout en les replaçant dans les courants de pensée qui leur sont contemporains. Pour la première fois, un ouvrage de langue française permet de faire la synthèse à peu près complète des grandes orientations doctrinales de l'Antiquité finissante et du Moyen Age.
Evoquees par Augustin, les Categories d'Aristote, accompagnees de l'introduction de Porphyre, sont traduites et commentees par Boece. Deja exposee dans le monde arabo-musulman, cette oeuvre devait faire l'objet de nombreux commentaires dans le monde latin, sans interruption, du temps d'Abelard jusqu'a la fin du Moyen Age. De l'etude du langage a la theorie de l'etre, ouvrant sur la philosophie naturelle et la theologie, les interrogations que suscitent les Categories sont multiformes. Elles concernent le statut des categories, leur nombre, les differents types de predication, ou la nature particuliere de certaines categories comme la relation ou la quantite. Le premier chapitre du traite, avec sa distinction entre equivoques, univoques et paronymes, suscite des reflexions sur les variations semantiques, les transferts de sens, et donne en meme temps naissance a la theorie de l'analogie de l'etant, aux implications metaphysiques et theologiques majeures. Les vingt deux essais de ce receuil explorent, a travers l'etude d'auteurs connus ou moins connus, les multiples facettes de cette riche tradition medievale de commentaires sur les Categories d'Aristote.