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Rivers of Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 946

Rivers of Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-11-10
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

Rivers of Europe, Second Edition, presents the latest update on the only primary source of complete and comparative baseline data on the biological and hydrological characteristics of more than 180 of the highest profile rivers in Europe. With even more full-color photographs and maps, the book includes conservation information on current patterns of river use and the extent to which human society has exploited and impacted them. Each chapter includes up to 10 featured rivers, with detailed information on their physiography, hydrology, ecology/biodiversity and human impacts. Rivers selected for specific coverage include the largest, the most natural, and those most affected by humans. This b...

Climat et risques : changements d'approche
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 187

Climat et risques : changements d'approche

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008-05-30
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  • Publisher: Lavoisier

Les risques liés au climat recoupent des réalités aussi diverses que le réchauffement climatique, la sécheresse, l'inondation, le gel, la tempête. Ils ne peuvent plus aujourd'hui être étudiés sous le seul angle de la climatologie, mais nécessitent une pluralité d'approches. Cet ouvrage s'articule autour de trois axes de recherche : les représentations du changement climatique et des risques associés, à travers l'histoire (Antiquité classique, Lumières) et l'étude des médias , les dernières avancées de la recherche géoclimatique, notamment l'utilisation multi-échelles des méthodes géomatiques en climatologie et en hydrologie, les perspectives concernant le développeme...

Participation et responsabilités sociales
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 540

Participation et responsabilités sociales

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009
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  • Publisher: Peter Lang

Actes du Xe congrès de l'Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales (AIRHM).

Comment découvrir et utiliser son talent
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 125

Comment découvrir et utiliser son talent

Ce li­vre com­mence par dé­fi­nir pré­ci­sé­ment le ta­lent, cette no­tion sou­vent con­fon­due avec d'au­tres no­tions plus va­gues, comme le don, la qua­li­té, la com­pé­tence ou le point fort. En­suite, il in­ven­to­rie les dif­fé­ren­tes mé­tho­des (ana­ly­ti­ques ou sym­bo­li­ques) per­met­tant de l'iden­ti­fier. En­fin, il dé­taille les dif­fé­ren­tes uti­li­sa­tions pos­si­bles du ta­lent, que ce soit le sien ou ce­lui des au­tres. Ce der­nier cas in­té­res­se­ra plus par­ti­cu­liè­re­ment les pro­fes­sion­nels des Res­sour­ces Hu­mai­nes, du ma­na­ge­ment et de l’ac­com­pa­gne­ment in­di­vi­duel.

Les villes à la croisée des stratégies globales et locales des enjeux climatiques
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 378

Les villes à la croisée des stratégies globales et locales des enjeux climatiques

La question des changements climatiques est d'abord scientifique, mais, en amont comme en aval, il y a aussi des enjeux sociaux, politiques, économiques et même culturels. Les rapports successifs du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) ont contribué à intéresser les sciences sociales à l'importance de ces enjeux. A mesure que les perturbations du système climatique se confirmaient, les sciences économiques, les relations internationales, le droit, la gestion et l'urbanisme en ont mesuré l'impact. Quant à la sociologie, si on lui a fait le reproche de s'y être peu intéressé, des travaux récents témoignent de sa contribution dans le domaine. Que peuvent apporter ces différents éclairages à la compréhension de l'enjeu climatique et à la controverse publique que cette question soulève? Les auteurs de cet ouvrage ont tenté d'y répondre.

Géohistoire du tourisme argentin
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 226

Géohistoire du tourisme argentin

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014
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  • Publisher: PU Rennes


Life in the Court of Matane
  • Language: en

Life in the Court of Matane

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016
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  • Publisher: Qc Fiction

Nadia Comaneci's gold-medal performance at the Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976 is the starting point for a whole new generation. Eric Dupont watches the performance on TV, mesmerized. The son of a police officer (Henry VIII) and a professional cook--as he likes to remind us--he grows up in the depths of the Quebec countryside with a new address for almost every birthday and little but memories of his mother to hang on to. His parents have divorced, and the novel's narrator relates his childhood, comparing it to a family gymnastics performance worthy of Nadia herself. Life in the Court of Matane is unforgiving and we explore different facets of it (dreams of sovereignty, schoolyard bullying, imagined missions to Russia, poems by Baudelaire), each based around an encounter with a different animal, until the narrator befriends a great horned owl, summons up the courage to let go of the upper bar forever, and makes his glorious escape.

International Counterterrorism Bureaucracies in the United Nations and the European Union
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 327

International Counterterrorism Bureaucracies in the United Nations and the European Union

Since the attacks of September 11, 2001 a complex web of international structures and rules for the fight against transnational terrorism has emerged. However, previous research disregarded the organizational basis of counterterrorism cooperation. Using the example of bureaucratic actors in the United Nations and the European Union, this study examines how and to what degree international counterterrorism bureaucracies exercise autonomy and perform distinct functions. The book reveals the special ambivalence of counterterrorism cooperation for international bureaucracies, which need to reconcile calls for effective counterterrorism with the need to maintain an impression of technical impartiality in a particularly contested policy-field. They respond to this challenge with different strategies of politicization and depoliticization.

Barbarians in the Boardroom
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Barbarians in the Boardroom

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-06-07
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  • Publisher: Pearson UK

Activist investors have sent shockwaves through corporations in recent years, personally targeting directors and executives at some of the world's largest companies. No longer satisfied with operating on the fringes of business, they are now a firm fixture in the boardroom. Up to a quarter of public companies could be targeted by activist campaigns in the coming years, with directors and executives at those corporations threatened with losing their jobs. The trend, which began in corporate America, has spread to the UK, Europe and Asia, taking in several high profile companies. Barbarians.