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This CIFOR Occasional Paper presents research results on challenges experienced by proponents in their efforts to establish REDD+ subnational initiatives in Brazil, Peru, Cameroon, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Vietnam. On the basis of in-depth interviews with 23 organizations collaborating in CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+, it was found that the biggest challenges are tenure and the (currently) disadvantageous economics of REDD+. The study observes several patterns connected with these challenges. Performance-based conditional incentives are judged important but are not as central as once envisioned. Although most organizations are forging ahead with REDD+ in spite of the difficulti...
Sebagai sebuah gagasan, REDD+ adalah cerita sukses: sebuah pendekatan baru yang membangkitkan harapan bagi penggalangan dana berbasiskan hasil untuk menindaklanjuti kebutuhan mendesak dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim. Gagasan ini cukup luas untuk menjadi sebuah tajuk pohon, untuk memayungi sejumlah besar pelaku di bawahnya untuk menumbuhkan pohon mereka sendiri. REDD+ menghadapi berbagai tantangan besar: Sejumlah kepentingan politik dan ekonomi yang kuat mendukung deforestasi dan degradasi yang berlanjut. Karena itu, implementasinya harus dikoordinasikan antara berbagai tingkat pemerintahan dan lembaga; manfaatnya harus disalurkan dengan menyeimbangkan keefektifan dan kesetaraan; ketidakpastia...
En tant qu’idée, la REDD+ a tout d’une réussite : Il s’agit d’une approche inédite qui donne l’espoir d’obtenir une quantité considérable de financements basés sur les résultats afin de satisfaire le besoin urgent d’atténuation des effets du changement climatique. C’est un cadre à l’image de la canopée, suffisamment vaste pour permettre à un large éventail d’acteurs de faire germer leurs propres initiatives. La REDD+ est confrontée à des défis gigantesques : Certains groupes d’intérêt politiques et économiques puissants sont enclins à poursuivre la déforestation et la dégradation. La mise en œuvre de la REDD+ doit être coordonnée à plusieurs éc...
Como ideia, REDD+ é uma história de sucesso: é uma nova abordagem que gera esperança de financiamento significativo baseado em resultados, para satisfazer uma necessidade urgente de mitigação das mudanças climáticas. A ideia tem sido suficientemente abrangente para servir como uma cúpula sob a qual uma ampla gama de atores pode desenvolver seus programas específicos. REDD+ enfrenta enormes desafios: interesses políticos e econômicos poderosos favorecem o contínuo desmatamento e degradação florestal. Sua implementação deve ser coordenada entre vários níveis e agências do governo; os benefícios devem ser distribuídos e precisam equilibrar eficácia e capital; a insegurança e as salvaguardas do direito de ocupação devem ser verdadeiramente abordadas; e são necessárias instituições transparentes, monitoramento confiável do carbono e níveis de referência realistas para apoiar sistemas baseados em resultados.
Editorial: Tuyeni H Mwampamba, Rob Bailis, Adrian Ghilardi Urbanization, food, and water consumption trends in many tropical countries show that demand for charcoal (as a source of cooking energy), meat, grain and water will rise to proportions that surpass the ability of existing ecosystems to supply these services simultaneously and at desired qualities. Consequently, drastic changes to policy and practice are needed to improve ecosystem potential and/or alter demand trends. Traditional charcoal production in sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia and Latin America often competes or co-exists with livestock keeping and agriculture and has a tendency to occur in water-limited woodlands. The co...
Como idea, REDD+ ha tenido un éxito notable: Constituye un enfoque nuevo que genera esperanzas de financiación en base a resultados para abordar la acuciante necesidad de mitigación del cambio climático. Ha sido una iniciativa lo suficientemente amplia como para servir de dosel bajo el cual toda una serie de distintos actores pueden cultivar sus propios árboles. REDD+ enfrenta retos enormes: Fuertes intereses políticos y económicos hacen que persista la deforestación y la degradación. La puesta en práctica debe coordinarse entre distintos niveles y agencias de gobierno; los beneficios tienen que repartirse y se ha de buscar el equilibrio entre la efectividad y la equidad; es precis...
This book provides a comprehensive socio-legal examination of how global efforts to fight climate change by reducing carbon emissions in the forestry sector (known as REDD+) have affected the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in developing countries. Grounded in extensive qualitative empirical research conducted globally, the book shows that the transnational legal process for REDD+ has created both serious challenges and unexpected opportunities for the recognition and protection of indigenous and community rights. It reveals that the pursuit of REDD+ has resulted in important variations in how human rights standards are understood and applied across multiple sites of law in the field of REDD+, with mixed results for indigenous peoples and local communities in Indonesia and Tanzania. With its original findings, rigourous research design, and interdisciplinary analytical framework, this book will make a valuable contribution to the study of transnational legal processes in a globalizing world. This title is also available as Open Access.