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O Trabalho da Arte e a Arte do Trabalho: Circuitos Criativos de Artistas Imigrantes em Portugal
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 168

O Trabalho da Arte e a Arte do Trabalho: Circuitos Criativos de Artistas Imigrantes em Portugal

A pesquisa realizada no âmbito do projeto “O trabalho da arte e a arte do trabalho: circuitos criativos de formação e integração laboral e imigrantes em Portugal” revela a importância das expressões artísticas para a integração laboral dos imigrantes provenientes de países terceiros à União Europeia em Portugal, tal como a centralidade da arte nas relações económicas e simbólicas entre imigrantes de diversas origens. Nesta investigação identificaram-se e analisaram-se os processos de construção de afinidade e de solidariedade, as redes de sociabilidade, de oportunidades de trabalho e os projetos de vida em torno das práticas artísticas em enfoque analítico. O campo artístico permite vias de inserção no mercado de trabalho e de participação cívica, mas também fomenta a troca de experiências e conhecimentos interculturais. Um dado importante diz respeito às vivências plurais na cidade despoletadas e potenciadas pelas práticas artísticas destes atores.

Exploring Ibero-American Youth Cultures in the 21st Century
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 355

Exploring Ibero-American Youth Cultures in the 21st Century

The authors collected here address youth street cultures in different cities from the Ibero-American world, bringing together contributions on Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Portugal, Spain, and beyond. This overseas approach bridging the European and American contexts is justified by the range of (complex) social, cultural and economic relationships that have shaped this transnational geographical space since the beginning of the colonial period. The chapters collected here focus on three key concepts—creativity, resistance and transgression—that form a threefold dispositive to locally and globally confront, contest and even fight against the hegemonic, punitive and oppressive powers (re)produced by (white, male) dominant classes of the city. The book ensures a high diversity of geographical and social/cultural research contexts by focusing on one, two or multiple spatial contexts (the public space, the street, the city) and, at the same time, by emphasizing the different economic, social, cultural, symbolic specificities of youth cultures (including gender, sexuality and race) in their particular urban contexts.

Unwritten Afro-Iberian Memories and Histories
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 181

Unwritten Afro-Iberian Memories and Histories

This book sketches out an innovative Afro-Iberian mosaic that puts forgotten memories and histories into circulation, constructing an Afro-Iberian past that is critical of the cultural racialization of Spaniards and Portuguese. It builds an early late modern and contemporary Afro-Iberian history and approaches African and Maghrebi experiences and memories in order to explain the close relation between race, class, ethnicity and gender in Portugal and Spain between 1850 and 2021. The book approaches the African presence in the Iberian Peninsula by identifying and documenting the traces of these population groups in Spain and Portugal. Cultural Studies, Anthropology and Sociology are some of t...

Gestão de carreira
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 154

Gestão de carreira

A Série Universitária foi desenvolvida pelo Senac São Paulo com o intuito de preparar profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. Os títulos abrangem diversas áreas, abordando desde conhecimentos teóricos e práticos adequados às exigências profissionais até a formação ética e sólida. Gestão de carreira traça um panorama dos conceitos e tendências em gestão de carreira recomendados para o profissional que está ingressando ou se reposicionando na área. O livro reúne um referencial teórico com os principais pesquisadores do tema, contextualizando com dados e entrevistas com especialistas. Considerando que as indústrias criativas ganharam destaque na opinião pública e representam uma porcentagem expressiva do PIB brasileiro, o autor propõe uma reflexão: gestor cultural ou gestores dos setores criativos?

Expressões Artísticas Urbanas: etnografia e criatividade em espaços atlânticos
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 239

Expressões Artísticas Urbanas: etnografia e criatividade em espaços atlânticos

As expressões artísticas em meio urbano são rico objeto de estudo na atual produção das Ciências Sociais. Este livro enfoca e debate estratégias e experiências de pesquisa, problematizando as práticas artísticas enquanto expressões de identidades múltiplas em contextos urbanos diversos. Os textos refletem sobre a linguagem artística nas suas variadas perspectivas, cujas marcas e inscrições não se esgotam dentro e fora de instituições culturais, galerias de arte, festas, ruas, muros, becos, etc. O ineditismo e originalidade do fio condutor desta coletânea é dialogar sobre expressões artísticas tais como dança (funk, hip hop, samba), manifestações festivas, música, fotografia, enfocando especificamente a perspectiva etnográfica no estudo antropológico dessas expressões em contextos urbanos. Esta obra certamente suscitará o interesse não só de estudantes e pesquisadores de várias áreas, como também do público em geral, interessado na temática das práticas e expressões artísticas em contexto urbano.

Arts and Cultural Education in a World of Diversity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 224

Arts and Cultural Education in a World of Diversity

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-04-02
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  • Publisher: Springer

This volume gathers, analyses, discusses and evaluates results of current research on arts and cultural education in Europe, focusing on the challenges of cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is an increasingly characteristic feature of contemporary societies. Groups with different ethnic, social or cultural backgrounds coexist, interact and merge. The challenges of cultural diversity – its innovative potential as well as tensions and conflicts – are reflected in transnational discourses on education, culture, democracy, and citizenship. Transcultural approaches, multicultural education, and intercultural learning are key concepts. The same challenges are reflected in arts and cultural education within and outside schools, in teachers’ and artists’ training, cultural and educational policies, and research. The thirteen chapters in this book report on nine countries represented in the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO). They showcase good practices in research and teaching, foster the exchange of experiences, stimulate researchers and stakeholders and give insights into their professional practices.

Moving Cities – Contested Views on Urban Life
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 224

Moving Cities – Contested Views on Urban Life

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-03
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  • Publisher: Springer

The texts of the book focus on the problems and challenges of urban change, especially in Europe, in the contemporary context of intense mobility. The main topics are mobility, urban social structure, migrations, urban inequalities, urban activism, community, neighbourhood life, uses of public spaces and methodological approaches to urban life such as ethnography.

Inequality and Uncertainty
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

Inequality and Uncertainty

It is not possible to ignore the fact that cities are not only moving, vibrant and flourishing spaces, promising hope for better quality of life, but that they also accumulate and reflect significant problems. This book explores the relational and dynamic nature of urban inequalities, including their visible and invisible forms. By using the rather elusive term of ‘uncertainty’, the authors zoom in on specific aspects of urban inequalities that are difficult to measure, yet are acutely sensed and experienced by people and, more and more often, perceived as unfair. Here, in the recognition of inequalities as unjust and in the disagreement with the status quo, lies a positive aspect of uncertainty, which can lead to a social awakening and more active citizenship.

Abuse of Rights
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 303

Abuse of Rights

  • Categories: Law

The book is an adaptation of part of the author's PhD thesis, which won the international prize Prémio FIBE, and was voted one of the three best in Brazil, in the field of Law, in 2023. It deals with the history of the notion of abuse of rights, in its two traditions: the Franco-Belgian (abus de droit) and the German (unzulässige Rechtsausübung). It also presents the discourse of abuse of rights with a 'shortcut' function. Finally, it places the scientific formulation of groups of cases as necessary for the proper use of the abuse of rights discourse. Fabio Carvalho de Alvarenga Peixoto PhD in Constitutional Law (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brazil). State Attorney. Private lawyer. Winner ...

Abuse of Fundamental Rights
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 400

Abuse of Fundamental Rights

  • Categories: Law

The book is an adaptation of part of the author's PhD thesis, which won the international prize Prémio FIBE, and was voted one of the three best in Brazil, in the field of Law, in 2023. It addresses the appropriation of the private law notion of abuse of rights by the theory of fundamental rights. It also presents guidelines for an appropriate use of the discourse of abuse of fundamental rights (highly dependent on a Dogmatics of scope, approached according to a model of groups of cases). Fabio Carvalho de Alvarenga Peixoto PhD in Constitutional Law (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brazil). State Attorney. Private lawyer. Winner of the international prize Prémio FIBE, and of an honorable menti...