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Nothing is more synonymous with the twenty-first century than the image of a child on his or her smart phone, tablet, video game console, television, and/or laptop. But with all this external stimulation, has childhood development been helped or hindered? Daniel Dervin is concerned that today's childhood has become unmoored from its Rousseauist-Wordsworthian anchors in nature. He considers childrens development to be inextricably linked with inwardness, a psychological concept referring to the awareness of ones self as derived from the world and the internalization of such reflections. Inwardness is the enabling space that allows ones thoughts, experiences, and emotions to be processed. It i...
"Every year, more than 2.5 million children are left homeless in the United States and the number of such families continues to rise annually. In every state, children are living in small quarters packed in with relatives-- in cars, in motel rooms, or in emergency shelters. In this vividly-written narrative, experienced journalist Richard Schweid takes us on a spirited journey through this "invisible nation,' giving us front-row dispatches of suffering families on the edge. Based on in-depth reporting from five major cities, Invisible Nation looks backward at the historical context of family homelessness as well as forward at what needs to be done to alleviate this widespread, although often hidden, poverty. Invisible Nation is a riveting must-read for everyone who cares about inequality, poverty and family life"--Provided by publishe
New York 1929. När Vivians familj tragiskt omkommer i en brand sätts hon, tillsammans med många andra föräldralösa barn, på ett tåg. De färdas genom USA och auktioneras ut i städerna de passerar. Allra sist blir 9-åriga Vivian vald och hon sätts snabbt i arbete som sömmerska. Men när depressionen drabbar landet och beställningarna sinar skickas hon vidare. Och vidare. Ska hon någonsin hitta en plats där hon känner sig som hemma? Maine 2011. När 17-åriga Molly tvingas till samhällstjänst, är det droppen för hennes fostermor. Av rädsla för att än en gång behöva flytta går hon med på att städa vinden hos den numera 91-åriga Vivian. Ju mer hon börjar rota bland Vivians gamla saker, desto tydligare inser Molly att de har mer gemensamt än hon någonsin kunnat ana.
Una novela cautivadora inspirada en hechos históricos que nos habla de pérdidas, de segundas oportunidades y de amistad inesperada que ha deslumbrado a más de un millón y medio de lectores en Estados Unidos. Entre 1854 y 1929, los llamados trenes de huérfanos partieron regularmente de las ciudades de la Costa Este de Estados Unidos hacia las tierras de labranza del Medio Oeste, llevando miles de niños abandonados cuyos destinos quedarían determinados por la fortuna o el azar. ¿Serían adoptados por una familia amable y afectuosa, o se enfrentarían a una adolescencia de trabajo duro y servidumbre? La inmigrante irlandesa Vivian Daly fue uno de esos niños, enviada por ferrocarril des...
One day Charlie, a hobo, hopped off the two o'clock train. After forming a friendship with an injured dog at a hobo village, Charlie meets a group of children at a lemonade stand. Through the use of his chalk stick, Charlie teaches the children a new language-the hobo language. Will the children judge Charlie by his appearance? Or will they have a change of heart? Charlie's Chalk Stick is a delightful illustrated children's book based on a historic figure born out of America's Great Depression-a hobo. This is the kind of story that will give children the opportunity to visit a time in the past and learn something valuable about the human condition at the same time.
Ein bewegender Roman über ein vergessenes Kapitel der amerikanischen Geschichte New York, 1929: Mit neun Jahren verliert Vivian Daly, Tochter irischer Einwanderer, bei einem Wohnungsbrand ihre gesamte Familie. Gemeinsam mit anderen Waisen wird sie kurzerhand in einen Zug verfrachtet und in den Mittleren Westen geschickt, wo die Kinder auf dem Land ein neues Zuhause finden sollen. Doch es ist eine Reise ins Ungewisse, denn nur die wenigsten von ihnen erwartet ein liebevolles Heim. Und auch Vivian stehen schwere Bewährungsproben bevor ... Erst viele Jahrzehnte später eröffnet sich für die inzwischen Einundneunzigjährige in der Begegnung mit der rebellischen Molly die Möglichkeit, das Schweigen über ihr Schicksal zu brechen.
LAST TRAIN HOME is an American story about cultural identity and family history set during the nineteenth century at a time when America received an enormous influx of immigrants, and a quarter of a million children were sent west from East Coast cities to America's heartland by orphan train. The story highlights a little-known but historically significant moment in our country's past by tracing the individual journeys of two children, Johnny and Sophia, to bring about the distinction of these children to find families and homes.A true story of friendship and discovery, Last Train Home, weaves individual riders stories into a powerful tale of upheavel and resilience, of second chances, and triumph over tribulation building strength of mind and character into an incredible reserve.
Entre 1854 et 1929, des trains sillonnaient les plaines du Midwest avec à leur bord des centaines d'orphelins. Au bout du voyage, la chance pour certains d'être accueillis dans une famille aimante, mais pour beaucoup d'autres une vie de labeur ou de servitude. Vivian Daly n'avait que 9 ans lorsqu'elle a dû prendre un de ces trains. Aujourd'hui, elle coule ses vieux jours dans une bourgade tranquille du Maine, son lourd passé relégué dans de grandes malles au grenier. Jusqu'à l'arrivée de Mollie, 17 ans, sommée par le juge de nettoyer le grenier de Mme Daly, en guise de travaux d'intérêt général. Et contre toute attente, entre l'adolescente rebelle et la vieille dame se noue une amitié improbable. Parce qu'au fond ces femmes ont beaucoup plus en commun qu'il n'y paraît... " Un roman foisonnant, une belle leçon d'optimisme et de résistance. " L'Alsace
Nineteenth century New York City- The orphan trains carried over 200,000 children west in what became the largest mass migration of children to take place on American soil. The collection of stories of these children who faced nearly insurmountable odds, the humanity of individuals caught up in the sweep of history is unmistakable. An exceptionally illustrated exhibit; the archival photos of newsboys and bootblacks surviving on the streets of New York. Hauntingly good! A classic nonfiction book with a facinating survey of American history which might have been a lifelong tragic loss. With this volume alone, this author has made the planet a better place. The beauty of this book is it falls straight across the literary spectrum for librarys, academics,and the general reading audience.
Em 1929, Nova Iorque é uma cidade vibrante mas cruel para com os mais fracos. O número de órfãos a viver nas ruas multiplica-se. Demasiado visíveis, estas crianças são um incómodo para o qual é encontrada uma solução radical. Em comboios que partem rumo ao interior dos Estados Unidos, os órfãos são amontoados e oferecidos a quem os quiser receber, os seus destinos entregues a desconhecidos, as suas vidas à mercê do acaso. Vivian teve em tempos um lar e uma família. Após o incêndio que matou os seus pais e a deixou só no mundo, ela passa a ser apenas mais uma entre as centenas de crianças forçadas a embarcar no “Comboio dos Órfãos. Décadas depois, Molly Ayer, uma jo...