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Este libro cubre las elecciones de 1952 al 1964, desde el dominio maximo del PPD, en 1952, hasta el primer relevo de gobernadores, aunque del mismo partido, en 1964. Cubre el ascenso del movimiento Estadista y la caida del movimiento Independentista. This book covers the elections held in Puerto Rico between 1952 and 1964. That period saw the highest point in the dominance by the Popular Party; and it also saw the fall and rebirth of the pro-Statehood movement (from 12.87%% in '52 to 34.8%% in '64), coupled with the rise and fall of the pro-Independence movement (from 18.98%% in '52 to 2.81%% in '64).
Defence Industries in the 21st Century explores the transformation in the global defence industrial production through examining the interaction between international and domestic factors. With the global defence industry and arms market likely continue to expand and mature, the ways in which this progression could influence international politics remain obscure. In practice, as the contents of this book show, the defence industrial bases and arms export policies of emerging states display significant variance. This variance is the result of a unique balance between domestic and international factors that has shaped the defence industrialisation behaviour and policies of the less industriali...
Ambientado no bairro de Cavalcanti, no subúrbio carioca, Safiras de Candinho gira em torno do amor de Antônio Candido por Maria das Neves. Ele, dançarino da comissão de frente da Portela, ela, menina que sonha em ser professora. Mundos diferentes, mas que se correspondem ao longo da história. Recheado de fatos históricos e de figuras que marcaram uma época, o romance tece uma série de acontecimentos que mistura mundo espiritual e samba. José Leonídio desfila uma sequência de personagens bem delineados para falar da riqueza cultural do bairro, assim como da realidade do cotidiano de pessoas simples, da resistência e persistência de nossa gente.
Provides a simple exposition of the basic time series material, and insights into underlying technical aspects and methods of proof Long memory time series are characterized by a strong dependence between distant events. This book introduces readers to the theory and foundations of univariate time series analysis with a focus on long memory and fractional integration, which are embedded into the general framework. It presents the general theory of time series, including some issues that are not treated in other books on time series, such as ergodicity, persistence versus memory, asymptotic properties of the periodogram, and Whittle estimation. Further chapters address the general functional ...
O livro “Transtorno do Espectro Autista: concepção atual e multidisciplinar na saúde”, que tive o prazer de organizar, trata-se de uma obra literária científica onde pudemos selecionar cuidadosamente os temas a serem publicados, baseados na própria ideia conceitual do livro, que seria uma abordagem multidisciplinar com informações atualizadas e recentes sobre o TEA. Longe de trazer soluções e respostas para todos os questionamentos e dúvidas sobre o TEA, este livro teve como objetivo abrir espaço para que a comunidade acadêmica dialogasse livremente com o tema, onde cada autor de capítulo, diante de sua expertise, pudesse compartilhar com os leitores informações que ajudassem a entender um pouco mais sobre o TEA e as pessoas com este transtorno.
Many economic theories depend on the presence or absence of a unit root for their validity, making familiarity with unit roots extremely important to econometric and statistical theory. This book introduces the literature on unit roots in a comprehensive manner to empirical and theoretical researchers in economics and other areas.
This book offers the state of the art on the progress and accomplishments of 25 years of research at the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM - Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering - Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials on lignin conversion to value-added products and their downstream separation. The first valorisation pathway presented for lignin is its partial depolymerisation by oxidation for the production of low molecular weight phenolic compounds, such as vanillin and syringaldehyde, and the second one is the lignin application as macromonomer for polyurethane synthesis. In this book, the authors present the integration of these two valorisation pathways as an exclusive vision o...
A modern and rigorous introduction to long-range dependence and self-similarity, complemented by numerous more specialized up-to-date topics in this research area.