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The HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system is still recognised internationally as the most effective way to produce safe food throughout the supply chain, but a HACCP system cannot operate in a vacuum. It requires prerequisite programmes to be in place and it can be highly affected by, or dependent upon, other major considerations such as animal, plant, human and environmental health, food security and food defence. This book: Provides a practical and up-to-date text covering the essentials of food safety management in the global supply chain, giving the reader the knowledge and skills that they need to design, implement and maintain a world-class food safety programme. B...
Buku Mewarnai Tematik Dunia Veteriner Aku Ingin Menjadi Dokter Hewan ini berisi pengenalan profesi dokter hewan secara lengkap yang disampaikan secara sederhana dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami, berurutan, dan dilengkapi dengan aktivitas mewarnai gambar-gambar yang lucu dan menarik. Buku ini secara lengkap berisi tentang tugas-tugas dokter hewan dalam mengobati hewan dan menjaga kesehatan susu, daging, dan telur sebagai sumber protein hewani.
Cerita pendek dalam buku ini memiliki makna bahwa dari setiap karya yang terdapat di dalamnya begitu kreatif dan pastinya mengagumkan. Ide serta gagasan yang penulis miliki, penulis tuangkan semaksimal mungkin hingga terciptalah sebuah karya sastra yang begitu mengesankan. Beragam tema dan amanat yang terdapat pada cerita ini diharapkan dapat memberikan hal positif bagi para pembaca.
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Tidak ada orang yang selamanya baik-baik saja di dunia ini. Karena sejatinya Tuhan menciptakan dunia sebagai ujian untuk memfilter pribadi-pribadi yang layak dimuliakan oleh-Nya. Tidak ada seorang pun yang terhindar dari ujian hidup. Setiap kita pasti pernah mengalami masa-masa sulit, kegagalan, perpisahan, kebangkrutan, kehilangan, atau beragam ujian yang lain. Dunia memang tempat beralih, dari satu ujian ke ujian yang lain. Yang perlu kita perbaiki adalah perspektif kita memandang ujian. Jadikan ujian sebagai sarana yang dihadirkan Tuhan untuk mendewasakan jiwa kita. Ujian adalah alat untuk membentuk kita menjadi individu yang lebih kuat dan sabar. Ketika menghadapi ujian, kita dihadapkan ...
This is an open access book. This joint conference features four international conferences: International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI), International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (ICCSAL), International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS), and International Conference of Social Science and Law (ICSSL).It encourages dissemination of ideas in arts and humanities and provides a forum for intellectuals from all over the world to discuss and present their research findings on the research areas. This conference was held in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia on September 10, 2022 – September 11, 2022. We are inviting academics, researchers, and practitioners to submit research-based papers or theoretical papers that address any topics within the broad areas of Arts and Humanities.
Buku berjudul “Bagai Air di Atas Daun Talas” ini berisi tiga puluh cerpen pilihan yang dua di antaranya adalah cerpen peraih juara 1 dan 3 Sayembara Sastra untuk Pemula yang diadakan oleh Thesastra, yakni “DjajakaNoeari dan Teropong Matahari” karya Salsabila Nur dan “Uccarana Yajuh” karya Naila Putri Dwi Prana. Kami sangat berharap bahwa keberadaan buku ini di tangan pembaca adalah suatu pencapaian yang baik sesuai tujuan kami dalam rangka melebarkan sayap literasi dan melestarikan budaya bangsa sesuai dengan tujuan ajang ini diselenggarakan. Atas nama penyelenggara, kami ucapkan terima kasih dan salam Literasi!
Grammar Stories is a report of the students’ outcome of English Sentence Structure taught in 5 classes. This writing project is developed for our students to have an opportunity to reflect their learning -not only their specific knowledge through our grammar courses, but also what curriculum 4.0 promotes -and express their thoughts through their writing of given themes.
Extrusion Cooking provides a detailed description of extrusion processing with an in-depth exploration of cereal grains processing. In particular, the book addresses the basic principles of extrusion processing, various extruder parts and their design principles, food ingredients and their characteristics as they relate to extrusion. It also discusses physicochemical changes in the different ingredient components as they are processed in an extruder, modeling and control of extrusion process, scale-up aspects, extrusion plant design, food safety in extrusion, new advancements in extrusion, and a look into the future of extrusion. This valuable text serves as a one-volume reference on extrusi...
This is an open access book. Welcome to the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2023 held by State University of Surabaya.This joint conference features four international conferences: the International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2023, the International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (ICCSAL) 2023, the International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS) 2023, and the International Conference of SocialScience and Law (ICSSL) 2023 .It encourages dissemination of ideas in arts and humanity and provides a forum for intellectuals from all over the world to discuss and present their research findings on the research area. This conference was held in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia on August 26th, 2023 - September 10th, 2023