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Pediatria amb seny, que reuneix tres llibres en un (guia mèdica + guia educativa + fitxes i resum), us ajudarà a ser més bons pares o cuidadors i, sobretot, a tenir uns fills sans, física i mentalment. Tot això amb una bona sodi de seny. Criar un fill és un repte bonic però difícil, perquè demana certes dosis de reflexos i recursos personals que no s'aprenen a cap escola. Aquest és un llibre diferent i innovador. Aquestes pàgines són les vostres companyes de viatge. Pediatria amb seny és una obra rigorosa, senzilla, directa i sobretot molt amena. Exposa cada etapa del creixement dels nens, l'alimentació, el son, les seves actituds i els possibles problemes de salut. Per mitjà ...
«De la rauxa i del seny conté un total de vint-i-vuit poemes repartits en quatre blocs. Resulta interessant la contraposició del títol del primer bloc, "Cercant el seny", amb el del segon, "Rauxa dels temps", perquè l'un ens porta cap al sentit comú, cap a la maduresa i l'equilibri vinculats —aparentment— amb el pas del temps, i l'altre ens remet a rampells i situacions sobtades, fruit d'un temps i d'un moment concrets. En el tercer bloc, "Oratges", que ens evoca tant el suau vent terral com el temps climatològic, trobem una introspecció nítida i veraç, valenta. El bloc final rebla i sintetitza la intenció del poemari que ja hem anat exposant. En definitiva, i tant si ens deixem portar pel seny com per la rauxa, la lectura d'aquests poemes esdevindrà, sens dubte, reconfortable.
The building of human towers (castells) is a centuries-old traditional sport where hundreds of men, women, and children gather in Catalan squares to create breathtaking edifices through a feat of collective athleticism. The result is a great spectacle of effort and overcoming, tension and release. Catalonia's Human Towers is an ethnographic look at the thriving castells practice—a symbol of Catalan cultural heritage and identity amid debates around national autonomy and secession from Spain. While the main function of building castells is to grow community through a low-cost, intergenerational, and inclusive leisure activity, Mariann Vaczi reveals how this unique sport also provides a social base, image, and vocabulary for the independence movement. Highlighting the intersection of folklore, performance, and sport, Catalonia's Human Towers captures the subtle processes by which the body becomes politicized and ideology becomes embodied, with all the desires, risks and precarities of collective constructions.
Sportsman's Connection's Eastern New York All-Outdoors Atlas & Field Guide contains maps created at twice the scale of other road atlases, which means double the detail. And while the maps are sure to be the finest quality you have ever used, the thing that makes this book unique is all the additional information. Your favorite outdoor activities including fishing lakes and streams, hunting, camping, hiking and biking,snowmobiling and off-roading, paddeling, skiing, golfing and wildlife viewing are covered in great depth with helpful editorial and extensive tables, which are all cross-referenced and indexed to the map pages in a way that's fun and easy to use.
This book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent, Interactive Systems and Applications (IISA2018), held in Hong Kong, China on June 29–30, 2018. It consists of contributions from diverse areas of intelligent interactive systems (IIS), such as: autonomous systems; pattern recognition and vision systems; e-enabled systems; mobile computing and intelligent networking; Internet & cloud computing; intelligent systems and applications. The book covers the latest ideas and innovations from both the industrial and academic worlds, and shares the best practices in the fields of computer science, communication engineering and latest applications of IOT and its use in industry. It also discusses key research outputs, providing readers with a wealth of new ideas and food for thought.
The XXI International Congress for Analytical Psychology was held in Vienna, the birthplace of psychoanalysis. It brought together an unprecedented number of participants from all over the world and from different fields of knowledge. The theme: Encountering the Other: Within us, between us and in the world, a most relevant and urgent topic of the contemporary discourse among clinicians and academics alike, was explored in a rich and diverse program of pre-congress workshops, master classes, plenary and breakout presentations and posters. The Proceedings are published as two volumes: a printed edition of the plenary presentations, and an e-Book with the complete material presented at the Con...