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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, ICONESS 2023, held in Purwokerto, Indonesia, in 22-23 July 2023. The 88 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 198 submissions. The papers reflect the conference sessions as follows: Education (Curriculum and Instruction, Education and Development, Educational Psychology, Social Science Education, and Elementary Education); Religion (Islamic Education, Islamic Civilization, and Shariah Economic), and Literation (Teaching English as a Second Language/TESL, Language and Communication, Literacy).
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been fast growing since its evolution and experiments with various new add-on features; human efficiency is one among those and the most controversial topic. This chapter focuses on its attention towards studying human consciousness and AI independently and in conjunction. It provides theories and arguments on AI being able to adapt human-like consciousness, cognitive abilities and ethics. This chapter studies responses of more than 300 candidates of the Indian population and compares it against the literature review. Furthermore, it also discusses whether AI could attain consciousness, develop its own set of cognitive abilities (cognitive AI), ethics (AI ethics) and overcome human beings’ efficiency. This chapter is a study of the Indian population’s understanding of consciousness, cognitive AI and AI ethics.
Jika ada perlawanan untuk menerapkan prinsip retroaktif dan tanggung jawab komandan untuk kasus-kasus berat di masa lampau, kita harus kembali kepada proses legalitas yang benar. Tidak ada yang meragukan membunuh terkategori sebagai kejahatan dalam hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia, kapan pun, juga yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Foreign language lessons often provide translations into a foreign language of phrases students would normally use in their native language and cultural setting. Particularly when studying a non-Western language, such direct translation is very misleading. Students must instead learn the conventions that guide human interactions, so they know both what to say and how to say it. In this text, therefore, the sociological context of Javanese is explained as thoroughly as Javanese grammar. The book presents Javanese in its full complexity and range in order to illustrate a cultural appoach to a non-Western language; it will therefore be of interest not only to language learners, but to linguists, sociologists, anthropologists, and many others.
"Dalam buku ini, Penulis mengungkapkan bagaimana pengaturan HAM dalam hukum keadaan darurat dan praktiknya di lapangan, yakni pelanggaran HAM seperti apa yang dibenarkan dalam hukum keadaan darurat dan bagaimana Pemerintah menyelesaikan pelanggaran HAM dalam keadaan darurat tersebut, serta hal-hal baru yang ditemukan dalam penulisan buku ini. Hal-hal baru dimaksud seperti: ""kompensasi"" terhadap korban pelanggaran HAM akibat pemberlakuan status hukum keadaan darurat sebaiknya dipisahkan dengan proses hukum, tetapi cukup dibuktikan oleh tim medis/dokter dari Rumah Sakit yang ditunjuk Pemerintah. Kemudian, bagaimana seharusnya Pemerintah menerapkan pemberlakuan status hukum keadaan darurat ya...
Pada 2 Januari 1975, saya kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar, berdirilah bangunan megah itu. Resmi anak-anak SMA Negeri 28 Filial mulai belajar. Pada bagian punggug kaos seragam olah raga tertulis SMAN 28 FILIAL JAKARTA. Induknya, sampai saat ini masih di yang berada di Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Dua tahun kemudian sekolah itu beruah status dari filial SMAN 28 menjadi SMAN 38 Jakarta. Dasar hukumnya jelas, berdasarkan SK Menteri Pendidikan Nomor 0189a0/1979. Mengeang suasana sekolah dahulu adalah mengingat penderitaan. Fasilitas jauh dari mewah. Lapangan becek, atap bocor, dan lingkungan banjir ketika diguyur hujan adalah kenikmatan sehari-hari. Tentu teman-teman masih ingat ketika memasukin arena se...