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"The collection of the contributions to these volumes offers a flavor of the plethora of different approaches to attack structured matrix problems. The reader will find that the theory of structured matrices is positioned to bridge diverse applications in the sciences and engineering, deep mathematical theories, as well as computational and numberical issues. The presentation fully illustrates the fact that the technicques of engineers, mathematicisn, and numerical analysts nicely complement each other, and they all contribute to one unified theory of structured matrices"--Back cover.
This user-friendly, engaging textbook makes the material accessible to graduate students and new researchers who wish to study the rapidly exploding area of computations with structured matrices and polynomials. The book goes beyond research frontiers and, apart from very recent research articles, includes previously unpublished results.
This volume reflects the proceedings from an international conference on celestial mechanics held at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) in celebration of Donald Saari's sixtieth birthday. Many leading experts and researchers presented their recent results. Don Saari's significant contribution to the field came in the late 1960s through a series of important works. His work revived the singularity theory in the $n$-body problem which was started by Poincare and Painleve. Saari'ssolution of the Littlewood conjecture, his work on singularities, collision and noncollision, on central configurations, his decompositions of configurational velocities, etc., are still much studied today and were...
This volume presents articles from several lectures presented at the school on ``Quantum Symmetries in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics'' held in Bariloche, Argentina. The various lecturers provided significantly different points of view on several aspects of Hopf algebras, quantum group theory, and noncommutative differential geometry, ranging from analysis, geometry, and algebra to physical models, especially in connection with integrable systems and conformal field theories.Primary topics discussed in the text include subgroups of quantum $SU(N)$, quantum ADE classifications and generalized Coxeter systems, modular invariance, defects and boundaries in conformal field theory, finite dimensional Hopf algebras, Lie bialgebras and Belavin-Drinfeld triples, real forms ofquantum spaces, perturbative and non-perturbative Yang-Baxter operators, braided subfactors in operator algebras and conformal field theory, and generalized ($d$) cohomologies.
This volume contains papers based on some of the talks given at the NSF-CBMS conference on ``The Geometrical Study of Differential Equations'' held at Howard University (Washington, DC). The collected papers present important recent developments in this area, including the treatment of nontransversal group actions in the theory of group invariant solutions of PDEs, a method for obtaining discrete symmetries of differential equations, the establishment of a group-invariant version of the variational complex based on a general moving frame construction, the introduction of a new variational complex for the calculus of difference equations and an original structural investigation of Lie-Backlun...
For the second time, a Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics took place at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Cuernavaca. The purpose of the schools is to provide a bridge from standard graduate courses in mathematics to current research topics, particularly in analysis. The lectures are given by internationally recognized specialists in the fields. The topics covered in this Second Summer School include harmonic analysis, complex analysis, pseudodifferential operators, the mathematics of quantum chaos, and non-linear analysis.
This volume presents 19 refereed articles written by participants in the Singapore International Symposium in Topology and Geometry (SISTAG), held July 2-6, 2001, at the National University of Singapore. Rather than being a simple snapshot of the meeting in the form of a proceedings, it serves as a commemorative volume consisting of papers selected to show the diversity and depth of the mathematics presented at SISTAG. The book contains articles on low-dimensional topology, algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry, and algebraic topology. While papers reflect the focus of the conference, many documents written after SISTAG and included in this volume represent the most up-to-date thinking in the fields of topology and geometry. While representation from Pacific Rim countries is strong, the list of contributors is international in scope and includes many recognized experts. This volume is of interest to graduate students and mathematicians working in the fields of algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry, algebraic, geometric and low-dimensional topology, and mathematical physics.
Gathers the 14 papers presented during a March 2000 symposium on algebraic geometry. The contributors survey the links between geometry and the theory of Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equations, as well as new developments in orbifold string theory. Other papers investigate orthogonal complex hyperbolic arrangements, vector bundles on the cubic threefold, using symmetry to count rational curves, the Nash conjecture for non-projective threefolds, and the punctual Hilbert scheme of a symplectic fourfold. No index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Science and engineering have been great sources of problems and inspiration for generations of mathematicians. This is probably true now more than ever as numerous challenges in science and technology are met by mathematicians. One of these challenges is understanding propagation of waves of different nature in systems of complex structure. This book contains the proceedings of the research conference, ``Waves in Periodic and Random Media''. Papers are devoted to a number of related themes, including spectral theory of periodic differential operators, Anderson localization and spectral theory of random operators, photonic crystals, waveguide theory, mesoscopic systems, and designer random surfaces. Contributions are written by prominent experts and are of interest to researchers and graduate students in mathematical physics.
This collection is the proceedings volume for the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category, held in 2001 at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. The conference attracted an international group of 37 participants that included many leading experts. The contributions included here represent some of the field's most able practitioners. With a surge of recent activity, exciting advances have been made in this field, including the resolution of several long-standing conjectures. Lusternik-Schnirelmann category is a numerical homotopy invariant that also provides a lower bound for the number of critical points of a smooth function on a manifold. The study o...