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Psychiatric conditions of all kinds can present in sporting populations due to the high intensity physical effort, competition and anxiety associated with competitive sports. Mental illness is not just a health concern but is likely to have a significant impact on sporting performance and achievement. Part of the Oxford Psychiatry Library series, this concise and practical pocketbook covers the breadth of psychiatric conditions that can present in sportsmen and sportswomen. It provides practical and up-to-date guidance which is invaluable for all health professionals working within sporting communities. There are a variety of topics covered from 'Eating disorders' to 'Psychotropic drug prescribing' and it is based on the latest research to help health professionals working within sport better assess mental health problems and support those in need.
Walken, Joggen und Radfahren für die Seele? Jeder weiß: Sport hält den Körper gesund. Immer mehr Studien zeigen jetzt, dass regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität auch bei psychischen Erkrankungen helfen kann. Aber oft fehlt es bislang an verlässlichem Wissen über die krankheitsspezifischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen der systematischen Bewegung. Dieses Buch schließt hier erstmals eine Lücke: Denn obwohl Sport- und Bewegungstherapien bereits in fast allen psychiatrischen Einrichtungen eingesetzt werden, wird diese Behandlungsmethode in der fachärztlichen psychiatrischen Weiterbildung bisher noch nicht vermittelt und in psychiatrischen Lehrbüchern kaum beschrieben. Die Autor...
Cardiac Markers is a comprehensive, up-to-date summary of clinical information on serum cardiac markers for coronary artery disease. This book reviews in detail the biochemistry, clinical significance, and analytical measurements for each marker, as well as the advantages and limitations of existing and proposed markers. Comprehensive descriptions of therapeutic approaches to manage patients are presented. Also included are up-to-date listings of primary references and commercial methodologies, the latest data on the pathophysiology of unstable angina, and a discussion of the new emergency-room chest pain centers. Anyone who needs to know how to examine, diagnose, treat, and manage patients with acute chest pain and heart attacks will find this book indispensable.
V obecném povědomí je deprese vnímána spíše jako ženská choroba. Přestože je dodnes u mužů diagnostikována méně často, její dopad na muže je závažnější a muži si v jejím důsledku častěji berou život. Na vině je mimo jiné mýtus, že „správný chlap nebrečí“, který muže často vede k tomu, že své potíže skrývají před druhými i sami před sebou – a unikají do práce či do závislosti na alkoholu, jsou chronicky podráždění, „bolí je záda“ a podobně. Tato kniha je jednou z prvních na téma mužské deprese. Je určena pro ty, kdo trpí vážnou depresí, pro ty, kdo krizi přestáli, ale obávají se jejího návratu, i pro ty, kdo...
Depressionen im Spitzensport sind seit den Suiziden bekannter Athleten und Athletinnen ein Dauerthema im öffentlichen Diskurs. Der Leidensdruck betroffener Akteure ergibt sich dabei nicht allein aus innerpsychischen Vorgängen, sondern hängt auch von der Art und Weise ab, wie über Depressionen kommuniziert wird. Schließlich beobachten die Leidenden ihre Situation vor allem anhand sprachlicher Konstruktionen, die gesellschaftlich verfügbar sind. Felix Kühnle klärt über die sozialen Bedingungen auf, die die Kommunikation über Depressionen im Spitzensport antreiben und das Schicksal der Betroffenen wesentlich beeinflussen.
The ISSP Manual of Sports Psychiatry is the first text describing the role of a sports psychiatrist. Covering both individual as well as team sports, contact and non-contact, from childhood through late adulthood, the manual describes the role of sports in our culture and details the psychiatric interventions associated with players and their teams. The editors take a broad focus, covering topics from neuroscience-psychiatric and psychological aspects, performance enhancement, team chemistry and dynamics, organizational issues to working with medical, orthopedic/surgical and neurologic colleagues to provide comprehensive prevention and treatment to enhance well-being and performance. This text will be invaluable to medical and psychiatric physicians, psychologists and other mental health professionals, as well as athletes, trainers, leagues and their commissioners, sports writers-and even "fans" anxious to understand what is going on with their teams.
Das erste umfassende Sachbuch zum Tabu-Thema Männerdepression Immer mehr Männer leiden unter Depressionen. Doch die Krankheit wird häufig verdrängt oder von Ärzten nicht erkannt. Denn Männer leiden anders: Sie stürzen sich in die Arbeit, flüchten in den Alkohol oder sind ständig gereizt. Im ersten umfassenden Sachbuch zum Tabu-Thema Männerdepression klären Constanze Löffler und Beate Wagner, welche Anzeichen auf die Krankheit hindeuten, was die beste Therapie ist und wie man Betroffene unterstützt. Mit konkreten Fallbeispielen und zahlreichen Expertentipps zeigen die Autorinnen, dass es einen Weg aus der Depression gibt.
The ongoing debate on the use of DNA profiles to identify perpetrators in criminal investigations or fathers in paternity disputes has too often been conducted with no regard to sound statistical, genetic or legal reasoning. The contributors to Human Identification: The Use of DNA Markers all have considerable experience in forensic science, statistical genetics or jurimetrics, and many of them have had to explain the scientific issues involved in using DNA profiles to judges and juries. Although the authors hold differing views on some of the issues, they have all produced accounts which pay due attention to the, sometimes troubling, issues of independence of components of the profiles and of population substructures. The book presents the considerable evolution of ideas that has occurred since the 1992 Report of the National Research Council of the U.S. Audience: Indispensable to forensic scientists, laying out the concepts to all those with an interest in the use of genetic information. The chapters and exhaustive bibliography are vital information for all lawyers who must prosecute or defend DNA cases, and to judges trying such cases.
A few clear factors are associated with living longer and healthier — such as higher levels of physical activity, good sleep patterns and proper nutrition. However, despite all the advances that have been made to increase the general population's physical activity, improve their sleep patterns, and boost their nutritional habits, there is still a lot to be done. This Research Topic aims to address the topic of healthy ageing and will consider manuscripts focused on the effects of improving these factors in all ages, from childhood to old age. We are mainly interested in questions of broader interventions at the individual (home settings), group (school, work, and gerontology settings), and societal level (community/based settings). We also welcome papers investigating the short- and long-term effects of environmental factors on physical changes in children, working and old age populations and their development. Correlational and survey studies examining the issues mentioned above are welcome.