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“Indonesia’s Path toward Middlepowership” is a book deliberately constructed by scholarship around Indonesia and ASEAN to raise awareness of Indonesia’s potential, new leanings and efforts made towards the title of middlepowership in the International order. The content is a rewritten version of papers contributed by scholars for the event called Renaissance which is a short form of Reaffirming Indonesia’s Foreign Affairs in Airlangga International Seminar and Conference. As this book aims to explain the broad elements and concept of Indonesia’s middlepowership it is then divided into 4 distinct chapters that is chosen based on its significancy and reliability on being indicators of middle power country which are: (1) Indonesia’s Maritime Security and its Dynamics (2) Political Economy as Material Modality towards Middlepowership (3) Socio-Cultural Aspects as Imaterial Modality towards Middlepowership and (4) Indonesia’s Domestic Political Affairs and Its Dynamics.
This edited volume explores the contours of Global International Relations (IR) in terms of teaching and research in Southeast Asia and China with the purpose of revealing existing and “hidden” pre- theories, conceptual frameworks, and theoretical contributions to Global IR rooted in local histories, contemporary experiences, and indigenous thought. The exploration is conducted within a context where scholars across regions are progressively taking strides to reshape IR, which has long gravitated towards Western experiences, thought, and knowledge, into a more inclusive discipline. Otherwise known as the Global IR project, these efforts aim not only to amplify marginalized voices and experiences but also introduce new conceptual and theoretical tools derived from a diverse range of experiences. While some of these insights provide new understandings, others offer useful implications that transcend national and regional boundaries, fostering crossregional discussions about the diverse realities within our world. An essential read for scholars and students of IR with an interest in Global IR, IR theory in general, and the development of IR in parts of Southeast Asia.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the world to adapt to a new normality. It has caused significant changes to manyaspects of human life, including toInternational Relations dynamics and practices. The changes are noticeable in the patterns of relations among actors, the structure of the international system, as well asthe level of strategic significance certain issues hold. The transformation is inevitable;it seems to benecessary to make the world more adaptive to thisnew reality,more responsive to the demands of the pandemic, and more able to appropriately face and deal with the consequences and challenges caused by it. This phenomenon has triggeredthe construction of an array of discourse a...
The speed and scale of climate change presents unique and potentially monumental security implications for individuals, future generations, international institutions and states. Long-dominant security paradigms and policies may no longer be appropriate for dealing with these new security risks of the Anthropocene. In response to this phenomenon, this book investigates how states have reacted to these new challenges and how their different understandings of the climate-security nexus might shape global actions on climate change. It focuses on the perceptions, framings, and policies of climate security by members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the world's highest ranking multi...
Politik identitas mengalami ledakan dahsyat di Pilkada DKI tahun 2017. Prima causanya dipicu pernyataan dari Calon Gubernur DKI Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) tentang Al-Qur'an Surat Al-Maidah ayat 51. Yang kemudian menyulut reaksi berbagai kalangan yang juga bernuansa politik identitas. Sehingga menimbulkan konflik, friksi, polarisasi, provokasi, penolakan kampanye dan sebagainya. Pilkada serentak 2018 dan terutama Pilpres 2019, sebagai suatu isu, politik dientitas mengalami kemerosotan. Tetapi sebagai praktik dan strategi kampanye, justeru mengalami penguatan. Boleh dikatakan, hampir semua calon presiden dan tim kampanye menerapkan politik identitas. Luar biasanya, dinamika politik identitas tetap terkendali dan nyaris tanpa menimbulkan konflik tajam. Buku ini mencoba mendeskripsikan dan mengalanisis secara kritis konflik politik identitas di Pilkada DKI 2017, Pilkada Serentak 2018 dan Pilpres 2019 dari perspektif peraturan perundangan Pemilu, politik, agama serta fenomena cengkraman oligarki yang menguasai media dan partai politik. Karenanya, buku ini layak dibaca oleh mereka yang tertarik dengan isu-isu demokrasi elektoral.
Penerbit: Airlangga University Press ISBN:9786024736163 Buku ini merupakan hasil pemikiran dan penelitian penulis mengenai perkembangan kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia. Penulis menggunakan dua pendekatan, yakni politik domestik dan lingkungan eksternal, terutama dinamika kawasan Asia Tenggara, Asia Timur, dan Asia Pasifik, sekarang terintegrasi dalam Indo-Pasifik. Meskipun ditujukan untuk memahami dan menjelaskan perilaku para pembuat kebijakan serta implikasi tindakan yang dilakukan, kajian tematis buku ini tidak sepenuhnya bersifat deskriptif historis. Fokus analisis lebih pada isu dan kejadian penting yang mewarnai diplomasi Indonesia selama 10 tahun terakhir. Untuk itu, struktur pembahas...
'Non-traditional', border-spanning security problems pervade the global agenda. This is the first book that systematically explains how they are managed.
Buku ini hadir di tengah semakin gencarnya Tiongkok menawarkan investasi yang ada dalam rancangan besar Belt Road Initiative (BRI). Proyek prestisius yang menandai bangkitnya kembali China dengan coba menghubungkan China dengan kawasan Asia, Afrika, sampai ke Eropa. BRI mencoba merekonstruksi kembali kejayaan China lewat jalur sutra darat dan laut yang pernah dikuasainya. Proyek ini dalam perkembangannya juga melibatkan kawasan Amerika dan Pasifik. Sektor yang dikerjasamakan juga berkembang, tidak hanya soal infrastruktur tapi juga meliputi pertukaran budaya dan mobilitas orang.
The sustainable forestry challenge. The failure of implementation of forestry laws in Brazil. Enforcement of forestry laws in Finland. Analysis and recommendations.
In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled what would come to be known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—a global development strategy involving infrastructure projects and associated financing throughout the world, including Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. While the Chinese government has framed the plan as one promoting transnational connectivity, critics and security experts see it as part of a larger strategy to achieve global dominance. Rivers of Iron examines one aspect of President Xi Jinping’s “New Era”: China’s effort to create an intercountry railway system connecting China and its seven Southeast Asian neighbors (Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia,...