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This study reveals important aspects in the contents of the poetic achievement of Hatif Janabi – the son of the Arab environment with its ancient culture, and at the same time a companion of Polish culture, which is distinguished among European societies by its unique Slavic character. Janabi’s poetry expresses a great sensitivity to the hardships of life in a world of painful alienation, revealing anxieties of expatriation and the writer’s philosophy of existence. This is what makes his poetry an expression of human concerns and a revelation close to the soul, not to mention its great intellectual value that makes it a true representative of two ancient cultures – Eastern and Europe...
This book contains selected papers delivered during the 22nd Congress of L'Union Europenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, held in Poland, from 29th September to 4th October 2004. The proceedings have been arranged into four thematic sections: (1) Theology and Philosophy, (2) Literature, (3) History of State and Society, and (4) Philology and Linguistics, though quite a number of the papers were of an interdisciplinary character. The authors of the 37 publications presented in this volume represent the international academic community and present in their articles the results of the latest research and studies into the areas touching on history, culture, literature, religion and art to mention a few. They constitute various attempts to answer the following questions: What is the meaning of Authority? and What is the place of the individual in Society? The book is essential source reading for specialists and students. This book is also recommended to all those who wish to become better acquainted with the problems and issues of the Arab-Muslim world.
Due to the diversity of perspectives and methodologies within the relative uniformity of the subject, this collection of papers offers a rich overview of the multidisciplinary research on Arabic literature. The book includes two thematic parts. The first of them pertains to studies on Arabic literature, more precisely, on historical chronicles concerning the First Crusade, one of al-Ğāḥiẓ's Treatise and also Modern Egyptian, Moroccan and Omani literary production. The second section of the volume contains papers on Semitic languages: Modern Hebrew, Maltese, Classical, Modern Standard, Egyptian and Lebanese Arabic. The volume is devoted to Elżbieta Gorska.
Covering 60 years of materials, this bibliography cites translations, studies, and other writings, which represent Iraq's national literature, including recent works of numerous Iraqi writers living in Western exile. The volume serves as a guide to three interrelated data: o Translations that have appeared since 1950, as books or as individual items (poems, short stories, novel extracts, plays, diaries) in print-and non-print publications in Iraq and other Arab and English-speaking countries, including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. o Relevant studies and other secondary sources including selected reviews and author interviews, which cover Iraqi literature and ...
Dzieje arabistyki polskiej w okresie PRL, czyli historia dwóch uniwersyteckich katedr arabistyki: na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim i na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Zrekonstruowano historię instytucji w oparciu o materiał źródłowy i poddano analizie procesy modernizacji dydaktyki i badań naukowych oraz podsumowano dorobek. Książka jest pierwszą z trzech publikacji o historii arabistyki polskiej w okresie PRL, dedykowaną dziejom arabistyki jako instytucji (w głównej mierze dwóm uniwersyteckim katedrom arabistyki: na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim i Uniwersytecie Warszawskim). Obejmuje okres grynderski (poprzedzający formalne powstanie placówek), narodziny instytucji i ich rozwój, ...
Podstawowym celem, który wyznaczyła sobie autorka, jest analiza walki bez przemocy podejmowanej przez Palestyńczyków mieszkających na Zachodnim Brzegu Jordanu. Walki bez przemocy – czyli rodzaju walki prowadzonej przez społeczność cywilną, u której podstaw leży nieposuwanie się do przemocy fizycznej, a nawet niewysuwanie groźby jej użycia. Taka forma walki przewiduje natomiast korzystanie z całego zestawu nacisków o charakterze politycznym, gospodarczym, społecznym oraz moralnym i psychologicznym. Autorka podejmuje próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego mimo długoletniego doświadczenia i konsekwencji walki bez przemocy przeciw polityce Izraela Palestyńczycy nie odnosz...
"... takes a new look at the situation in one of the hottest spots on the globe and asks what impact the politicization of women will have on the lives of people in the emerging Palestinian state." -- NWSA Journal This volume introduces the reader to the social and political roles and challenges faced by women of Arab/Palestinian society. Even Arabic commentators have failed to accurately assess the contributions of women within the struggles of Gaza and the West Bank. These essays, written from an "insider's" perspective, show how Palestinian women confront issues of gender, feminism, and the national agenda.