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For over a century our knowledge of Egypt’s Western Desert during the Third Intermediate Period relied almost entirely on the Greater and Smaller Dakhleh Stelae. These two significant documents were purchased by Henry Lyons in 1894 in Dakhleh Oasis and indicated the existence of a substantial temple at Mut al-Kharab dedicated to the god Seth. Apart from these sources, very little information from the Western Desert could be dated to this period. Excavations at Mut al-Kharab began in 2000 and in recent years, evidence from the Third Intermediate Period temple has grown considerably. A range of artefacts has been unearthed, including decorated temple blocks, stelae, ostraka, in situ architec...
The Hellenistic necropolis of Plinthine, located about 800 m west of the urban settlement of Kom el Nogus/Plinthine, on the western margins of the Alexandrian chora, was built on and in the calcarenite ridge or taenia that separates the Mediterranean from Lake Mariut. It has been celebrated as a miniature version of the great Alexandrian necropolises since the first excavations by Achille Adriani in 1937, followed by various unpublished explorations. Nevertheless, it had not been the subject of a comprehensive study combining architectural analysis and investigation of funerary practices. The policy followed by the French expedition (MFTMP)-systematic architectural survey of a necropolis too often previously analyzed through the prism of a few hypogeas, emphasis on phasing, anthropological studies-made it possible to give a more global vision of the Plinthine necropolis than that provided by earlier studies: the dead are no longer absent and the necropolis reveals a history parallel to that of the Plinthine Hellenistic town.
El yacimiento arqueológico de Medamud, algo al norte de Karnak, en el Alto Egipto, destaca en la historiografía egiptológica por ser uno de los primeros lugares donde se pudieron documentar las sucesivas etapas de la historia de un templo y su complejo arquitectónico desde sus orígenes, en plena época faraónica, hasta los tiempos tardorromanos y bizantinos. Las primeras excavaciones en el lugar fueron llevadas a cabo en los años veinte y treinta por el Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale (IFAO) de El Cairo y el Museo del Louvre. Estas campañas arqueológicas proporcionaron gran cantidad de materiales cerámicos, tanto recipientes como terracotas, soportes o canalizaciones,...
Esta obra recoge las aportaciones de especialistas en Egiptología, las últimas investigaciones realizadas en las misiones arqueológicas que se están realizando en Egipto del mundo Ibérico (España, Portugal, Argentina, Brasil), al tiempo que presenta al lector las principales líneas de investigación que se están desarrollando en la actualidad. A lo largo de las contribuciones puede comprobarse la calidad científica que la egiptología ha adquirido en las últimas décadas en el ámbito ibérico, una disciplina que aún no tiene una especialidad reconocida, como sucede en otros países europeos donde la tradición e investigación se remontan a comienzos del siglo XIX. La historia, la religión, la arqueología, el arte o la economía y sociedad Faraónicas, son analizadas en esta obra en la que el lector podrá encontrar también un amplio material gráfico y bibliográfico, acercándole todo ello a un mejor conocimiento de la cultura Faraónica.
Camels are first mentioned in the Bible as the movable property of Abraham. During the early monarchy, they feature prominently as long-distance mounts for the Queen of Sheba, and almost a millennium later, the Gospels tell us about the impossibility of a camel passing through a needle’s eye. Given the limited extrabiblical evidence for camels before circa 1000 BCE, a thorough investigation of the spatio-temporal history of the camel in the ancient Near and Middle East is necessary to understand their early appearance in the Hebrew Bible. Camels in the Biblical World is a two-part study that charts the cultural trajectories of two domestic species—the two-humped or Bactrian camel (Camelu...
The French excavations at Medamud took place between 1924 and 1939 under the direction of F. Bisson de la Roque (1924-1932) and Cl. Robichon (1933-1939). They uncovered numerous monuments ranging in date from the 11th Dynasty to the Byzantine period. All of the documentation constitutes a rich but heterogeneous corpus. However, since the publication of the excavations was uneven, it has been necessary to recreate the process of discovery. In order to understand the context in which the architectural remains were found at the beginning of the 20th century, they were inventoried while verifying their dating and interpretation. Since the analysis of the exploration of a site that documents the archaeological discoveries also yields information about the intellectual, technical, and political context of the period in which it took place, this book also presents Medamud as a case study for understanding how an archaeological mission was organized, both practically and administratively, at the beginning of the 20th century. The present work is thus organized in two parts, first presenting a history of the exploration of the site, then an inventory of the structures discovered.
Was there, in different periods of Egyptian history, a clearly defined political and cultural western border? How was the western limit of Egyptian territory perceived and experienced by the central power and local populations? Keeping these questions in mind, the proceedings of the international conference held in Cairo on 2-3 December 2017 explore the western margins of Egypt along four lines: 1) definition, conception, representation; 2) occupation, control, administration; 3) economy; 4) populations, networks, religion. They allow us to sketch a portrait of a key region of Egypt from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Once the phase of territorial fixation of the Egyptian state was completed,...
First published in 1988. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist aus einer Detailfrage während der Bearbeitung des pBrocklehurst für das CAA entstanden, nämlich der Frage seiner Datierung, die sich ohne Hinzunahme sämtlicher verfügbarer Tb- Exemplare der 18. Dyn. und ohne eine Überprüfung der vorhandenen und eine Erarbeitung von weiteren Datierungskriterien nicht enger als in die 18. Dyn. hätte fassen lassen. The present work is based on a detailed question during processing of the pBrocklehurst for the CAA, namely the question its dating, which is available without the addition of all available TB- Copies of the 18th Dynasty. and without a review of the existing and a development of further dating criteria is not narrower than in the 18th. Dynasty could have been grasped.
The Peshdar district is part of the province of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq. In its centre lies the Peshdar Plain, surrounded by the glorious mountainscape of the Zagros and bounded in the south by the valley of the Lesser Zab, which connects the region to the Assyrian heartland and Western Iran. The international and interdisciplinary Peshdar Plain Project was inaugurated in 2015 with the goal of investigating the region in the Neo-Assyrian period (9th to 7th century BC). It formed part of the Border March of the Palace Herald which served to negotiate relations with the adjoining client kingdoms in the Zagros, most importantly Mannea (south of Lake Urmiye), Hubuki...