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A Bruguera, un petit poble al peu del Taga, hi viu la pastora més vella de Catalunya. Amb quasi cent anys, la Marina Vilalta segueix exercint un ofici que estima però que té un futur incert. Un ofici sacrificat que requereix dedicació i paciència i que està íntimament lligat a la terra. La història de la Marina, que cobreix un segle, ens permet mirar a la muntanya amb tota la seva immensitat i conèixer els que la treballen, els que s’hi han amagat o escapat i els animals que hi viuen salvatges. Ens presenta la força de la natura sobre l’home i com aquest, amb els anys, ha après a entendre-la, preveure-la i i conviure-hi. La història de la Marina ens amplia la mirada sobre el món rural i la saviesa popular del nostre país.
New media and its enormous diffusion in the last decades of the 20th century and up to the present has greatly increased and diversified the reception of Egyptian themes and motifs and Egyptian influence in various cultural spheres. This book seeks to provide new evidence of this interdisciplinarity between Egyptology and popular culture.
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, HAIS 2008, held in Burgos, Spain, during September 24-26, 2008. The 93 papers presented, together with 4 invited talks, were carefully reviewed and selected from 280 submissions. The topics covered are agents and multi-agent systems; evolutionary computation; connectionist models; optimization sysetms; fuzzy logic systems; classification and classifiers; cluster analysis; video and image analysis; learning systems, algorithms and applications; hybrid systems based on negotiation and social network modelling; real world applications of HAIS under uncertainty; hybrid intelligent systems for multi-robot and multi-agent systems; applications of hybrid artificial intelligence in bioinformatics; and novel approaches to genetic fuzzy systems.
Aquest és el relat d'una nissaga. Una història que té els seus inicis en els anys més terribles del segle passat, durant l'Holocaust, però que, com tot record, retorna al present a través de la mirada de diferents personatges. Així, a mesura que avança la novel·la, les diferents veus que la componen desvetllen els lligams que els uneixen a través d'amors i traïcions en una necessària reflexió sobre el present i, també, sobre el passat recent.
Aquest volum, escrit per l'eclesiàstic Joan Binimelis (1538/9-1616), constitueix la primera edició crítica del Llibre V de la Història general del Regne de Mallorca en la versió catalana que, com és sabut, és l'original. Sens dubte, aquesta part de l'obra, dedicada a la descripció geogràfica de Mallorca i de caràcter autònom respecte a la narració històrica i cronística, representa l'aportació més original de l'autor i la que manté més vigència i interès avui dia, tant per la modernitat del seu plantejament, com per la diversitat dels aspectes que són objecte de la seua metòdica atenció: situació geogràfica, afrontacions, proveïment d'aigua, cales i aptesa per a desembarcaments, cabuda i possibilitats d'ancoratge, demografia, dades econòmiques -produccions agrícoles i ramaderes--, dades històriques, règim jurídic, institucions, monuments i d'altres informacions rellevants de les poblacions illenques.
Automatic pattern recognition has uses in science and engineering, social sciences and finance. This book examines data complexity and its role in shaping theory and techniques across many disciplines, probing strengths and deficiencies of current classification techniques, and the algorithms that drive them. The book offers guidance on choosing pattern recognition classification techniques, and helps the reader set expectations for classification performance.
Optimization problems were and still are the focus of mathematics from antiquity to the present. Since the beginning of our civilization, the human race has had to confront numerous technological challenges, such as finding the optimal solution of various problems including control technologies, power sources construction, applications in economy, mechanical engineering and energy distribution amongst others. These examples encompass both ancient as well as modern technologies like the first electrical energy distribution network in USA etc. Some of the key principles formulated in the middle ages were done by Johannes Kepler (Problem of the wine barrels), Johan Bernoulli (brachystochrone pr...
In the thirty-seven years that have gone by since the first volume of Progress in Optics was published, optics has become one of the most dynamic fields of science. At the time of inception of this series, the first lasers were only just becoming operational, holography was in its infancy, subjects such as fiber optics, integrated optics and optoelectronics did not exist and quantum optics was the domain of only a few physicists. The term photonics had not yet been coined. Today these fields are flourishing and have become areas of specialisation for many science and engineering students and numerous research workers and engineers throughout the world. Some of the advances in these fields ha...
From the reviews: "This book is very well written and contains many important and new original results that certainly play an important role in today’s nonlinear optics." Physicalia
This two-volume set LNCS 7902 and 7903 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2013, held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, in June 2013. The 116 revised papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions for presentation in two volumes. The papers explore sections on mathematical and theoretical methods in computational intelligence, neurocomputational formulations, learning and adaptation emulation of cognitive functions, bio-inspired systems and neuro-engineering, advanced topics in computational intelligence and applications