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Program and the Book of Abstracts / Eighteenth Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering, December 4-6, 2019, Belgrade
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 126

Program and the Book of Abstracts / Eighteenth Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering, December 4-6, 2019, Belgrade

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-12-04
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  • Publisher: MRS-Serbia

Aim of the Conference Main aim of the conference is to enable young researchers (post-graduate, master or doctoral student, or a PhD holder younger than 35) working in the field of materials science and engineering, to meet their colleagues and exchange experiences about their research. Topics Biomaterials Environmental science Materials for high-technology applications Materials for new generation solar cells Nanostructured materials New synthesis and processing metho

Advances in Plasma Treatment of Textile Surfaces
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

Advances in Plasma Treatment of Textile Surfaces

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-01-24
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

Advances in Plasma Treatment of Textile Surfaces offers a detailed overview on the use of plasma in natural and synthetic textiles, and also explores recent applications in technical textiles including composites, ballistic performance, functionalization and textile wastewater treatment.This promising technology can alter the surface properties of textiles without having a significant effect on their bulk properties, leading to potential improvements to the scouring, de-sizing, dyeing, finishing, printing, and laminating processes among others.Drawing on an international team of contributors from industry as well as academia, this important book is bringing these innovative sustainable plasma treatments to textile and polymer scientists everywhere working in the field of textile functionalization. - Provides detailed technical descriptions of cutting-edge applications of plasma in nanotechnology, biotechnology, and other fields - Describes the different kinds of plasma treatment equipment and compares their use for different effects - Starts with overviews of basic information such as how to determine surface properties

Program and the Book of Abstracts / Twelfth Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering December 11-13, 2013, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 75

Program and the Book of Abstracts / Twelfth Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering December 11-13, 2013, Belgrade, Serbia

Young Researchers' meetings are held annually late in December since 2002 and they are organized by the Materials Research Society of Serbia. Originally conceived as seminars, since 2007 these meetings were transformed into conferences. The previous meetings featured presentations based on the research of various young scientists from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Brazil, Germany, United States of America, China, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Romania, United Kingdom, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Russia, Canada, etc. At the Conference, young researchers, students of doctoral, master and undergraduate studies, are given the opportunity to make an overview of their research into m...

Diplomatic List
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 364

Diplomatic List

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1998
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Directory of foreign diplomatic officers in Washington.

Svet pod Krimom. Druga, prenovljena izdaja
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 451

Svet pod Krimom. Druga, prenovljena izdaja

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-09-01
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  • Publisher: Založba ZRC

Mikrozgodovina upora in kolaboracije, kot bi lahko podnaslovili Gestrinovo študiju o življenju v podkrimskih vaseh v času med 1941 in 1945 je avtorjev poskus rekonstrukcije najbolj travmatičnega obdobja slovenske zgodovine. Gestrinova zgodovina smrti in upanja ni samo še en deskriptivni opis vojskujočih se enot, temveč prerez nasilnega vsakdana, ki je nekdanje sosede razdelil na odpornike in sodelavce okupatorjev. Le-ti skozi osrednja poglavja knjige znova oživijo tudi zato, ker izvemo o njih skoraj vse: iz kakšne družine so izhajali, kaj so bili po poklicu, v kolikšni meri so bili (če so bili) dejavni v komunistični partiji ali sindikalni organizaciji še pred začetkom vojne. ...

Vi ses i Havanna
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 311

Vi ses i Havanna

Utvald till Reese Witherspoon's Book Club. »En vacker roman full av förbjuden passion, familjehemligheter, mod och uppoffringar.« Reese Witherspoon Havanna, 1958. Nittonåriga Elizas far äger en sockerplantage och deras familj tillhör gräddan av den kubanska societeten. Eliza har levt avskärmad från de växande politiska oroligheterna i landet, och hennes liv är utstakat på samma sätt som det alltid varit för kvinnor av hennes klass. Men hennes framtid förändras när hon förälskar sig i en passionerad ung revolutionär. Miami, 2017. Som barn fick frilansskribenten Marisol ofta höra rosenröda berättelser om sin bortgångna mormor Elizas uppväxt på Kuba och om hur deras fa...

Koledar Mohorjeve Družbe v Celovcu za navadno leto ...
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 264

Koledar Mohorjeve Družbe v Celovcu za navadno leto ...

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1891
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Radiotherapy of Intraocular and Orbital Tumors
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 417

Radiotherapy of Intraocular and Orbital Tumors

Radiotherapy of Intraocular and Orbital Tumors presents a new approach to the role of radiation therapy in the management of ophthalmic cancer. The indications for ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging studies are analyzed, and treatment techniques, together with their results, are described for each tumor. Particle beam and plaque irradiation are reviewed, and conservative and surgical management of radiation effects are detailed. In the past, most books on this subject included a chapter on radiotherapy but emphasized the dangers of radiation complications. However, great progress in understanding the effects of irradiation upon the tissues of the eye and orb...

Composite Materials
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 299

Composite Materials

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-12
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Composite Materials: Properties, Characterisation, and Applications provides an in-depth description of the synthesis, properties, and various characterisation techniques used for the study of composite materials. Covers applications and simulation tests of these advanced materials Presents real-world examples for demonstration Discusses surface, thermal, and electrical characterisation techniques Covers composites for use as sensors Aimed at industry professionals and researchers, this book offers readers thorough knowledge of the fundamentals as well as advanced level techniques involved in composite material characterisation, development, and applications.