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The management of quality and sustainability in higher education institutions ensures that proper standards are maintained. Such enforced standardization allows for the highest caliber of training opportunities for various fields and disciplines. The Handbook of Research on Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education is an authoritative reference source for the latest scholarly research on quality management and assurance programs and standards in college-level environments. Highlighting global perspectives on academic and professional learning, this book is ideally designed for researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and professionals actively involved in the field of higher education.
Previously, key levers of higher education have seemed to be the learning organization, work-integrated learning for life-long learning, and learner-centered pedagogy. However, funding evolution and the integration of digital tools are changing professional styles and learning behaviors. Nonetheless, the sustainability of higher education requires quality agreement based on ethical, robust, and replicable pedagogical approaches. The Handbook of Research on Operational Quality Assurance in Higher Education for Life-Long Learning is a comprehensive scholarly book that focuses on the evolution of the education framework and job market as well as necessary changes needed in organizations to reply to life-long learning and competency-based training initiatives. Highlighting topics such as digital environment, e-learning, and learning analytics, this book is essential for higher education faculty, managers, deans, professionals, administrators, educators, academicians, researchers, and policymakers.
Educators play a significant role in the intellectual and social development of children and young adults. Next-generation teachers can only be as strong as their own educational foundation which serves to cultivate their knowledge of the learning process, uncover best practices in the field of education, and employ leadership abilities that will inspire students of all ages. Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications explores the current state of pre-service teacher programs as well as continuing education initiatives for in-service educators. Emphasizing the growing role of technology in teacher skill development and training as well as key teaching methods and pedagogical developments, this multi-volume work compiles research essential to higher education professionals and administrators, educational software developers, and researchers studying pre-service and in-service teacher training.
The field of community interpreting is characterised by continually changing political, social, institutional and cultural contexts. Over the last few years new approaches to the training of community interpreters have been conceptualised to meet the requirements of these developments and to replace lay interpreters by trained interpreters. The contributions of this volume present both innovative models of didactics and curricula for community interpreters and empirically and methodologically challenging analyses of various fields of community interpreting.
Iris van der Tuin redirects the notion of generational logic in feminism away from its simplistic conception as conflict. Generational logic is said to problematize feminist theory and gender research as it follows a logic of divide and conquer between the old and the young and participates in patriarchal structures and phallologocentrism. Examining the continental philosophies of Bergson and Deleuze and French feminisms of sexual difference, van der Tuin paves the way for a more complex notion of generationality. This new conception of the term views generational cohorts as static measurements that happen in the flow of being. Prioritizing this generative flow gives what is measured its proper place as an effect. Generational Feminism: New Materialist Introduction to a Generative Approach experiments with a previously disregarded methodology's implications as an impetus for a new materialism and advances feminist politics for the twenty-first century.
Die Reduktion der Komplexität spielt in der Vermittlung vielschichtiger Inhalte eine wesentliche Rolle. Wie der Transfer von Wissen auf sprachlicher und gestalterischer Ebene erfolgt und wie der Kommunikationsrahmen die Wahl der Mittel beeinflusst, ist Schwerpunkt des Sammelbandes. In den Beiträgen wird die Wissenschaftskommunikation unter drei Aspekten untersucht: Information der breiten Öffentlichkeit, Lehrveranstaltungen für Studierende und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs sowie Fachdiskurse innerhalb der eigenen Disziplin. Die Autorinnen und Autoren diskutieren die Komplexitätsreduktion in Information, Didaktik und Fachdiskurs und betrachten schließlich die Rolle des Designs. Denn - unabhängig vom Kontext - stehen hinter jedem Wissenstransfer diese Fragen: Warum ist die Reduktion der Komplexität des Wissens wichtig? Wem sollen wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse mit welcher Zielsetzung vermittelt werden? Und: Welche Bedeutung hat dabei die Gestaltung der Inhalte?
In this new decade, institutions of learning and the learning individuals who attend them are confronted with phenomena of change and transition, and with contradictions. Traditional learning and education concepts therefore have to be reevaluated and adapted to current circumstances. In this book, which comprises contributions in English and in German, authors from different scientific disciplines look at learning on the basis of three key aspects: higher education, language and place. Angekommen im neuen Jahrzehnt sehen sich Bildungsinstitutionen und lernende Individuen mit Phänomenen des Wandels und des Umbruchs sowie mit Widersprüchen konfrontiert. Traditionelle Lern- und Bildungskonzepte müssen deshalb neu überdacht und den aktuellen Begebenheiten angepasst werden. In diesem Buch, das sowohl deutsche als auch englische Beiträge versammelt, blicken AutorInnen unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen auf das Lernen anhand der Schwerpunkte Hochschule, Sprache, Ort.
Was hat Geschlecht mit Politischer Bildung zu tun? Die Autor_innen gehen der Frage nach, warum Geschlecht politisch ist und geben Einblick in die aktuelle Entwicklung der Gender und Queer Studies. Sie zeigen den Diskussionsstand in der politischen Bildung auf und fragen nach neuen Theorieimpulsen, Denkanregungen und Einsprüchen für die Reflexion politischer Bildungsarbeit. Die Autor_innen arbeiten in unterschiedlichen Praxisfeldern der politischen Bildung: Hochschule, Schule, Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung, Soziale Arbeit.
Die Publikation bringt Autorinnen und Autoren zum Dialog über ein zeitgemäßes Bildungskonzept zusammen und stellt gleichzeitig den Cloud University Ansatz der Carl Benz Academy vor. Dahinter steckt die Idee zur Entwicklung interaktiver Lehr- und Lernmethoden, die sich um aktuelle und zukünftige Möglichkeiten des Internets ranken, sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Möglichkeiten für Didaktik, Prüfung, Verwaltung und lebenslanges Lernen.