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Visual-Spatial Thinking for Advanced Learners, Grades 3–5 will teach students how to perceive and represent visual information, and to mentally manipulate objects within space. Visual-spatial thinking is a skill which helps students develop depth, complexity, and abstraction in thinking and inquiry. Working through the lessons and handouts in this book, students will develop spatial language, learn to visualize and mentally manipulate visual information, look at objects from varying perspectives, explore dimension, and seek structure in organizing visual information. This curriculum provides cohesive, focused, scaffolded lessons to teach each targeted area of competency followed by authentic application activities for students to then apply their newly developed skill set. This book can be used as a stand-alone gifted curriculum or as part of an integrated curriculum. Each lesson ties in both reading and metacognitive skills, making it easy for teachers to incorporate into a variety of contexts.
Evaluative Thinking for Advanced Learners, Grades 3-5 will teach students to think critically about values, issues, and ideas while creating defensible arguments. Evaluative thinking is a skill which helps students learn to weigh values and facts in making judgements. Working through the lessons and handouts in this book, students will examine difficult and ambiguous questions from a subjective and balanced perspective. This curriculum provides cohesive, focused, scaffolded lessons to teach each targeted area of competency, followed by authentic application activities for students to then apply their newly developed skill set. This book can be used as a stand-alone gifted curriculum or as part of an integrated curriculum. Each lesson ties in both reading and metacognitive skills, making it easy for teachers to incorporate into a variety of contexts.
Divergent Thinking for Advanced Learners, Grades 3–5 will develop students’ specific creative thinking skills. Divergent thinking is a skill which helps students approach problems with a flexible and open mind. Working through the lessons and handouts in this book, students will learn to examine problems from multiple perspectives and fluently generate varied solutions. This curriculum provides cohesive, scaffolded lessons to teach each targeted area of competency, followed by authentic application activities for students to then apply their newly developed skill set. This book can be used as a stand-alone gifted curriculum or as part of an integrated curriculum. Each lesson ties in both reading and metacognitive skills, making it easy for teachers to incorporate into a variety of contexts.
Convergent Thinking for Advanced Learners, Grades 3–5 will teach students how to approach problems with a critical and evidence-based mindset. Convergent thinking is a skill which helps students arrive at defensible solutions. Working through the lessons and handouts in this book, students will learn strategies and specific academic vocabulary in the sub-skills of observation, using evidence, considering perspectives, reflection, and deduction to find accurate solutions. This curriculum provides cohesive, scaffolded lessons to teach each targeted area of competency, followed by authentic application activities for students to then apply their newly developed skill set. This book can be used as a stand-alone gifted curriculum or as part of an integrated curriculum. Each lesson ties in both reading and metacognitive skills, making it easy for teachers to incorporate into a variety of contexts.
Analytical Thinking for Advanced Learners, Grades 3–5 will teach students to think scientifically, systematically, and logically about questions and problems. Thinking analytically is a skill which helps students break down complex ideas into smaller parts in order to develop hypotheses and eventually reach a solution. Working through the lessons and handouts in this book, students will learn strategies and specific academic vocabulary in the sub-skills of noticing details, asking questions, classifying and organizing information, making hypotheses, conducting experiments, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. The curriculum provides cohesive, scaffolded lessons to teach each targeted area of competency, followed by authentic application activities for students to then apply their newly developed skill set. This book can be used as a stand-alone gifted curriculum or as part of an integrated curriculum. Each lesson ties in both reading and metacognitive skills, making it easy for teachers to incorporate into a variety of contexts.
Volume contains: 239 NY 518 (Brown v. Brown) 239 NY 542 (Cassalia v. N.Y. Central R.R. Co.) 239 NY 526 (Clements v. Doblin) 239 NY 503 (Dairymen's League Co-op. Assoc. v. Holmes) 239 NY 569 (Davidson v. Shindler)
From the pages of Teaching for High Potential, a quarterly publication of the National Association for Gifted Children, this collection of articles is sure to be of use to any educator of high-ability students. Topics included range from instructional methods across all content areas, including tips and tools for reading and vocabulary instruction, integrating STEM content, and engaging students in math, to identification, differentiation, and addressing gifted students' social-emotional needs. Articles also delve into current issues pertinent to the field of gifted education and this unique group of students, including underachievement and underrepresented minority populations, as well as new classroom strategies such as Makerspaces and teaching growth mindset. This resource can be used to enhance a classroom lesson, guide curriculum development, or supplement professional development. The featured articles are unique, well written for the audience, and selected by reviewers who understand what teachers need.
Die gesellschaftliche Benachteiligung von Frauen und das sexistische Frauenbild in den Medien war 2011 in Italien Anlass zur Gründung der feministischen Bewegung Se Non Ora Quando? (wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann?). Diese Ethnographie untersucht Strukturbildungsprozesse, politische Visionen, Kommunikationsformen und Protestpraktiken der Bewegung. Die Autorin beleuchtet die Frage politischen Engagements auf der Basis der Kategorie Geschlecht und zeigt unter anderem am Beispiel des Umgangs mit digitalen Medien, dass die Möglichkeitsräume aktivistischen Denkens und Handelns in hohem Maße von Überzeugungen und Interaktionstraditionen beeinflusst werden können, die sich auch entgegen der Inten...