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This open access book presents the state-of-the-art environmental governance research and practices in Indonesia. It offers a wide scope, covering different sectors (e.g., forestry, mining) and geographical landscapes (e.g., inland and coastal areas). This book engages with existing theories and frameworks, including Earth System Governance, Adaptive and Interactive Governance, among others to trigger a debate regarding the operationalization of such concepts, which are mostly developed for the Global North context. It is also our ambition to incorporate more empirical knowledge from local contexts to indicate research gaps and future directions for environmental governance research agenda t...
Indonesia's history of disasters, and particularly the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, triggered numerous changes not only to Indonesian disaster management and its associated legislative frameworks, but also to its community-based initiatives. The citizens face many challenges from diverse, complex and evolving hazards, emanating from geological, terrestrial, hydro-meteorological hazards, and climate change. This book discusses several ways in which strategies utilizing environmental, livelihood, social, and cultural resources can be used to develop effective disaster risk reduction designed to sustain social, cultural and economic life in Indonesia. A key focus is understanding the capabilit...
This book presents selected papers by the keynote speakers and other presenters from various disciplines and includes their opinions and evaluations. The Fourth Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (4th GSRIDRR, 2019): Increasing the Effectiveness and Relevance of our Institutes, sponsored by the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) and Kyoto University, was hosted by and held at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan, 13–15 March 2019.. The Global Summit series provided a platform for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and other stakeholders in both government and non-governmental...
Posthuman Southeast Asia: Ecocritical Entanglements Across Species Boundaries explores the posthuman in Southeast Asia from various ecocritical perspectives and encourages further and deeper entanglements between ecocritics and the bountiful, but also threatened, multispecies ecologies of this region. Southeast Asia is an area where humans and nonhumans have always been deeply entangled, from the indigenous and ancient traditions of animism to the variegated and blooming creativity of contemporary literature, art, music, drama, film, and other media. This book expands and enriches Southeast Asian ecocritical scholarship by incorporating posthumanist and new materialist perspectives. Across twelve chapters, this volume explicitly engages with Southeast Asian texts, cultural practices, and environmental issues from the broadly conceived theoretical framework of posthuman ecocriticism. They provide a uniquely inflected perspective on the literary, multimedia, and artistic dimensions of contemporary nature-cultures in Southeast Asia, as part of a concerted effort to disclose the complex entanglements of humans and nonhumans across the region.
This book is a unique, transdisciplinary summary of the state of the art of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Indonesia. It provides a comprehensive overview of disaster risk governance across all levels and multiple actors including diverse perspectives from practitioners and researchers on the challenges and progress of DRR in Indonesia. The book includes novel and emerging topics such as the role of culture, religion, psychology and the media in DRR. It is essential reading for students, researchers, and policy makers seeking to understand the nature and variety of environmental hazards and risk patterns affecting Indonesia. Following the introduction, the book has four main parts of key discussions. Part I presents disaster risk governance from national to local level and its integration into development sectors, Part II focuses on the roles of different actors for DRR, Part III discusses emerging issues in DRR research and practice, and Part IV puts forward variety of methods and studies to measure hazards, risks and community resilience.
Focused on forest management and governance, this book examines two decades of experience with Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM), assessing both its uses and improvements needed to address global environmental issues. The volume argues that the activation and the empowerment of local peoples are critical to addressing current environmental challenges and that this must be enhanced by linking and extending such stewardship to global and national policymakers and actors on a broader scale. This can be achieved by employing ACM’s participatory approach, characterized by conscious efforts among stakeholders to communicate, collaborate, negotiate and seek out opportunities to learn collec...
This edited volume reviews the latest advances in policies and actions in understanding the science, impacts and management of climate change in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change due to its geographical, physical, and social-economic situations. There are many initiatives to understand and deal with the impacts in the country. The national government has issued key guiding policies for climate change. International agencies together with local stakeholders are working on strengthening the capacity in the policy formulations and implement actions to build community resilience. Universities are conducting research on climate change related at dif...
In this timely work, Ross Michael Pink and Luthfi Dhofier detail specific case studies across eight countries to provide a crucial overview of the impacts of climate change. They highlight the importance of the human security paradigm, prioritising the rights of citizens rather than those of nations, to accurately assess this existential issue.
Buku ini berisi tentang pengurangan risiko bencana berbasis ekosistem di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Wilayah pesisir merupakan sebuah wilayah yang dinamis dan sangat rentan terhadap berbagai risiko bencana kepesisiran. Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki variasi potensi bahaya yang dapat mengancam kesejahteraan masyarakatnya. Beberapa di antaranya adalah banjir, tanah longsor, gempabumi, kekeringan, banjir rob, dan penurunan muka tanah. Proses alam dan aktivitas antropogenik berkontribusi dalam kejadian bencana di Indonesia. Pesisir Utara Jawa Tengah menjadi kawasan pusat ekonomi dan simpul transportasi utama di Pulau Jawa. Lokasi ini memiliki potensi bahaya yang perlu ditanggapi untuk dapat mengurangi ...
Manajemen bencana merupakan bidang kajian yang mengalami perkembangan sangat cepat dalam dasawarsa terakhir. Salah satu studi tentang kebencanaan, yaitu dengan menggunakan pendekatan positivism. Pendekatan positivism terkait erat dengan tema tentang sosial budaya dan kemasyarakatan. Hal tersebut terutama dalam kaitannya dengan pola dan respons masyarakat terhadap situasi bencana yang mengancamnya (adaptive capacity) serta kemampuan masyarakat dalam melakukan penyesuaian-penyesuaian dan memberikan timbal baliknya dalam menghadapi fenomena-fenomena bencana. Buku ini berusaha memaparkan identifikasi kearifan lokal dari proses perilaku dan budaya masyarakat dalam kurun waktu yang panjang. Selain...