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Sustainable Analytical Techniques in Food Science covers the most relevant developments for the analytical evaluation and analysis of macro and micronutrients, contaminants, and microbiological studies as well as the approaches in food authentication, and characterization. With a focus on sustainability, this book provides a practical guide for researchers to adopt greener approaches for the study of food matrices including toxicity, safety and quality evaluations. It is an excellent guide for researchers working in the area of food sciences that want to assure the sustainability of the methodologies they are currently developing or applying in their laboratories. - Offers sustainable food analysis techniques for researchers to apply in their laboratories - Adopts an analytical approach to address the essential developments in food science and processing - Addresses future perspective in sustainable food analysis techniques
O volume que o leitor tem em mãos apresenta um rico mosaico do prolífico e multifacetado pensamento alemão no século XX. Como esses pensadores de língua alemã responderam às demandas de seu tempo, um século marcado por toda ordem de conflitos, mas também por uma força colossal de criação e reinvenção?
There has been an increase in interest worldwide in fusion research over the last decade and a half due to the recognition that a large number of new, environmentally attractive, sustainable energy sources will be needed to meet ever increasing demand for electrical energy. Based on a series of course notes from graduate courses in plasma physics and fusion energy at MIT, the text begins with an overview of world energy needs, current methods of energy generation, and the potential role that fusion may play in the future. It covers energy issues such as the production of fusion power, power balance, the design of a simple fusion reactor and the basic plasma physics issues faced by the developers of fusion power. This book is suitable for graduate students and researchers working in applied physics and nuclear engineering. A large number of problems accumulated over two decades of teaching are included to aid understanding.
Magnetic confinement fusion relies on plasma heating and plasma control using gyrotron oscillators providing at megawatt power levels. The operational reliability decreases when operating at the performance limits due to increasing parasitic mode activity. This work demonstrates for the first time the automated, fast recovery of nominal gyrotron operation during a pulse by exploiting the hysteretic gyrotron behaviour after a mode switch being in use at the Wendelstein 7-X ECRH facility.
This book is dedicated to global perspectives on sustainable forest management. It focuses on a need to move away from purely protective management of forests to innovative approaches for multiple use and management of forest resources. The book is divided into two sections; the first section, with thirteen chapters deals with the forest management aspects while the second section, with five chapters is dedicated to forest utilization. This book will fill the existing gaps in the knowledge about emerging perspectives on sustainable forest management. It will be an interesting and helpful resource to managers, specialists and students in the field of forestry and natural resources management.
Este livro nos convida a uma reflexão à organização da educação brasileira percorrendo uma longa viagem no túnel do tempo, enfrentando desafios produzidos por ondas gigantescas de incoerência no discurso daqueles que almejam continuar no poder mantendo uma educação elitizada. No Brasil Colônia frequentar a escola estava limitado a um grupo de pessoas pertencentes à classe dominante. A educação que elitizada atravessou todo o período colonial, imperial e atingiu o período republicano, ignorando, assim, a demanda social de educação que necessitava ampliar a oferta escolar. As mudanças sociais, políticas, culturais do final do século XX provocaram perplexidade e desorientação quanto à educação. Consequentemente há necessidades de mudanças nas formas de trabalho dos professores, decorrentes de transformações no mundo da produção e do trabalho, das tecnologias, dos paradigmas do conhecimento, dos objetivos de formação que articulam aspectos cognitivos, sociais e afetivos. Acreditamos que no trabalho de reflexão individual e coletivo, os educadores encontrarão os meios necessários ao seu desenvolvimento profissional. (Marilza Luiz Ferreira)
A educação jurídica é um tema sensível, complexo e fundamental para o desenvolvimento de uma efetiva cidadania. Logo, a Ordem dos Advogados do Rio Grande do Sul e a sua Escola Superior de Advocacia, cumprindo sua missão institucional, promovem importante contribuição com o e-book Reeducação da Educação Jurídica, pois estimulam a pesquisa, a reflexão e a difusão do conhecimento.
Green Chemistry has brought about dramatic changes in the teaching of chemistry that have resulted in increased student excitement for the subject of chemistry, new lecture materials, new laboratory experiments, and a world-wide community of Green Chemistry teachers. This book features the cutting edge of this advance in the teaching of chemistry.