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In this elegantly written study, Alfante explores the work of select nineteenth-century writers, intellectuals, journalists, politicians, and clergy who responded to cultural and spiritual shifts caused by the movement toward secularization in Spain. Focusing on the social experience, this book probes the tensions between traditionalism and liberalism that influenced public opinion of the clergy, sacred buildings, and religious orders. The writings of Cecilia Böhl de Faber (Fernán Caballero), Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Benito Pérez Galdós, and José María de Pereda addressed conflicts between modernizing forces and the Catholic Church about the place of religion and its signifiers in Spanish society. Foregrounding expropriation (government confiscation of civil and ecclesiastical property) and exclaustration (the expulsion of religious communities), and drawing on archival research, the history of disentailment, cultural theory, memory studies, and sociology, Alfante demonstrates how Spain’s liberalizing movement profoundly influenced class mobility and faith among the populace.
The twin focus of this book is on the importance of the Spanish heritage on nation and state building in nineteenth-century Spanish-speaking Latin America, alongside processes of nation and state building in Spain and Latin America. Rather than concentrating purely on nationalism and national identity, the book explores the linkages that remained or were re-established between Spain and her former colonies; as has increasingly been recognised in recent decades, the nineteenth century world was marked by the rise of the modern nation state, but also by the development of new transnational connections, and this book accounts for these processes within a Hispanic context.
While both Spain and Poland developed genteel cultures grounded in Catholic religion, and experienced periods of growth followed by long decline, it is also the case that large differences in political economy and military structures also existed. Thus while Spain merely declined in power, Poland was partitioned by three powerful and rapacious neighbors. The Catholic and conservative elements that have been strong in both Poland and Spain have often been portrayed as obscure nativist and racist and even fascist. The purpose of this volume is to move beyond the simplistic vision this created about both countries into a more balanced and careful appraisal of tradition and development. Puncturi...
This volume presents a fresh picture of the historical development of “conservatism” from the late 17th to the early 20th century. The book explores the broader geographies and transnational dimensions of conservatism and counterrevolution. The contributions show how counterrevolutionary concepts did not emerge in isolation, but resulted from the interplay between ideas, media, networks, and institutions. Like 19th-century liberalism and socialism, conservatism was the product of traveling ideas and people. This study describes how exile, mobility, and international sociability shaped counterrevolutionary identities. The volume presents case studies on the intersection of political philo...
Jaime Balmes und Juan Donoso Cortés – die beiden wichtigsten konservativen Denker im Spanien des 19. Jahrhunderts – versuchten aktiv im Zuge des aufkommenden Liberalismus, die Zentralität von Kirche und Monarchie zu bewahren, und gleichzeitig die stereotype Sichtweise Spaniens als rückständiges und isoliertes Land zu diskreditieren. Obwohl sie ein ähnliches Ziel verfolgten, unterschieden sich ihre Standpunkte: Während Balmes' Werke einen sozial orientierten Katholizismus vorwegnahmen, stellte Donoso das Christentum als höchstes soziales Gut dar, das mit dem modernen Liberalismus unvereinbar war. Andrea Acle-Kreysing hebt die ungelösten Spannungen in ihren Werken hervor und zeigt, dass das spanische politische Denken eine anregende Variante – und keine Abweichung – der zeitgenössischen europäischen Debatten war.
Flitter examines those narratives within the intellectual parameters that defined them, probing the conceptual strategies by which writers represented history.
This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account of the field, reaffirming Iberian Studies as a dynamic and evolving discipline offering promising areas of future research. It is an essential tool for research in Iberian Studies.
Reclaiming al-Andalus focuses on the construction of the scholarly discipline of Orientalist studies in Spain. Special attention is paid to the impact that the elaboration of a series of historical interpretations of the legacy left by Muslim and Jewish culture in Spain had over the writing of national history in the period of the Bourbon Restoration. A historiographical account of Spains Orientalism tackles the problematized issues that both Arabist and Hebraist scholars sought to address. Orientalist scholarship thereby became inextricably linked to different interpretations of the historical shaping of Spanish national identity. Political circumstances of the day impacted on the approach ...
Encara que la figura d'Antonio Aparici y Guijarro (1815-1872) és per a molts desconeguda, l'advocat i periodista valencià va esdevindre una de les principals figures del neocatolicisme en ser l'únic diputat neocatòlic independent en una etapa tan decisiva com va ser el Parlament Llarg de la Unión Liberal. I més endavant, durant el Sexenni, Aparici es convertirà en el màxim ideòleg del carlisme. La present publicació es proposa entendre els orígens del pensament d'aquest personatge que serà clau en la conformació de la dreta espanyola.