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The Making of American Whiteness: The Formation of Race in Seventeenth-Century Virginia changes the narrative about the origins of race and Whiteness in America. With an exhaustive array of archival documents, Carmen P. Thompson demonstrates not only that Whiteness predates European expansion to the Americas as evidenced in their participation in the transatlantic slave trade since the fifteenth century, but more importantly that it was the principal dynamic in the settlement of Virginia, the first colony in what would become the United States of America. And just as the system of White supremacy was the principal framework that fueled the transatlantic slave trade, it likewise was the framework that drove the organization of civil society in Virginia, including the organization and structure of the colony's laws, social, political, and economic policies as well as its system of governance. The book shows what Whiteness looked like in everyday life in the early seventeenth century, in a way eerily prescient to Whiteness today.
"With essays that cover the period from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, this volume presents a collective portrait of change over time that allows us to view the shifting nature of Jewish identity in the U.S. West, as well as the evolving frameworks for racial construction"--
Creating a Black Vernacular Philosophy explores how everyday Black vernacular practices, developed to negotiate survival and joy, can be understood as philosophy in their own right. Devonya N. Havis argues that many unique cultural and intellectual practices of African diasporic communities have done the work of traditional philosophies. Focusing on creative practices that take place within Black American diasporic cultures via narratives, the blues, jazz, work songs, and other expressive forms, this book articulates a form of Black vernacular Philosophy that is centered within and emerges from meaning structures cultivated by Black communities. These distinct philosophical practices, running parallel with and often improvising on European philosophy, should be acknowledged for their rigorous theoretical formation and for their disruption of traditional Western philosophical ontologies.
Responding to interconnected tragedies affecting minority populations in America, Black Bodies That Matter: Mourning, Rage, and Beauty brings together the Black Lives Matter movement with the framework developed by Judith Butler in Bodies That Matter. Butler’s analysis of subject life as a kind of melancholy—preempted mourning where loss itself is lost—and her advocacy of public forms of grieving like the AIDS Quilt, which brings lost lives out of the shadows, highlight the problematic connection between memory and loss when it comes to subjects who do not fully matter as they should. Taking her remarks on public memorials like the AIDS Quilt, her reading of Michel Foucault’s idea of...
This book's contents include: Accounting for the Wages of Whiteness: U.S Marxism and the Critical History of Race * Racist Symbolic Capital: A Bourdieuian Approach to the Analysis of Racism * Negative Societalisation: Racism and the Constitution of Race * A Paroxysm of Whiteness: White Labor, White Nation and White Sugar in Australia * Re-thinking Race and Class in South Africa: Some Ways Forward * A White Man's Country? The Chinese Labor Controversy in the Transvaal * Racializing Transnationalism: The Ford Motor Company and White Supremacy from Detroit to South Africa (Series: Racism Analysis - Series B: Yearbooks - Vol. 1)
"Burdens of Belonging is an exploration of how systemic racism and settler colonialism shapes the lives of differently-racialized people in the U.S. today"--
For too long, the human heart has been treated as no more than a physical organ that pumps blood. Recently, scientific evidence has emerged to show the heart is so much more. Zara Yacob’s Inauguration of Modernity and Cardiocentrism adds to the groundbreaking argument that the heart is also a thinking organ, a function that is always attributed to the human brain. The argument is marshalled with evidence and spiritual compartment. Following an insight from seventeenth-century Ethiopian philosopher Zara Yacob, and in conversation with both Kemetian (ancientEgyptian) thought on the philosophical status of the human heart and contemporary discussions on the hard problem of consciousness, Teodros Kiros argues that the heart is both a physical organ that pumps blood and a spiritual organ that originates thoughts, which it shares with the brain. Together they empower us to be compassionate, empathetic, generous, and sincere.
Critical Mixed Race Philosophy: Rethinking Kinship and Identity reimagines mixed race studies, arguing that commonplace and widely accepted ways of understanding mixedness are mired in outdated and essentialist assumptions about race, biology, and kinship. Sabrina L. Hom explores the intersection of race, sex, and sexuality and calls for a nuanced understanding of the politics of mixed race. Commonplace narratives treat mixedness as something new and transformative, but it is neither as promising nor as fearful as it may seem. Instead, the author draws on rich mixed race histories both to make the case that mixedness has always been a part of the racial landscape and to argue for a more dynamic understanding of race that reflects how frequently ambiguous bodies are incorporated into racial logic. Drawing on feminist and queer theory, Critical Mixed Race Philosophy articulates a non-essentialist conception of mixed race identity and kinship that asks us to rethink what it means to be mixed and where mixed people fit into racial politics.
Afrosofian Knowledge and Cheikh Anta Diop: Geo-Ethical and Political Implications wrestles with the cultural, epistemological, ethical, and geopolitical conundrums of our contemporary world. The book offers fresh conceptual and dialogical frameworks that allow the reader to explore alternative perspectives on the axiological impasses of philosophia. A cultural slide from Greek to Afrikan terrain offers a novel semantic trove, namely sofia in the Beti Mvett. Therefore, sophia calls for sofia, the trope for subjective and social “solarization.” François Ngoa Kodena argues that sofia is a psychological, discursive, social, and civilizational sickle constantly sharpened to weed barbarism in...