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Sevgili Arkadaşlar, Son zamanlarda ne kadar aceleci olduk farkında mısınız? Hız ve haz çağında yaşadığımızdan olsa gerek, her isteğimizin çabucak olmasını istiyoruz. Arzumuza ulaşamayınca üzülüyor hatta hayata küsüyoruz. Hikâye Dostları, Hükümdarın birisi avlanmayı çok severmiş. Bir av sırasında tüfek elinde patlamış ve başparmağı kopmuş. Yanındaki arkadaşı; “Bunda da var bir hayır.” demiş. Tabii doğru zindana gönderilmiş. Parmağı iyileşince hükümdar avlanmaya devam etmiş. Bir gün yolu yamyamların yurduna düşmüş. Onu yakalayan yamyamlar, parmağı yok diye serbest bırakmışlar. Hükümdar, ülkesine döner dönmez zindandaki...
Dünya örnekleri bakımından yerel yönetimlerin yönetim tercihleri, ülkelerin siyasi yapıları ile yakından ilgilidir. Bu bakımdan her ülkenin kendine has özellikler sergilemesi kaçınılmazdır. Bu yüzden yerel yönetim konusu tek başına bir siyasi tercih veya yönetim birimi olmaktan ibaret değildir. Kentleşme, kırsal kalkınma, çevre, yönetim ve yönetişim gibi pek çok alan bu süreçlerin bir parçasıdır. Kitap kapağında bayrakları yer alan 26 ülke, dünyanın farklı bölgelerinden ve farklı yönetim şekillerine sahip ülkelerden seçilmiştir. Kitapta, bu ülkelerin siyasal ve yönetsel yapılanmaları ve yerel yönetimlerin idari ve mali yapıları yer alm...
Kanserin genetik bir hastalık olduğunun kabul edilmesi ile birlikte bilim insanları genetik ve moleküler açıdan kanseri araştırmaya devam etmektedirler. Hücre bölünmesi ve proliferasyonu ile ilgili moleküler mekanizmaların açıklığa kavuşturulması ve hücredeki moleküler yolakların öğrenilmesi ile kanser tedavisinde hedef alınacak moleküler yapılar üzerinde daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyulduğunu göstermektedir. “Kanser Genetiği ve Moleküler Biyolojisi” kitabının; bu alanda araştırma yapacak bilim insanları ile Tıp, Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik, Biyoloji, Biyokimya, Eczacılık ve Veterinerlik gibi bölümlerde eğitim gören öğrencilerimizin...
This book focuses on media and zeroes in some critical and oppositional aspects of internet usage within Turkey. It does not radically challenge some works on Turkey’s recent grand narrative but presents empirical and minor accounts to this. However, in elaborating the long history of relatively resilient and multilayered oppositional digital media networks in Turkey, this book insists that an idea of authoritarian turn may be misleading as the internet communications are exposed to repressive measures and surveillance tactics from the very beginning of the country’s recent past. While discussing from citizen journalism practices to political trolls and from Gezi Park protests to disinformation campaigns, this book pays tribute to digital activists and points out that mobilizing through digital networks can present glimmers of hope in challenging authoritarian regimes.
Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts, Methods explores retranslation from a variety of aspects and reflects methodological and theoretical developments in the field. Featuring eleven chapters, each offering a unique approach, the book presents a well-rounded analysis of contemporary issues in retranslation. It brings together case studies and examples from a range of contexts including France, the UK, Spain, the US, Brazil, Greece, Poland, modern Turkey, and the Ottoman Empire. The chapters highlight a diversity of cultural settings and illustrate the assumptions and epistemologies underlying the manifestations of retranslation in various cultures and time periods. The book expressly challenges a Eurocentric view and treats retranslation in all of its complexity by using a variety of methods, including quantitative and statistical analysis, bibliographical studies, reception analysis, film analysis, and musicological, paratextual, textual, and norm analysis. The chapters further show the dominant effect of ideology on macro and micro translation decisions, which comes into sharp relief in the specific context of retranslation.
The history of chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences is an impressive success story. The products of chemical and pharmaceutical industries are present eve- where in our everyday life. They help to pursue the modern way of living and they contribute to our high standard of living and safety, mobility, communication te- nologies, food, health, textiles and drinking water treatment, among many others. These products are labeled under the categories: pharmaceuticals, pesticides, det- gents, fertilizers, dyes, paints, preservatives, food additives and personal care pr- ucts, to name a few. Within these categories, groups of chemicals with similar structures can be found. However, often groups of...
The leading resource on ozone technology, this book contains everything from chemical basics to technical and economic concerns. The text has been updated to include the latest developments in water treatment and industrial processes. Following an introduction, the first part looks at toxicology, reaction mechanisms and full-scale applications, while Part B covers experimental design, equipment and analytical methods, mass transfer, reaction kinetics and the application of ozone in combined processes.
Abstract: Creditor-friendly laws are generally associated with more credit to the private sector and deeper financial markets. But laws mean little if they are not upheld in the courts. The authors hypothesize that the effectiveness of creditor rights is strongly linked to the efficiency of contract enforcement. This hypothesis is tested using firm level data on 27 European countries in 2002 and 2005. The analysis finds that firms have more access to bank credit in countries with better creditor rights, but the association between creditor rights and bank credit is much weaker in countries with inefficient courts. Exploiting the panel dimension of the data and the fact that creditor rights c...
This book presents an international perspective of the influence of educational context on science education. The focus is on the interactions between curriculum development and implementation, particularly in non-Western and non-English-speaking contexts (i.e., outside the UK, USA, Australia, NZ, etc. ). An important and distinguishing feature of the book is that it draws upon the experiences and research from local experts from an extremely diverse cohort across the world (26 countries in total). The book addresses topics such as: curriculum development; research or evaluation of an implemented curriculum; discussion of pressures driving curriculum reform or implementation of new curricula (e. g., technology or environmental education); the influence of political, cultural, societal or religious mores on education; governmental or ministerial drives for curriculum reform; economic or other pressures driving curriculum reform; the influence of external assessment regimes on curriculum; and so on.