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A pioneer in the Feldenkrais movement draws on her extensive experience to offer somatic education practitioners a new perspective on infant development When should my baby be walking? Should I worry if they are not talking yet? What can I do to help my baby in their development? Dr. Chava Shelhav draws on her forty years of experience in the Feldenkrais movement to offer answers using her holistic approach to child development for practitioners, parents, and caregivers. Child Space describes Shelhav’s unique method for assisting babies in achieving specific developmental milestones at the appropriate time, including physical skills, language, social skills, emotional attunement, and cogni...
Berinovasilah penuh kisah-kisah menginspirasi yang mengungkap akar kuno semangat inovatif Israel, dan bagaimana dorongan untuk memperbaiki dunia terus berlanjut di panggung global. Bacaan bagus untuk pengusaha, pemimpin bisnis, dan siapa pun yang ingin mengerti dari mana inovasi berasal dan bagaimana melakukannya. —Dan Senor dan Saul Singer, penulis Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle Ingin mengerti Israel sekarang, negara yang memimpin dunia dalam pemecahan masalah? Bacalah buku ini. —Seth M. Siegel, penulis Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water- Starved World Berinovasilah menceritakan kisah luar biasa mengenai bagaimana teknologi Israel bukan hanya ...
Chava Shelhav discusses the use of the Feldenkrais Method in treating children with Cerebral Palsy. She details two case studies, describing her process and the theoretical underpinnings of the Feldenkrais Method in contrast to other methods of treatment.
Music for a wide range of movement and dance games for adults and children to play together.
Feldenkraisova metoda představuje praktický program pro integraci tělesné a mentální stránky člověka. Je založena na zpětné vazbě, kterou nám dávají naše smyslové orgány a jež vede ke zlepšování žádoucího pohybu na základě vlastních měřítek účinného pohybu. Metodu využijí sportovci, umělci i lidé, kteří např. z důvodu zranění či bolesti chtějí zlepšit své pohybové návyky nebo navázat lepší kontakt s vlastním tělem. Cvičení jsou jednoduchá a vyžadují jen minimální množství energie. Lze je provádět individuálně nebo ve skupině. Ačkoli byla metoda vytvořena v polovině 20. století, zůstává dodnes platná a vykazuje té...
In diesem Band werden über 280 Gründerpersönlichkeiten und Personen, die einen nennenswerten Einfluss auf die Psychotherapie gehabt haben und aufgrund ihrer Beiträge für die Psychotherapie Anerkennung in der Fachwelt gefunden haben, von Experten aus den jeweiligen Fachbereichen, vorgestellt. Es werden Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen psychotherapeutischen Ansätzen und Arbeitsfeldern beschrieben, die für die Entwicklung der Psychotherapie in theoretischer Hinsicht bzw. für ihre praktische Bedeutung (Verankerung, Verbreitung, Versorgung, Forschung sowie mediale Wirkung) einen signifikanten Beitrag geleistet haben. Die Darstellungen umfassen jeweils im ersten Abschnitt Lebensdaten und Schaffensperioden sowie in einem zweiten Teil theoretische Schwerpunkte und Verdienste (auch in Bezug auf die Praxis). Ausführliche Bibliografien zu jeder Persönlichkeit ergänzen deren Charakterisierung. Die Persönlichkeiten werden in alphabetischer Reihenfolge und jeweils mit Foto dargestellt.
In an attractive, oversized format, enlivened with illustrations, sidebar quotes, personal accounts, techniques to try, and profiles of leaders in the field, Discovering the Body's Wisdom is a basic resource for well-being and natural health. Body disciplines and therapies have enjoyed phenomenal growth in the past decade, becoming a major alternative to mainstream medicine and traditional psychotherapy. But with more than 100,000 practitioners and dozens of methods available in the United States alone, how can consumers choose the right one for themselves? Mirka Knaster's richly informative guide provides an overview of the principles and theories underlying the major Eastern and Western body therapies, or "bodyways." It shows readers how to befriend their own bodies, getting back in touch with their internal sources of health and wisdom. It also describes more than 75 individual approaches, answering such questions as: How does each therapy work? What can we expect from one session or a series? What are the reasons for selecting this method? How do we find a qualified practitioner? What, if any, are the "consumer-bewares"?
Discover the transformative insights of movement pioneer Moshe Feldenkrais, whose exercise therapy technique revolutionized how we think about the mind-body connection. This new edition features a fold-out insert illustrating the Feldenkrais Method for somatic practitioners, bodyworkers, dance teachers, and others! As a scientist, martial artist, and founder of the Feldenkrais Method, Moshe Feldenkrais wrote several influential books on the relationship between movement, learning, and health. The Elusive Obvious is a thorough and accessible explanation of the method, which has two main strands: Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration. Both are renowned worldwide for their ability to reduce pain and anxiety, cultivate vitality, and improve performance. This new edition of The Elusive Obvious includes a beautiful presentation featuring a fold-out insert with illustrations that depict these two approaches. By uncovering solutions that are often hidden in plain sight, this book can help you learn to move with greater ease, grace, and efficiency through the Feldenkrais Method.
Intuition is central to discussions about the nature of scientific and philosophical reasoning and what it means to be human. In this bold and timely book, Hillel D. Braude marshals his dual training as a physician and philosopher to examine the place of intuition in medicine. Rather than defining and using a single concept of intuition—philosophical, practical, or neuroscientific—Braude here examines intuition as it occurs at different levels and in different contexts of clinical reasoning. He argues that not only does intuition provide the bridge between medical reasoning and moral reasoning, but that it also links the epistemological, ontological, and ethical foundations of clinical d...