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The President and Immigration Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 361

The President and Immigration Law

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020
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  • Publisher: Unknown

When President Barack Obama announced his plans to shield millions of immigrants from deportation, Congress and the commentariat pilloried him for acting unilaterally. When President Donald Trump attempted to ban immigration from six predominantly Muslim counties, a different collection of critics attacked the action as tyrannical. Beneath this polarized political resistance lies a widely shared belief: that Congress, not the President, makes our immigration policies, dictating who can come to the United States, and who can stay, in a detailed and comprehensive legislative code. In The President and Immigration Law, Adam Cox and Cristina Rodr�guez shatter the myth that Congress controls im...

Racial Justice and Law
  • Language: en

Racial Justice and Law

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016
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  • Publisher: Unknown

"White supremacy pervades American history. Moreover, notwithstanding landmark civil rights gains and egalitarian aspirations, America remains segregated and unequal. This book examines the role of law in reinforcing and ameliorating racial injustice. Although surveying key historical precedents, its primary focus is the present. The book examines contemporary controversies across a variety of settings, animated by three fundamental questions: What is the current racial order? To what extent is it unjust? How can law and legal actors advance a more racially just order? The book uses cases, statutes and other sources of law, supplemented by problems and exercises, to equip students to both critique and construct pragmatic solutions to race-related controversies"--Publisher's website.

Writing Immigration
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Writing Immigration

Bringing nuance, complexity, and clarity to a subject often seen in black and white, Writing Immigration presents a unique interplay of leading scholars and journalists working on the contentious topic of immigration. In a series of powerful essays, the contributors reflect on how they struggle to write about one of the defining issues of our time—one that is at once local and global, familiar and uncanny, concrete and abstract. Highlighting and framing central questions surrounding immigration, their essays explore topics including illegal immigration, state and federal mechanisms for immigration regulation, enduring myths and fallacies regarding immigration, immigration and the economy, immigration and education, the adaptations of the second generation, and more. Together, these writings give a clear sense of the ways in which scholars and journalists enter, shape, and sometimes transform this essential yet unfinished national conversation.

The Ideological Origins of American Federalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 321

The Ideological Origins of American Federalism

  • Categories: Law

Federalism is regarded as one of the signal American contributions to modern politics. Its origins are typically traced to the drafting of the Constitution, but the story began decades before the delegates met in Philadelphia. In this groundbreaking book, Alison LaCroix traces the history of American federal thought from its colonial beginnings in scattered provincial responses to British assertions of authority, to its emergence in the late eighteenth century as a normative theory of multilayered government. The core of this new federal ideology was a belief that multiple independent levels of government could legitimately exist within a single polity, and that such an arrangement was not a...

Enchanted Air
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 208

Enchanted Air

Margarita is a girl from two worlds. Her heart lies in Cuba, her mother s tropical island country, a place so lush with vibrant life that it seems like a fairy tale kingdom. But most of the time she lives in Los Angeles, lonely in the noisy city and dreaming of the summers when she can take a plane through the enchanted air to her beloved island. Words and images are her constant companions, friendly and comforting when the children at school are not.

Beyond Use-Wear Traces
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 350

Beyond Use-Wear Traces

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-04-23
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This book brings together 30 papers by leading scholars in the field of usewear and residue analysis. This publication aims to revive the debate on the role of traceology (use-wear and residues) in multidisciplinary approaches that address archaeological questions. Many studies on technological aspects of material culture deal with specific material categories (e.g. flint, ceramics, bone), often in separate or isolated ways, and this division does not really reflect the integrated nature of technical systems in which different material categories are in dynamic interaction. Hence, exploring the interaction between different chaînes opératoires is crucial for a more global concept of the to...

Blame it on the Gender
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 126

Blame it on the Gender

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa160\sl252\slmult1\i\f0\fs22 Blame it on the Gender\i0 offers a multidisciplinary approach to gender studies in Antiquity, containing contributions by international scholars on different ancient geographical contexts where gender and gender relations can be studied. From the Iron Age in northern Spain to Roman Late Antiquity, this volume revises our understanding of people\rquote s life in the past. It offers a critical analysis of previous methodological approaches and suggests new techniques. The various contributors discuss gender misconceptions repeated in scholarship over the last few decades and emphasise the need for researchers to consider gender in their own studies. Each contribution offers a recent bibliography for further reading and the chapters cover different masculinities, gender stereotypes, women, and new approaches in archaeology as well as in history, literature, and epigraphy.\par\pard\f1\fs17\par}

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 168


When Spanish photographer Cristina Garcia Rodero went to study art in Italy, in 1973, she fully understood the importance of home. Yet her time abroad formented a deeper interest in was happening in her own country and, as a result, at the age of 23, Garcia Rodero returned to Spain and started a project that she hoped would capture the essence of the myriad Spanish traditions, religious practices and rites that were already fading away. What started as a five-year project ended up lasting 15 years and came to be the book España Oculta(Hidden Spain) published in 1989. At 39 years old, Garcia Rodero had managed to compile a kind of anthropological encyclopedia of her country. The work also captured a key moment in Spain’s history – with Spanish dictator Franco dying in 1975, and the country commencing a period of transition – something that would come to have a huge effect on the way the nation’s cultural traditions and rites were experienced and performed from then on.

PAR EntreMundos
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 259

PAR EntreMundos

"PAR EntreMundos: A Pedagogy of the Américas powerfully engages the theory and practice of participatory action research in ways that revolutionize its potential for critically understanding the particularities and universalisms of the cultural traditions of the Américas. In so doing, the editors of this book bring together a striking collection of educational essays that illustrate the pedagogical and political force of a communal methodology for radically comprehending the beautifully diverse and complex hemisphere that informs our labor as educators and cultural citizens of the world."-Antonia Darder, Leavey Presidential Endowed Chair in Ethics and Moral Leadership at Loyola Marymount University and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Education at the University of Johannesburg

The Hispanic-Anglosphere from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 317

The Hispanic-Anglosphere from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-04-26
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The Hispanic and Anglo worlds are often portrayed as the Cain and Abel of Western culture, antagonistic and alien to each other. This book challenges such view with a new critical conceptual framework – the ‘Hispanic-Anglosphere’ – to open a window into the often surprising interactions of individuals, transnational networks and global communities that, it argues, made of the British Isles (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) a crucial hub for the global Hispanic world, a launching-pad and a bridge between Spanish Europe, Africa, America and Asia in the late eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Perhaps not unlike today, that was a time ...