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Undoubtedly, emotions sometimes thwart our epistemic endeavours. But do they also contribute to epistemic success? The thesis that emotions 'skew the epistemic landscape', as Peter Goldie puts it in this volume, has long been discussed in epistemology. Recently, however, philosophers have called for a systematic reassessment of the epistemic relevance of emotions. The resulting debate at the interface between epistemology, theory of emotions and cognitive science examines emotions in a wide range of functions. These include motivating inquiry, establishing relevance, as well as providing access to facts, beliefs and non-propositional aspects of knowledge. This volume is the first collection focusing on the claim that we cannot but account for emotions if we are to understand the processes and evaluations related to empirical knowledge. All essays are specifically written for this collection by leading researchers in this relatively new and developing field, bringing together work from backgrounds such as pragmatism and scepticism, cognitive theories of emotions and cognitive science, Cartesian epistemology and virtue epistemology.
Nearly fourteen million people died during the First World War. But why, and for what reason? Already many contemporaries saw the Great War as a "pointless carnage" (Pope Benedict XV, 1917). Was there a point, at least in the eyes of the political and military decision makers? How did they justify the losses, and why did they not try to end the war earlier? In this volume twelve international specialists analyses and compares the hopes and expectations of the political and military leaders of the main belligerent countries and of their respective societies. It shows that the war aims adopted during the First World War were not, for the most part, the cause of the conflict, but a reaction to it, an attempt to give the tragedy a purpose - even if the consequence was to oblige the belligerents to go on fighting until victory. The volume tries to explain why - and for what - the contemporaries thought that they had to fight the Great War.
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
Transatlantic democracy in the 20th century - this concept goes beyond the idea of an American civilizing mission in Europe after two World Wars, and certainly beyond the notion of re-educating Germans, and making them fit for Western institutions after Nazism. As democracy is being contested anew in the beginning of the 21st century, a much more complicated landscape of democracy since 1900 emerges. Transfer was not a one-way-street, and patterns of conflict and transformation affected both American and European political societies. American democracy may not be reduced to a resilient defense of original traditions, while the narrative of German democracy is more than redemption from catastrophe. The essays in this volume contribute to a new history of transatlantic democracy that accounts for its manifold experiences and constant renegotiations, up to the current challenges of American and European populism.
The ten essays in this volume deal with the debates and conflicts about modernity in a period of American history when the tensions and strains caused by seemingly unrestrained change and the reactions to it were particularly severe and tangible. Partly concentrating on the margins or dark underworlds of modernity, such as racism and violence, partly focusing on the allegedly unlimited space to negotiate and create social order from scratch, the contributions to this volume show that, and discuss why, modernity was an issue in contemporary United States which seemed to have been even more hotly contested than in Europe at the same time, albeit sometimes in terms of “Americanism” rather than “modernism”. In this book, European scholars of the United States apply variations on the transnational discourse on modernity to unexpected dimensions of U.S. history, making this volume a fascinating example of the present-day enterprise of internationalizing American studies.
Soziale Arbeit zeigt sich in einem neuen Gewand. Das Versprechen lautet, als transdisziplinäre Disziplin könne sie sich im Verhältnis zu ihren Bezugswissenschaften neu begreifen und emanzipieren. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter diesem schillernden Begriff und wie soll Transdisziplinarität als Versprechen eingelöst werden? Stefanie Büchner widmet sich in diesem Buch begrifflich und konzeptionell den Vorstellungen zur Transdisziplinarität in der Sozialen Arbeit, indem sie fünf prominente Verständnisse des Begriffes rekonstruiert und vergleicht. Dabei kann sie zeigen, dass sich äußerst heterogene Konzepte hinter diesem Begriff verbergen, die sowohl in ihrem Ausarbeitungsgrad als auch in ihrer inhaltlichen Bestimmung verschiedener kaum sein könnten. Das Buch wendet sich an Dozierende und Studierende Sozialer Arbeit sowie an LeserInnen, die sich für Neubestimmungen und Begriffsmoden in der Sozialen Arbeit interessieren.
Das Bayerische Jahrbuch verzeichnet Behörden, Ministerien, Körperschaften und mit ihnen verbundene Einrichtungen des öffentlichen Lebens im Freistaat Bayern und liefert aktuelle Informationen zu Institutionen und Personen des öffentlichen Lebens in Bayern: Behörden und Dienststellen der staatlichen und kommunalen Verwaltung, die Gerichtsbarkeit, Interessenverbände und andere Organisationen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Kunst usw., Notare, Kirchenbehörden, Schulen, Hochschulen, Museen, Bibliotheken, Krankenhäuser, Kreditinstitute sowie über 12.000 Bürgermeister, Landräte, Vorsitzende, Geschäftsführer, Präsidenten, Direktoren und andere Personen in leitender Funktion.Der Hauptteil des Jahrbuches wird durch einen Statistischen Überblick zu ausgewählten Themen abgerundet.Ein umfangreiches Personenregister sowie ein Sach- und Institutionenregister ermöglichen die gezielte Suche im Bayerischen Jahrbuch.