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This volume illustrates and deepens the understanding of current agrarian dynamics developing in Mediterranean countries in the light of recent theoretical contributions. The book compiles and analyses a set of Mediterranean case studies that show the range of transformations shaping contemporary agriculture in Southern Europe
This open access book provides a panoramic view of the evolution of Spanish agriculture from 1900 to the present, offering a more diverse picture to the complex and multidimensional reality of agrarian production. With a clear transdisciplinary ambition, the book applies an original and innovative theoretical and methodological tool, termed Agrarian Social Metabolism, combining Social Metabolism with an agroecological perspective. This integrative analysis is especially interesting for environmental scientists and policy makers being the best way to design sustainable agroecosystems and public policies capable of moving us towards a more sustainable food system. Spanish agricultural producti...
First published in 1952, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology) is well established as a major bibliographic reference for students, researchers and librarians in the social sciences worldwide. Key features * Authority: Rigorous standards are applied to make the IBSS the most authoritative selective bibliography ever produced. Articles and books are selected on merit by some of the world's most expert librarians and academics. * Breadth: today the IBSS covers over 2000 journals - more than any other comparable resource. The latest monograph publications are also included. * International Coverage: the IBSS reviews scholarship published in over 30 languages, including publications from Eastern Europe and the developing world. * User friendly organization: all non-English titles are word sections. Extensive author, subject and place name indexes are provided in both English and French.
Migration to the cities had been a part of European rural life long before the start of modern industrialisation and urbanisation. In the era of modern development, however, rural-urban migration intensified in an unprecedented way and many rural communities depopulated. While during the pre-industrial period migration had contributed to the economic and social reproduction of rural communities, it now challenged the continuity of the rural lifestyle. This book analyses the topic for the case of Spain, which in the twentieth century experienced one of the most intense processes of rural depopulation in modern Europe. The interaction between Spanish industrialisation and rural migration, the ...
No momento da entrada na CE, Galiza non contou cun estado propio, como o de Irlanda, sufrindo as determinacións políticas alleas. En Galiza na Unión. A porta atlántica trátase da admirábel resposta da sociedade galega, dispondo agora dunha singular estrutura produtiva, con múltiples actividades económicas que encabezan as do Estado español. Unha sociedade preparada para unha vida política aberta e independente. A través do camiño que ía de Europa en dirección a Compostela, Galiza estivo presente nas orixes da identidade do continente. George Steiner fala da relación entre a humanidade europea e a paisaxe moldeada polos pés e as mans, pondo o percorrido dos peregrinos como paradigma das distancias a escala humana, dos horizontes enxergados andando.
Estrutura económica de Galiza ten como obxectivo subministrar a un público amplo as informacións e análises que permitan comprender o funcionamento actual e as transformacións recentes da economía galega. Para iso a perspectiva adoptada é de média diatáncia: nen un tratamento exaustivo de todas as cuestións nen unha escolla persoal dos temas fulcrais, senón un exame rigoroso que non esqueza nengun ámbito relevante. Optou-se tamén pola organización pedagóxica dos materiais, pretendendo explicar máis que seducir. E quixo-se contar co máximo apoio empírico que unha obra destas características pode suportar, respaldando as aseveracións coas estatísticas pertinentes. Portanto...