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Bartolomé de las Casas, O.P.: History, Philosophy, and Theology in the Age of European Expansion marks a critical point in Lascasian scholarship. The result of the collaborative work of seventeen prominent scholars, contributions span the fields of history, Latin American studies, literary criticism, philosophy and theology. The volume offers to specialists and non-specialists alike access to a rich and thoughtful overview of nascent colonial Latin American and early modern Iberian studies in a single text. Contributors: Rolena Adorno; Matthew Restall; David Thomas Orique, O.P.; Rady Roldán-Figueroa; Carlos A. Jáuregui; David Solodkow; Alicia Mayer; Claus Dierksmeier; Daniel R. Brunstetter; Víctor Zorrilla; Luis Fernando Restrepo; David Lantigua; Ramón Darío Valdivia Giménez; Eyda M. Merediz; Laura Dierksmeier; Guillaume Candela, and Armando Lampe.
The Transatlantic Las Casas demonstrates the vitality of Lascasian studies. An impressive ensemble of scholars spanning the fields of Latin American studies, philosophy, theology, anthropology, law, literary criticism, and ethnohistory illuminate the complex intellectual web surrounding the controversial figure of Bartolomé de las Casas. This volume offers sophisticated explorations of colonial Latin American and early modern Iberian studies by Laura Ammon, Thomas Eggensperger, O.P., Natsuko Matsumori, Timothy A. McCallister, Luis Mora Rodríguez, David Thomas Orique, O.P., María Cristina Ríos Espinosa, Rady Roldán-Figueroa, Mario Ruíz Sotelo, Frauke Sachse, Rubén A. Sánchez-Godoy, John F. Schwaller, Garry Sparks, Vanina M. Teglia, Dwight E.R. TenHuisen, Paola Uparela, Ramón Darío Valdivia Giménez, Andrew L. Wilson, and Victor Zorrilla.
Between Sword and Prayer is a broad-ranging anthology focused on the involvement of medieval clergy in warfare and a variety of related military activities. The essays address, on the one hand, the issue of clerical participation in combat, in organizing military campaigns, and in armed defense, and on the other, questions surrounding the political, ideological, or religious legitimization of clerical military aggression. These perspectives are further enriched by chapters dealing with the problem of the textual representation of clergy who actively participated in military affairs. The essays in this volume span Latin Christendom, encompassing geographically the four corners of medieval Europe: Western, East-Central, Northern Europe, and the Mediterranean. Contributors are Carlos de Ayala Martínez, Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Chris Dennis, Pablo Dorronzoro Ramírez, Lawrence G. Duggan, Daniel Gerrard, Robert Houghton, Carsten Selch Jensen, Radosław Kotecki, Jacek Maciejewski, Ivan Majnarić, Monika Michalska, Michael Edward Moore, Craig M. Nakashian, John S. Ott, Katherine Allen Smith, and Anna Waśko.
This is a revisionary study of Muslims living under Christian rule during the Spanish 'reconquest'. It looks beyond the obvious religious distinctions and delves into the subtleties of identity in the thirteenth-century Crown of Aragon, uncovering a social dynamic in which sectarian differences comprise only one of the many factors in the causal complex of political, economic and cultural reactions. Beginning with the final stage of independent Muslim rule in the Ebro valley region, the book traces the transformation of Islamic society into mudéjar society under Christian domination. This was a case of social evolution in which Muslims, far from being passive victims of foreign colonisation, took an active part in shaping their institutions and experiences as subjects of the Infidel. Using a diverse range of methodological approaches, this book challenges widely held assumptions concerning Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages, and minority-majority relations in general.
Unique in its cultural and religious makeup, medieval Iberia represented a crossroads of cultures. This crossroads was reflected in large and small ways. On a grand scale, we see the convergence of intellectual ideas and great innovations in agriculture and science. On a more intimate level, we see an intersection of cultures as reflected in habits of consumption. The acts of producing food, cooking, and eating demonstrate the political realities of the land: at times interdependent, and, at times, at odds. Food, as an archeological and anthropological tool, can help us understand a particular moment in time. In considering the nature of consumption, we may arrive at the heart of a culture. In Medieval Fare, the author explores food references found in a number of medieval Iberian texts in order to expand our knowledge of daily life in the Middle Ages. By examining the depiction of food and consumption, this pioneering study provides insight into the cultural, religious, and social complexities of medieval Iberia.
Throughout history, different cultural traditions, all of them with considerable linguistic diversity, have flourished and converged in the Mediterranean and Near Eastern regions. The International Conference of Junior Researchers in Mediterranean and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures provided a transverse and interdisciplinary framework of discussion and reflection on the intellectual and cultural production of the Mediterranean and the Near East, from its earliest stages to the present. This book is the result of the analysis of the different political, religious and social trends of thought, material culture, and artistic, literary and linguistic expressions brought together in this geographical area, highlighting the scope of this blend of traditions within different space-time surroundings.
Moral y transgresión en Tauste y su entorno durante la Edad Moderna Raquel Cuartero Arina Aportación al conocimiento de las fiestas patronales de la villa de Tauste Joaquín Cebamanos Conde Aviando el puchero. ¿Qué se comía en las Cinco Villas en la Edad Media? Elena Piedrafita Pérez Repasando la prehistoria reciente en las Cinco Villas: el yacimiento de la Balsa de Tamariz y la Edad de Bronce en la localidad de Tauste José Ignacio Royo Guillén El valle del Ebro: frontera del Islam, Islam de frontera Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez
Ismael Sanz Bayón. La fauna más desconocida de Tauste: náyades y mamíferos Alberto Aguilera Hernández. Jaime Ortiz y las sillerías corales de la villa de Tauste en su contexto histórico-artístico Francisco Saulo Rodríguez Lajusticia. El Cartulario Magno de Amposta y el volumen correspondiente a Tauste
La ciudad prerromana de Valdetaus M.ª Angeles Magallón y M.ª Peña Lanzarote El Patrimonio artístico de la Villa de Tauste M.ª Sancho Menjón Ruiz Territorio y sociedad: la carta de Población de Tauste Miguel Angel Pallarés Jiménez La Casa de Ganaderos de Tauste. Notas sobre su historia Medieval y Moderna Jose Antonio Fernández Otal El pensamiento social de un taustano ilustre, el Obispo Supervía José Estarán Molinero