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Whether considered from an American or a European perspective, the past four decades have seen family life become increasingly complex. Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution examines the various stages of change through the image of a kaleidoscope, providing new insights into the field of family dynamics and diversity.
This multi-faceted book combines theoretical, empirical and practical approaches to explore how family law is responding to the ever-changing social dynamics of the family. Bringing together a broad range of experts with innovative perspectives from across the globe, Rethinking Law's Families and Family Law highlights family law's current challenges and presents key avenues for future research.
This book addresses the universal and topical question of solidarity across generations from a comparative perspective, with a particular focus on the legal issues concerning retirement pensions, the poverty in the elderly, long-term care, as well as state interventions and family support for those at risk. Drawing on insights from the interface between family law, administrative law and social law, it examines 13 countries on different continents, and also briefly covers a number of additional countries in the introduction. This book is a based on the discussions and exchanges at the 20th General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, in Fukuoka, Japan.
More than half of the world's population lives under law codes. Yet, defining the concept of codification remains elusive. Rather than delving into abstract theories, this book provides a rich and contextual comparative legal history of codes in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium from the late eighteenth century to the present. The author starts by examining the evolution of French, German, Dutch, and Belgian codes in their political and comparative context, thus challenging deeply rooted national narratives. He covers the well-studied civil codes and the often-overlooked commercial and procedural codes and drafts that failed to become law. Against this backdrop, the book embarks ...
Het nieuw samengesteld gezin is een actueel, maar ook een historisch verschijnsel. In de loop van de geschiedenis werden tal van regels uitgevaardigd die zich tot doel stelden de verhoudingen binnen deze gezinnen te regelen. Ouders die weduwe of weduwnaar werden, gingen nieuwe huwelijken aan, vaak met partners die zelf kinderen hadden uit een eerder huwelijk. Tussen de belangen van alle betrokkenen diende een evenwicht te worden gevonden, voornamelijk met betrekking tot de nalatenschap van de eerst overleden ouder. In navolging van opeenvolgende maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen is het hedendaagse recht op dat punt in evolutie: wegens de hoge echtscheidingscijfers zijn er steeds meer nieuw sam...
Stepfamilies were as common in the European past as they are today. Stepfamilies in Europe, 1400–1800 is the first in-depth study to chart four centuries of continuity and change for these complex families created by the death of a parent and the remarriage of the survivor. With geographic coverage from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia and from the Atlantic coast to Central Europe, this collection of essays from leading scholars compares how religious affiliation, laws and cultural attitudes shaped stepfamily realities. Exploring stepfamilies across society from artisans to princely rulers, this book considers the impact of remarriage on the bonds between parents and their children, steppa...
How did WWI affect the love lives of ordinary citizens and their interactions as couples? This book focuses on how dramatic changes in living conditions affected key parts of the life course of ordinary citizens: marriage and divorce. Innovative in bringing together demographic and gender perspectives, contributions in this comparative volume draw on newly available micro-level data, as well as qualitative sources such as war diaries. In a first exploration intended to incite further research, it asks how patterns of marriage and divorce were affected by the war across Europe, and what the role of enduring change - or lack thereof - in gender relations was in shaping these patterns.
This comprehensive handbook provides an overview and update of the issues, theories, processes, and applications of the social science of population studies. The volume's 30 chapters cover the full range of conceptual, empirical, disciplinary, and applied approaches to the study of demographic phenomena. This book is the first effort to assess the entire field since Hauser and Duncan's 1959 classic, The Study of Population. The chapter authors are among the leading contributors to demographic scholarship over the past four decades. They represent a variety of disciplines and theoretical perspectives as well as interests in both basic and applied research.
"Ook in Limburg werden joden en Sinti tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog opgepakt en gedeporteerd naar Duitse concentratiekampen. Toch kon de helft van de circa 1500 Limburgse joden nog net op tijd onderduiken. Bovendien vonden hier nog een paar duizend joodse onderduikers van elders een veilige schuilplek. Zo ontstond de paradoxale situatie dat er aan het eind van de oorlog meer joden in Limburg aanwezig waren dan aan het begin. Van gemeente tot gemeente waren de verschillen groot, zowel wat betreft het aantal onderduikers als het aantal overlevende joden. Binnen Limburg bestonden hier en daar kleine gemeenschappen, in de mijnstreek van gereformeerde en in de Maasdorpen en Sevenum van katholieke signatuur, die meer dan andere gericht waren op hulp aan joden. Deze studie is een waardevolle bijdrage aan het debat over de achtergronden van regionale en nationale verschillen in de uitwerking van de Holocaust."--Back cover.