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First published 1991. Lymph Stasis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment provides a reintroduction to the lymphatic system and its primary disease-lymph stasis-to practitioners who treat patients with lymph stasis of the limbs. Topics discussed include an introduction to the lymphatic system in man, the structure of lymphatics and the mechanism of lymph formation based on animal and human studies, chemical and cellular composition of lymph in humans, pathological factors affecting lymph flow, treatment of lymphedema, and clinical studies on antibiotic penetration to tissue fluid and lymph. Angiologists, vascular surgeons, dermatologists, radiologists, and nuclear medicine specialists are among those physicians who will find a wealth of useful information in this book.
As cancer survival rates continue to improve, the number of patients living with cancer or after successful cancer treatment is increasing. Gynaecological cancers are potentially curable if caught in their early stages, and, therefore, quality of life after treatment is important. This is the first textbook to consider the prevention, diagnosis and management of psychological and physical treatment-induced morbidity in patients with gynaecological cancers. It is essential reading for all sub-specialty trainees in gynaecological oncology, as well as established consultants. It will appeal to consultants and trainees in all contributing specialties, including reproductive medicine, urology and uro-gynaecology, gastroenterology, colorectal surgery and psychology, as well as specialists in lymphoedema treatment.
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
Základní učebnice v oboru, překlad již 7. vydání, které vyšlo v nakladatelství Urban&Fischer ze skupiny ELSEVIER. Čtenář zda najde opravdu vše potřebné a aktuální: anatomii a fyziologii lymfatického systému, příčiny a původ onemocnění lymfatického systému, diagnostiku, léčbu a průběh všech lymfologických patologických obrazů z lékařského pohledu, techniku, účinky využití všech komplexních fyzikálních a dalších metod. Autoři vynikajícím způsobem propojili v publikaci informace pro lékařské a nelékařské obory takovým způsobem, aby z účinné léčby co nejvíce profitoval nemocný. Didaktickou hodnotu publikace zvyšuje přes 700 barevných vyobrazení. Ideální kniha pro lékaře (ocení ji chirurgové, lymfologové, RHB lékaři, dermatologové, estetičtí chirurgové, angiologové i internisti) a dále ji využijí fyzioterapeuti, maséři a odborný léčebný personál lázní.
Der bewährte englischsprachige Klassiker, der alle Aspekte der Lymphologie vollständig und übersichtlich zusammenfasst: Anatomie und Physiologie des Lymphsystems Ursachen, Diagnostik, Therapie und Verlauf aller lymphologischen Krankheitsbilder Technik, Wirkungsweise und Einsatz der Komplexen Physikalischen Entstauungstherapie (KPE) Dieses Werk schlägt eine Brücke zwischen schulmedizinischer und physiotherapeutischer Tätigkeit - ideal für Ärzte und Therapeuten. Die neue, 3. Auflage wurde komplett aktualisiert und ergänzt.
- UPDATED! Content and references throughout present the most current and relevant information for today's clinical practice. - NEW! Two additional chapters on Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Women and Pulmonary Vascular Disease provide comprehensive coverage of these key topics. - NEW! Enhanced ebook version of the text — included with print purchase — offers access to all of the text, figures, and references from the book, as well as additional case studies and a glossary, on a variety of digital devices.
For programs in Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Assistant, Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Licensed Massage Therapy, Nursing, Medical Residencies in Vascular Medicine, Urology, Oncology. This enticing, readable, visually informative resource is the first North American text on lymphedema for a wide variety of health professionals. It is a comprehensive resource for both novice and experienced clinicians alike. Readers not only develop in-depth knowledge of the essential roles of the lymphatic system and the management of the symptoms of the abnormal lymphatic system, but sharpen clinical decision-making skills. Additionally, readers are prepared for effective in-service presentations, provider relations meetings, communications with referral sources, intervention plans, and clinical specialization.
The 4th edition of Tappan's Handbook of Healing Massage Techniques continues to be an authoritative and comprehensive resource for massage therapy courses. This book lays the theoretical groundwork and provides detailed descriptions of techniques for Western and contemporary massage, Asian bodywork therapy and applications for special populations. Whether you are a licensed massage therapy practitioner, another health-related professional, or simply interested in basic massage therapy techniques, this is the book for you. New to this Edition: Accompanying CD-ROM-provides instructional video of the most common massage techniques to provide readers with a visual aid to accompany chapter conten...