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On 8 October 2004, the Council Regulation (EC) No. 2157/2001 on the Statute for the European Company (SE) will enter into force. In order to make the SE a functional instrument for entrepreneurs and investors, as well as to ensure the effective application of European law, it is necessary to pass national implementation measures by then. National legislators have the opportunity as well as the challenge to shape, in some respect, a national model of the SE which would be attractive for investors and would influence their decision as to where the company be located. Thus, the coming into force of the SE-Regulation will also give "the starting shot" for the competition between national legisla...
This book addresses the regulation of the State/Enterprise relationship in the framework of international economic context. It analyzes this relationship from the discrete perspectives of conflict, cooperation, and integration in contributions by authors representing a diverse range of legal cultures and political backgrounds. The topic is investigated following three approaches: • State versus Enterprise (the State which bans, restricts, or regulates the activities of Enterprises, both domestic and foreign);• Enterprise versus State (the Enterprises, main actors of commercial, industrial or financial initiatives, which may directly or indirectly affect the legal and economic structure of the State);• State as Enterprise and Enterprise as State (public Enterprises under political control that pursue geopolitical goals, and Enterprises that rely on the political, financial, and strategic support of the State for their business expansion). Furthermore, the volume includes a special focus on the relationship State/Enterprise in non-capitalist economies (China, Russia, and Cuba).
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the law of business formations in Italy provides quick and easy guidance on a variety of corporate and partnership considerations such as mergers, rights and duties of interested parties, stock exchange rules, labour laws, and takeovers. Lawyers who handle transnational business will appreciate the explanation of local variations in terminology and the distinctive concepts that determine practice and procedure. A general introduction covering historical background, definitions, sources of law, and the effect of international private law is followed by a discussion of such aspects as types o...
This successful textbook remains the only offering for students of European company law, and has been fully updated.
This book discusses how the Covid pandemic has reshaped investment screening mechanisms, investment law and arbitration. Contributions from leading academics and practitioners offer a fresh perspective on the reform of the ISDS mechanism and investment treaties; security and public order risks in FDI screening; the application of treaty standards and customary law defences; and the critical role of scientific data in investment arbitration. With rare insights and unpublished data, this book is your essential guide to understanding the resilience of the investment regime in these challenging times.
Whether the corporate form is used to avoid liabilities or cover illegal acts, or whether abuse is practised to obtain certain advantages, the subject of this first-ever in-depth survey and analysis garners more attention every day – both in legal literature and in popular media. Taken together, the authoritative contributions in this book clearly and comprehensively reveal typical situations where abuse may take place and how company law and other areas of law have tackled these incidents and practices in a variety of key jurisdictions. Focusing on Europe but with global implications, the topics raised include the following: how group structures may be used by multinational enterprises to...
"This open access book explains why Hong Kong adopts a triangular approach (combining unilateralism, bilateralism, and multilateralism) in its external trade and investment relations, describing how it applies the methods necessary to manage the triple-track strategy, and identifying the legal, political, and economic implications of this approach. The book explores the evolving role of Hong Kong in contemporary regional and global affairs and makes recommendations on how Hong Kong can improve its effectiveness in securing its regional policy goals"--
I primi due decenni di questo secolo sono stati fortemente segnati da emergenze di ogni tipo: terrorismo, crisi finanziaria, disastri naturali, migrazioni, cambiamenti climatici, infine la pandemia di Covid,19. Come conseguenza della globalizzazione e della geopolitica globale, gli effetti di queste emergenze sono aumentati, richiedendo interventi a diversi livelli, anche sul piano giuridico. Allo stesso tempo, questa tensione globale è spesso messa in discussione da un approccio più locale alle questioni economiche e sociali. Il presente volume raccoglie gli atti del XXVI Convegno biennale dell'Associazione italiana di diritto comparato, dedicato alla indagine sulle conseguenze di tali emergenze per il diritto comparato. Può ragionevolmente discorrersi di un “diritto comparato delle emergenze”? Se le emergenze sono diventante caratteristica strutturale del nostro mondo globalizzato, dovranno i giuristi , tradizionalmente “inseguitori” dei fenomeni sociali , adattare il proprio approccio e adeguarsi al costante mutamento dei contesti giuridici? DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-137-7
Il volume raccoglie oltre trenta saggi, rielaborati, presentati al XXV Colloquio dell’Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato, tenutosi a Parma nel maggio 2019 e dedicato a “Cibo e diritto”. I contributi spaziano dalla cultura alimentare, alla filiera agro-alimentare, alla regolazione dei mercati e alla concorrenza, ai profili di proprietà intellettuale, al commercio internazionale, alla tutela dei consumatori e alle tematiche relative all’educazione alimentare e alle sfide della sostenibilità, e si conclude con una parte dedicata ai diritti degli animali. Contributi di: Ferdinando Albisinni, Gabriella Autorino, Lorenzo Bairati, Marco Barbone, Silvia Bolognini, Albina Candian, I...
Uno dei fenomeni emergenti nelle società contemporanee è l’offuscamento dei confini tra la dimensione “pubblica” e quella “privata”. La trasformazione digitale è tra i motori di tale processo, insieme all’evoluzione delle relazioni economiche e sociali, in un contesto caratterizzato da crescenti scambi e contaminazioni culturali, nonché da emergenze ambientali e sociali. La privatizzazione di aspetti tradizionalmente attribuiti al potere dello Stato, insieme alla caratterizzazione sempre più in chiave pubblicistica di relazioni precedentemente considerate di pertinenza della sfera privata, mettono in discussione molti campi del sapere, tra cui quello del diritto. Le (un tempo) rassicuranti categorie giuridiche tradizionali risultano profondamente coinvolte da tale processo. In particolare, la distinzione tra diritto pubblico e diritto privato è oggi sempre più sottoposta a tensioni e rivela la propria inadeguatezza ove si vogliano leggere in modo corretto le implicazioni giuridiche dei nuovi fenomeni sociali. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-393-7