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The Mage's Images: Heinrich Khunrath in His Oratory and Laboratory, Volume 1
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 498

The Mage's Images: Heinrich Khunrath in His Oratory and Laboratory, Volume 1

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-25
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This is the 1st volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic philosophers’, whose Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom (1595/1609) has been described as ‘one of the most important books in the whole literature of theosophical alchemy and the occult sciences’. Khunrath is best known for his novel combination of ‘scripture and picture’ in the complex engravings in his Amphitheatre. In this richly illustrated monograph, Forshaw analyses occult symbolism, with previously unpublished material, offering insight into Khunrath’s insistence on the necessary combination of alchemy, magic, and cabala in ‘Oratory and Laboratory’.

The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 737

The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in America

Early Americans have long been considered "A People of the Book" Because the nickname was coined primarily to invoke close associations between Americans and the Bible, it is easy to overlook the central fact that it was a book-not a geographic location, a monarch, or even a shared language-that has served as a cornerstone in countless investigations into the formation and fragmentation of early American culture. Few books can lay claim to such powers of civilization-altering influence. Among those which can are sacred books, and for Americans principal among such books stands the Bible. This Handbook is designed to address a noticeable void in resources focused on analyzing the Bible in Ame...

Dictionary of the Printing and Allied Industries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1063

Dictionary of the Printing and Allied Industries

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-10-22
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

The first edition of this dictionary, compiled by F.J.M. Wijnekus and published in 1967, was the result of years of systematic collection and preparation of thousands of terms and expressions which were until then not to be found in any other dictionary. The material was correlated for use in his daily work and, as the reputation of his private collection spread, there was an increasing demand for access to these findings. Until 1967 there was no comprehensive multilingual dictionary on the subject; former publications were incomplete and out of date and lacked clear definition - often leading to disastrous misunderstandings. Furthermore, the subject of printing, paper and ink technology had...

Paper and Timber
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 918

Paper and Timber

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1970
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Dictionary of Librarianship / Wörterbuch des Bibliothekswesens
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

Dictionary of Librarianship / Wörterbuch des Bibliothekswesens

This volume identifies well over 26,000 terms and now encompasses the field of higher education. Terms are gleaned from a wide variety of sources, including German and English specialized glossaries and professional books and articles.

Dictionary of Librarianship
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 544

Dictionary of Librarianship


Dictionary of Dictionaries and Eminent Encyclopedias
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 440

Dictionary of Dictionaries and Eminent Encyclopedias

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1997
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Enlarged by some 50 percent and equipped with more comprehensive name and subject indexes, the second edition of this unique guide contains bibliographic and descriptive annotations for 8,000 dictionaries. It features 1,500 additional bilingual works, 400 new subject categories, and all the major electronic dictionaries produced in English. While the primary emphasis is on language dictionaries, subject dictionaries on topics as varied as ceramics, bookbinding, and theatre as well as dictionaries issued by international bodies and agencies are included. Covering all the world's languages, works may be bilingual, monolingual, or multilingual as long as there is an English element.

Der Druck chinesischer Zeichen in Europa
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 332

Der Druck chinesischer Zeichen in Europa

Seit dem Beginn der gelehrten Beschaftigung mit China suchte man in Europa nach Wegen, chinesische Zeichen in laufende Texte einzuschalten, wie das fur andere nichtlateinische Schriften ublich war. Nach 1810 setzten im Zuge der Verwissenschaftlichung der Forschungen zur chinesischen Sprache intensive Bemuhungen um den Druck chinesischer Zeichen ein. Die Herstellung von Chinesisch-Typen in Europa erreichte in den dreissiger und vierziger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts ihren Hohepunkt. Europaische Druckereien gingen jedoch bald dazu uber, in Ostasien preisgunstig produzierte Chinesisch-Typen zu importieren. Vorgestellt werden die Entwicklungen in Frankreich, in den deutschsprachigen Landern, in Grossbritannien und in den Niederlanden. Die Studie thematisiert die Herausforderungen, die mit der Herstellung, Beschaffung und Verwendung von ChinesischTypen verbunden waren - in politischer, finanzieller, organisatorischer und technischer Hinsicht.

Suzanne Briet nostra contemporanea
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 158

Suzanne Briet nostra contemporanea

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-03-31T00:00:00+02:00
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  • Publisher: Mimesis

Partendo da un testo specifico – la traduzione italiana del libro di Suzanne Briet Qu’est-ce que la documentation? uscito a Parigi nel 1951 – si delinea un percorso critico alla ricerca dell’identità della Documentazione/Teoria dell’informazione anche in relazione alle altre discipline dell’area. Il lavoro di Briet è sempre più riconosciuto come un “manifesto”. Suzanne Briet propone una riflessione, tuttora valida, circa i contributi specifici che le discipline del libro e del documento possono offrire negli scenari aperti dall’era informatica. Briet pensa Qu’est-ce que la documentation? come manuale per la nascente scuola di alta formazione per documentalisti, e allo stesso tempo riesce a tessere un racconto fiabesco e filosofico del mondo nuovo.