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Konsep dasar media pembelajaran melibatkan pemahaman tentang bagaimana media dapat digunakan secara tepat untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, keterampilan, dan motivasi belajar siswa. Penggunaan media tidak hanya berfokus pada teknologi canggih, tetapi juga mencakup berbagai bentuk alat bantu yang dapat mendukung proses pembelajaran, mulai dari gambar, audio, video, hingga penggunaan permainan pendidikan.
Judul: Pendidikan Multukultural : Konsep dan Implementasi Penulis: Abd Karman, M.M, Alif Lukmanul Hakim., S. Fil., M. Phil, Lisni Hastuti Harahap, S. Pd, M. Pd, Dr. Jasiah, S. Ag, M. Pd, Drs. Nofirman, MT, Indah Wahyu Ningsih, S.Pd.I, M.Pd, Dewa Oka Suparwata, SP, MP, Wanda Nugroho Yanuarto, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D, Syahdara Anisa Makruf, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I, Fuad Hasyim., S.S., M.A, Dr. Casmudi, S.Pd., M.M, Ahmad Asroni., S. Fil., S.Th.I., M. Hum Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 156 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-5314-88-4 Tahun Terbit : Agustus 2022 Sinopsis Buku ini berjudul “Pendidikan Multukultural: Konsep dan Implementasi”. Buku ini membahas terkait pendidikan multukultural mengenai konsep dan impl...
Incorporating a rich series of case-studies covering a range of geographical areas, this collection of essays examines the history of modern intellectuals in the Islamic world throughout the twentieth century. The contributors reassess the typology and history of various scholars, providing significant diachronic analysis of the different forms of communication, learning, and authority. While each chapter presents a separate regional case, with an historically and geographically different background, the volume discloses commonalities, similarities and intellectual echoes through its comparative approach. Consisting of two parts, the volume focuses first on al-Manar, the influential journal published between 1898 and 1935 that inspired much imagination and arguments among local intelligentsias all over the Islamic world. The second part discusses the formation, transmission and transformation of learning and authority, from the Middle East to Central and Southeast Asia. Constituting a milestone in comparative studies of the modern Islamic world, this book highlights the range of and transformation in the role of intellectuals in Islamic societies.
Shalawat terhadap Nabi Muhammad saw memiliki kedudukan yang sangat dalam di hati umat manusia. Menumbuhkan banyak kebaikan di kehidupan kita. Setiap kebaikan adalah sedekah. Sebuah aktivitas yang ego-less. Di mana letak ‘ego-less-nya? Ketika kita mengisi ruang dalam diri dengan sebuah ingatan mengulang-ulang, meminta-minta, dan menghendaki kebaikan. Menghendaki agar Allah SWT mengirimkan sebaik-baik salam dan penghormatan kepada Nabi kita. Meminta tentang sesuatu yang lebih banyak, besar, dan agung, dibandingkan kepentingan dan kebaikan kita sendiri. Buku persembahan penerbit TransMedia
"Margaret Cargill's background as a linguist and research communications educator and Patrick O'Connor's experience as both research scientist and educator synergize to improve both the science and art of scientific writing. If the authors' goal is to give scientists the tools to write and publish compelling, well documented, clear narratives that convey their work honestly and in proper context, they have succeeded admirably." Veterinary Pathology, July 2009 "[The book is] clearly written, has a logical step-by-step structure, is easy to read and contains a lot of sensible advice about how to get scientific work published in international journals. The book is a most useful addition to the ...
Civil Islam tells the story of Islam and democratization in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation. Challenging stereotypes of Islam as antagonistic to democracy, this study of courage and reformation in the face of state terror suggests possibilities for democracy in the Muslim world and beyond. Democratic in the early 1950s and with rich precedents for tolerance and civility, Indonesia succumbed to violence. In 1965, Muslim parties were drawn into the slaughter of half a million communists. In the aftermath of this bloodshed, a "New Order" regime came to power, suppressing democratic forces and instituting dictatorial controls that held for decades. Yet from this maelstrom of violenc...
This volume brings together new scholarship by Indonesian and non-Indonesian scholars on Indonesia’s cultural history from 1950-1965. During the new nation’s first decade and a half, Indonesia’s links with the world and its sense of nationhood were vigorously negotiated on the cultural front. Indonesia used cultural networks of the time, including those of the Cold War, to announce itself on the world stage. International links, post-colonial aspirations and nationalistic fervour interacted to produce a thriving cultural and intellectual life at home. Essays discuss the exchange of artists, intellectuals, writing and ideas between Indonesia and various countries; the development of cultural networks; and ways these networks interacted with and influenced cultural expression and discourse in Indonesia. With contributions by Keith Foulcher, Liesbeth Dolk, Hairus Salim HS, Tony Day, Budiawan, Maya H.T. Liem, Jennifer Lindsay, Els Bogaerts, Melani Budianta, Choirotun Chisaan, I Nyoman Darma Putra, Barbara Hatley, Marije Plomp, Irawati Durban Ardjo, Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri and Michael Bodden.
While Muslims in Indonesia have begun to turn towards a strict adherence to Islam, the reality of the socio-religious environment is much more complicated than a simple shift towards fundamentalism. In this volume, contributors explore the multifaceted role of Islam in Indonesia from a variety of different perspectives, drawing on carefully compiled case studies. Topics covered include religious education, the increasing number of Muslim feminists in Indonesia, the role of Indonesia in the greater Muslim world, social activism and the middle class, and the interaction between Muslim radio and religious identity.