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Statutory guidance for schools and collegesStatutory guidance for schools and collegesStatutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges.This book is free to download in pdf format from the DfE website...but if like me you prefer a nice bound copy; here it is.Under the Open Government Licence I am able to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information, adapt the information and exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application.
The Office is also known as Ofsted
The 2008/09 Annual Report principally presents evidence from inspection and regulatory visits undertaken by Ofsted between September 2008 and August 2009. Evidence is taken from inspection activity across the full range of Ofsted's remit, including childcare, children's social care, local authority services for children and provision for education and skills in schools, colleges and adult learning.The commentary and the report itself draw on an extensive evidence base including evidence from some 40,000 inspections and regulatory visits. The overall picture of the quality of provision is positive and much inspection evidence is generally encouraging. The report also provides evidence of sust...
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, the "new Ofsted", came into being on 1 April 2007. It brings together inspectors, analysts, statisticians, administrators and support staff drawn from the Adult Learning Inspectorate, the Commission for Social Care Inspection, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Court Administration, and the former Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education (also known as the Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools). This report sets out the reach of the new organisation. It covers the regulation and inspection of childcare and children's social care and the inspection of local authority's children's services, schools, colleges, initial teacher training, work-based learning, Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Services, and adult education. The report details performance against the priorities and targets in the strategic plan 2007-2010. The new organisation has met regulatory and inspection targets across its remit, with inspections of over 50,000 care, education and skills providers for children, young people and learners of all ages.
Ofsted today publishes the Annual Report 2010/11, drawing on over 31,000 inspection visits across the schools, early years, children's social care and learning and skills sectors in England. Launched by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector Miriam Rosen, this in-depth analysis provides an insight into the quality of those services for children and learners, what is working well and what needs to improve. The report highlights how an inadequate inspection judgement, whether for a children's home or a school, a college or a nursery, can be an important catalyst for change. For example, the total number of schools in a category of concern - that is judged to be in special measures or being given a noti...
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Dated May 2007. With correction slip dated May 2007
This annual report from the Chief Inspector is underpinned by the findings of more than 8,500 inspections carried out in 2012-13 of schools, adult learning and skills and colleges. The Chief Inspector points to signs that England's education system is gradually improving. Nearly eight in ten schools in England are now judged good or better, the highest proportion since Ofsted was founded 20 years ago, with the improvement most marked in primary schools. The further education and skills sector has also seen improvements with 71% of all providers being judged good or outstanding, a seven per cent increase on the previous year. The report notes that academies are now well-established with over ...
This vital resource for early years and primary school trainees and practitioners explores a range of social and therapeutic strategies and interventions that will successfully support all children’s sense of belonging. A sense of belonging is vital to children’s physical, emotional, psychological, mental health and wellbeing. This book considers social and therapeutic strategies and interventions that support all children’s sense of belonging and can be adopted by practitioners. It addresses the interrelated factors that impact children’s sense of belonging such as race, gender, expression of sexual orientation, religion and disabilities. It will help develop practitioners’ awaren...