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How to better control your own thinking and thereby change your actions and behavior? How to improve your quality of life and achieve better results in life? Our quality of life is formed by what meaning we give to things in our life, what kind of choices we make and how we act in different situations. By controlling our thinking and mind, we also control our behavior and the meaning we give to things. This book contains ideas, instructions and techniques for life management and self-leadership. The different chapters of the book introduce the reader to the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP, through different topics. This book doesn't tell you what you should think or how you should a...
"A book that gives you, the reader, the tools to change the very direction of your life. While many of the tools here come from my work, the package of how Hannu has assembled them is both unique and delightful. He has kept the simplicity I have always striven for and also presented a package for the reader to learn how to look beyond their own limitation to the very horizon of possibility." -Dr. Richard Bandler, co-founder of NLP, author of more than 30 books and creator of behavioral technologies Your Own Blue Ocean is a guide for people to get the new life they want - no matter where they are in their life at the moment. Your Own Blue Ocean is not, however, a mundane or conventional guide for a better life. This book does not contain any new age hype or forced happiness exercises. Your Own Blue Ocean is a tried and proven method that propels you toward a life you want, designed by yourself. This book will not tell you what to do. Rather, through the included instructions and exercises, you can find a new course of your life, and thereby the best means, to find and achieve Your Own Blue Ocean.
As the title implies, this book discusses the significance of personal development as a key factor in success and happiness. The book is a collection of the most important and useful thoughts and ideas of the author, which will help you to get new insights and make your life better and happier. Since this book in intended to be as comprehensible and easy to read as possible, the thoughts and ideas have been expressed in a compressed form, leaving space for you as a reader to generate your own opinions on things. The book will give you an abundance of ideas and inspiration to go out and explore your own path on your self-development. Self-development is a lifelong journey that requires constant learning and openness to new thoughts and ideas. The goal of the book is to give you the nudge you need to figure out what you really want, what your passion is, and that you will achieve the success and happiness that awaits for you and that belongs to you. This second edition of the book has been updated with some minor changes to the chapters that existed already in the first edition. Moreover, there are now two whole new chapters in this edition to provide even more insights and ideas.
As the title implies, this book discusses the significance of personal development as a key factor in success and happiness. The book is a sort of collection of the author's most important and useful thoughts and ideas, which will help you to get new insights and make your life little better and happier. Since this book in intended to be as comprehensible and easy to read as possible, the author has tried to express his thoughts as compressed as possible, leaving space for you as a reader to form your own opinions on things. The book will give you ideas and inspiration to go out and explore your own route on self development. The author, Hannu Pirila, is the CEO and founder of HPA Consulting. He works as a Business Consultant and Business Coach, as well as an NLP Trainer, NLP Coach, a speaker in seminars and other events, and as a Mental Sports Coach. In short, Hannu Pirila is one of the leading Personal Development and NLP Coaches in Finland.
Opas siihen, kuinka parannat merkittävästi elämänlaatuasi ja saavutat haluamiasi asioita elämässäsi yhdistäen vetovoiman lain neuro-lingvistisen ohjelmoinnin, NLP:n, tekniikoihin. Uskoitpa sitten vetovoiman lakiin tai et. "Loistava ja selkeästi kirjoitettu kirja! Kirjan opit ja tekniikat auttavat sinua pääsemään linjaan vetovoiman lain kanssa luodaksesi elämästäsi sellaista, jota haluat sinne sydämestäsi vetää. Nouset tämän kirjan avulla uudelle tasolle. Käytä harjoituksiin aikaa ja älä kiirehdi." Juha Kivinen, Henkinen valmentaja
Tämä kirja käsittelee nimensä mukaisesti itsensä kehittämisen merkitystä menestyksen ja onnellisuuden avaimena. Kirja perustuu kirjoittajan julkaisemiin artikkeleihin ja blogeihin, joita voi löytää eri puolilta internetiä. Kirjaan on koottu tärkeimpiä ja hyödyllisimpiä ajatuksia tai ideoita, joiden avulla kykenet tekemään elämästäsi paremman ja onnellisemman. Koska kirjasta on haluttu tehdä helposti ymmärrettävä ja helppolukuinen, siinä olevat ajatukset on pyritty esittämään mahdollisimman tiivistetysti. Tämä tarkoittaa toisaalta sitä, että monet asiat jäävät tarkoituksellisestikin vaille sen syvällisempiä selityksiä tai pohdintoja, mutta toisaalta se antaa mahdollisuuden sinulle lukijana saada ideoita ja inspiraatiota itse lähteä tutkimaan omaa tietäsi itsesi kehittämiselle. Itsensä kehittäminen on koko elämän kestävä matka, joka edellyttää jatkuvaa opiskelua sekä avoimuutta uusia ajatuksia ja ideoita kohtaan. Kirjan tavoitteena onkin antaa sinulle tarvitsemasi sykäyksen selvittää, mitä todella haluat, mikä on intohimosi ja että saavutat sen menestyksen ja onnen, joka sinua odottaa ja joka sinulle kuuluu.
Who owns whom.