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The war against the Ottomans, on Gallipoli, in Palestine and in Mesopotamia was a major enterprise for the Allies with important long-term geo-political consequences. The absence of a Turkish perspective, written in English, represents a huge gap in the historiography of the First World War. This timely collection of wide-ranging essays on the campaign, drawing on Turkish sources and written by experts in the field, addresses this gap. Scholars employ archival documents from the Turkish General Staff, diaries and letters of Turkish soldiers, Ottoman journals and newspapers published during the campaign, and recent academic literature by Turkish scholars to reveal a different perspective on the campaign, which should breathe new life into English-language historiography on this crucial series of events.
At the heart of The Republic of Love are the voices of three musicians—queer nightclub star Zeki Müren, arabesk originator Orhan Gencebay, and pop diva Sezen Aksu—who collectively have dominated mass media in Turkey since the early 1950s. Their fame and ubiquity have made them national icons—but, Martin Stokes here contends, they do not represent the official version of Turkish identity propagated by anthems or flags; instead they evoke a much more intimate and ambivalent conception of Turkishness. Using these three singers as a lens, Stokes examines Turkey’s repressive politics and civil violence as well as its uncommonly vibrant public life in which music, art, literature, sports, and journalism have flourished. However, Stokes’s primary concern is how Müren, Gencebay, and Aksu’s music and careers can be understood in light of theories of cultural intimacy. In particular, he considers their contributions to the development of a Turkish concept of love, analyzing the ways these singers explore the private matters of intimacy, affection, and sentiment on the public stage.
Millions of people have been forced to live under inhumane conditions in Turkey and the traumas experienced by those subjected to such a regime of fear and violence have been inevitable. This book is dedicated to thousands of silenced people in Turkey between the years of 2016-2023.
Shaykh Tosun Bayrak’s life is so full that it is hard to state it in a few words. When he was young he was a socialist, in the West he was a bohem and anarchist, in Morocco a rich man and an aristocrat, in İstanbul a dervish and in New York he becomes a shaykh… In his long and passionate life, Shaykh Tosun has been in a spiritual quest. Through this memoir we witness not only the life of Tosun Baba but also the republic epoch of Turkey. An incredible journey of transformation from having everything of World, into becoming nothing…
Çanakkale; altı asır üç kıtaya hükmeden şanlı Osmanlının son zaferi ve İstiklal harbimizin habercisi... "Yedi Düvel"in "hasta adam" dedikleri Osmanlıya son darbeyi vurmak isterken kazdıkları kuyuya düştükleri yer... İki yüzelli bini aşkın şehidin kanıyla sulanan vatan toprağı... Cenab-ı Hakkın (c.c.) inayetiyle, Hz. Peygamberin (a.s.m.) ruhaniyetiyle hazır bulunduğu, Allah ve Peygamber aşkıyla gözünü kırpmadan, korkusuzca düşmana karşı koyan Mehmetçiğin tarih yazdığı altın sayfa... Düşmanın dahi kahramanlığını, insanlığını övdüğü Mehmetçiğin yazdığı bir destan Çanakkale... Aslında Çanakkale Zaferi için ne söylense az... Yıllar süren titiz araştırmaların sonucu olan bu eser, gerçek tarihin nasıl ve kimler tarafından yazıldığını ortaya koyuyor; tabii ki ibret almasını bilenler için... [Nesil Yayınları]
"In Ottoman times, everyone in Turkey was identified by titles, nicknames, birthplace, and parentage. Then, in 1934, a new law was issued. Everyone had to take a surname. Why did one family choose this surname and another family take that surname? This book relates the circumstances in anecdotal form as remembered by the family itself." (back cover).
1960 Yılının Mart Ayında Kayseri ilinde Demokrat Parti iktidarı ile muhalefet partisi olan CHP arasındaki çekişmeleri konu alır.
Bu kitap, elektronik dünyada en çok merak edilen konulardan biri olan bilgisayar ile mikrodenetleyici arasındaki iletişime ışık tutmaktadır. Dünya genelinde gömülü sistemlerde sıklıkla kullanılan PIC mikrodenetleyici de anlatılmış olup beraberinde uygulamalar geliştirilirken, derleyici olarak CCS C kullanılmıştır. Uygulamaların tamamında kullanılan C# programlama dilinin seri iletişim için sunduğu SerialPort sınıfı tüm yönleriyle işlenmiş ve bunun yanı sıra MATLAB, WPF ve VB dillerinde seri iletişimin nasıl olduğunu açıklayan temel uygulamalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca Android ile çeşitli uygulamalar geliştirerek elektronik devrelerin akı...