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Curating as Feminist Organizing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Curating as Feminist Organizing

  • Categories: Art

What makes curating feminist organizing? How do curators relate to contemporary feminist concerns in their local conditions and the globalized artworld? The book brings together twenty curatorial case studies from diverse regions of the globe. Reflecting their own curatorial projects or analyzing feminist-inspired exhibitions, the authors in this book elaborate feminist curating as that which is inspired to challenge gender politics not only within but also beyond the doors of the museum and gallery. Connecting their wider feminist politics to their curatorial practices, the book provides case studies of curatorial practice that address the legacies of racialized and ethnic violence, includi...

Nightmare Remains
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 188

Nightmare Remains

Offering a political epistemology of collective mourning Focusing on forms of improper burial in Turkey and Latin America, Ege Selin Islekel argues that a political technology of mourning is fundamental to contemporary politics. This technology of necrosovereignty shapes not only individuals’ and populations’ lives but also their epistemic and political afterlives. Local practices of mourning, however, contain resistant capacities, opening alternative ways of knowing, remembering, and assembling. “Nightmare knowledges,” Islekel posits, are resistant modes of knowing tied up with grief that challenge the contemporary politics of death and those politics’ archival boundaries. Seen in mothers’ movements across the globe, from the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo of Argentina to the Saturday Mothers of Turkey, nightmare knowledges produce counterarchives that mobilize traditionally ignored epistemic categories. Nightmare Remains forges a new dialogue between post-Foucauldian political theory and decolonial thought and brings a fresh critical perspective to the theoretical discourse of enforced disappearances.

Library Catalog of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 784

Library Catalog of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1980
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Women Mobilizing Memory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 744

Women Mobilizing Memory

Women Mobilizing Memory, a transnational exploration of the intersection of feminism, history, and memory, shows how the recollection of violent histories can generate possibilities for progressive futures. Questioning the politics of memory-making in relation to experiences of vulnerability and violence, this wide-ranging collection asks: How can memories of violence and its afterlives be mobilized for change? What strategies can disrupt and counter public forgetting? What role do the arts play in addressing the erasure of past violence from current memory and in creating new visions for future generations? Women Mobilizing Memory emerges from a multiyear feminist collaboration bringing tog...

Keşkül Dergisi 28. Sayı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 132

Keşkül Dergisi 28. Sayı

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-09-30
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  • Publisher: Sufi

Sultânü’l-Evliyâ Ahmed Er-Rifâî-m Vârisü’l-Enbiyâ Ahmed Er-Rifâî Fahr-i Kâinât Efendimiz sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem’in nurlu soyundan gelen Seyyid Ahmed er-Rifâî Hazretleri’nin Irak’ın Vâsıt şehrinde XII. yy’da tesis ettiği Rifâiyye yolu; zaman içinde başta Orta Doğu olmak üzere dünyanın dört bir tarafına ulaşırken, XIII. yy gibi erken bir tarihte Anadolu’da; Kayseri, Samsun güzergâhını takip ederek bu coğrafyayı mayalayan ilk tarîkatlardan biri olmuştur. Hazret-i Pîr Seyyid Ahmed er-Rifâî’nin, hacdayken birçok insanın şehâdetiyle Efendimiz (s.a.s.)’in bizzat elini öpmüş olduğu bilinmektedir. Bundan dolayıdır ki, hemen hem...

Aşk Var Düşersen
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 202

Aşk Var Düşersen

Yazmak, onların hayalleriydi. Bir kitapta buluşmak ise hayal bile değildi. MasterCamp Yazarlık Akademisi katılımcılarının usta kalemlerden aldıkları dersler, güzel bir sona değil, harika bir başlangıca dönüştü. Ortak teması “Yolculuk”, “Aşk” ve “Yeniden Başlamak” olan 17 yazarlı bu kitapta, hikâyeli yolculuklar bulacaksınız. “Sabır ve tutku... Bu kitaba imzalarını atanları, en çok bu inanç bir arada tutabilirdi... Yolculuğa böyle bir umutla çıktık. Hâlâ yolda olduğumuzu söylemeye gerek var mı?” Mario Levi “Hayat aslında bir seyahattir, hedef değil. Mutluluk, gidilen yolun üzerindedir, sonunda değil. Sonlar aslında her zaman yen...

The IOS Annual Volume 24:
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 234

The IOS Annual Volume 24: "Let the Tabarna, the King, Be Dear to the Gods"

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-02-06
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Volume 24 of the Israel Oriental Studies Annual includes eight articles. The Ancient Near Eastern section consists of five articles. Four deal with Hittite and Anatolian subjects (Burgin, Gilan, Cohen and Hawkins); one discusses the “Laws of Hazor” text fragment and its relationship to other cuneiform law collections (Darabi). The Semitic section includes three articles. The first is the second instalment of Etymogical Investigations on Jibbali/Śḥerέt Anthroponyms (Castagna and Al-'amri). The second article is a discussion of the relationship between Ethiopian Semitic languages and ancient Egyptian (Cerqueglini). Sealing the Semitic section and volume 24 is a study of spoken Ashkenazic Hebrew among Hassidic communities (Yampolskaya et al.).

Justice through Transitions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 281

Justice through Transitions

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-07-01
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  • Publisher: Djusticia

What does justice mean in times of transition? What kinds of possibilities and dissapointments emerge from processes of seeking justice through transition? How might we understand these processes through narrative? In August 2015, a group of Global South human rights activists and researchers gathered in Colombia for a workshop organized around the theme of transitional justice. This book, the third in a series, is the result of the discussions performed in that encounter. The chapters in this volume illustrate many complexities of transitional justice processes from the perspective of young human rights advocates involved in these struggles, many with their own complicated personal connecti...

Library Catalog of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Supplement
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1070
Hattischer Wortschatz in hethitischer Textüberlieferung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 1056

Hattischer Wortschatz in hethitischer Textüberlieferung

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004-02-01
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  • Publisher: BRILL

The particular aim of this volume is an extensive compilation of Hattian words based on Hittite written sources. It sets itself the task of listing all Hattian lexical elements alphabetically as they occur as words or in word combinations, with text references, and relevant bibliography. The main part of the book, the "List of Hattian Words," contains morphological analyses of the Hattian lexemes, their Hittite equivalents in the bilingual documents as well as the lexical elements Hittite borrowed from Hattian. Apart from the word list this study offers information on the Hattian text corpus, Hattian phonetics, grammar and semantics.