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This book presents new conceptual and theoretical approaches to violence studies. As the first research anthology to examine violating interpersonal, institutional and ideological practices as both gendered and affective processes, it raises novel questions and offers insights for understanding and resolving social and cultural problems related to violence and its prevention. The book offers multidisciplinary perspectives on various forms and intersections of different types of violence. The research ranges from the early modern era to the present day in Europe, US, Africa and Australia, representing disciplines such as gender studies, history, literature, linguistics, media and cultural studies, psychology, social psychology, social work, social policy, sociology and environmental humanities. With its integrative approach, the book proposes new ideas and tools for academics and practitioners to improve their theoretical and practical understandings of these phenomena as a source of multidimensional inequality in a globalized world.
This book examines international perspectives on intimate partner violence (IPV). It highlights the current state of IPV prevention and intervention efforts across countries, including Colombia, Iran, Russia, China, India, Turkey, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Finland, and the United States. The book examines the countries of origin in context (e.g., population, area, religion, ethnic diversity) and includes current rates of IPV in each country. In addition, it addresses growth areas and challenges regarding IPV prevention and intervention, including legal issues as well as cultural and social contexts and their relation to IPV – and the clinical interventions used – within each country. ...
Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence examines how gender and other social identities and inequalities shape experiences of, and responses to, violence in intimate relationships. It provides new insights into men as both perpetrators and victims of violence, as well as on how to involve men and boys in anti-violence work. The chapters explore partner violence from the perspectives of researchers, therapists, activists, organisations, media as well as men of different background and sexual orientation. Highlighting the distinct and ambivalent ways we relate to violence and masculinity, this timely volume provides nuanced approaches to men, masculinity and intimate partner violence ...
Addressing emotional workplace abuse, this Palgrave Pivot takes a multidisciplinary approach which combines feminist research on violence with organisation and management studies, in order to offer a new approach on workplace violations. The book analyses why it is difficult for targets and organisations alike to name and identify emotional abuse and addresses the severe negative effects of abuse on the targets’ lives. It brings ethical leadership to the fore as a means to foster sustainable organisations. Using empirical data and research, this book highlights subtle forms of violations that take place in the workplace, and provides analysis from the perspective of the target. A valuable read for scholars and practitioners involved in organisational management and HRM, Emotional Workplace Abuse will help readers to understand the importance of sustainable leadership in preventing emotional workplace abuse.
Raivoatko rakkaimmillesi? Ota vastuu siitä, miten toimit ihmissuhteissasi. Realistinen ja ihmistä ymmärtävä opas kertoo, kuinka käsitellä läheisten välillä vellovia vaikeita tunteita. Riidat, mykkäkoulut, mielipide-erot, etäisyyden otot – vaikeat tunteet aiheuttavat ihmissuhteissa paljon kärsimystä. Jos osaat säädellä omia tunteitasi ja ymmärrät niitä myös toisissa, voit paremmin niin parisuhteessa, vanhempana, ystävien kanssa kuin työpaikoillakin. Viha voimaksi sisältää tosielämän tapauskertomuksia sekä konkreettisia harjoituksia, jotka auttavat kanavoimaan aggressiotunteita myönteisellä tavalla. Viha herättää usein toisissa torjuntaa, mutta se mitä kiuk...
Gender is now understood as something versatile and changing. It is seen as part of identity and as a means of expressing oneself, but it is also a product of social and cultural structures. The Kalevala Society Foundation’s Yearbook 103 Joustavat sukupuolet – muuttuvat merkitykset (Flexible Genders – Changing Meanings) explores the cultural contradictions, processes of change and persistence of gender and sexuality. The authors of the articles use their research materials to critically assess why and in what ways old ideas about gender are maintained and new ones are constructed – on the other hand, the same materials open up perspectives on what makes it possible to act and be differently. The authors come from the fields of folklore research, ethnology, and comparative literature.
Löydä omat lohtukeinosi. Toinen löytää lohdun luonnosta, toinen musiikista. Joku hakee turvaa yhteisöstä, joku taiteesta. Mistä ammentaa toivoa ja lohtua elämään aikana, joka on monin tavoin raskas ja jona kannattelijatkin tuntuvat uupuvan? Mistä löytää voimaa ja resilienssiä niin yksilön kuin perheiden, yhteisöjen ja kansakunnankin tasolla? Tutkimustietoa ja terapeuttista kokemusta kirjassa täydentävät lohdun asiantuntijat Irja Askola, Juha Hänninen, Mikko Kuustonen, Sirpa Kähkönen, Reetta Meriläinen, Anna-Stina Nykänen, Ritva Oksanen, Kati Outinen, Antti Pentikäinen, Jorma Uotinen ja Sami Sykkö. Mistä nämä monia vaiheita läpi käyneet ihmiset ovat saaneet lohtua ja toivoa menneinä vuosikymmeninä ja nyt? Millaiset opit ja kokemukset ovat kasvattaneet heidän resilienssiään ja rohkaisseet eteenpäin? Miten he jaksavat elämän? Pirkko Lahti on filosofian lisensiaatti, psykologi ja psykoterapeutti. Heli Pruuki on teologian tohtori ja psykoterapeutti. Lämminhenkisessä kirjassaan he tarjoavat lohdun, toivon ja turvan ajatuksia peileiksi ja ikkunoiksi lukijalle.
This book presents new conceptual and theoretical approaches to violence studies. As the first research anthology to examine violating interpersonal, institutional and ideological practices as both gendered and affective processes, it raises novel questions and offers insights for understanding and resolving social and cultural problems related to violence and its prevention. The book offers multidisciplinary perspectives on various forms and intersections of different types of violence. The research ranges from the early modern era to the present day in Europe, US, Africa and Australia, representing disciplines such as gender studies, history, literature, linguistics, media and cultural studies, psychology, social psychology, social work, social policy, sociology and environmental humanities. With its integrative approach, the book proposes new ideas and tools for academics and practitioners to improve their theoretical and practical understandings of these phenomena as a source of multidimensional inequality in a globalized world.
Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence examines how gender and other social identities and inequalities shape experiences of, and responses to, violence in intimate relationships. It provides new insights into men as both perpetrators and victims of violence, as well as on how to involve men and boys in anti-violence work. The chapters explore partner violence from the perspectives of researchers, therapists, activists, organisations, media as well as men of different background and sexual orientation. Highlighting the distinct and ambivalent ways we relate to violence and masculinity, this timely volume provides nuanced approaches to men, masculinity and intimate partner violence ...