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There are so many questions about happiness within ourselves. Is that true that happiness is easy ? What is happiness? Is it difficult to find happiness? Happiness has always been the goal of our life, but why happiness always be the final answer? Working to earn money in order to be happy , have a house to be happy, have a car or motorcycle to be happy, have savings to be happy, have a career to be happy, but are we really happy? So many definitions of happiness , having a lot of money, smart kids, luxury homes, beautiful cars, and having a great business. But when we have all of it, are we really happy? Or we want more and more? Life is a choice, happy or sad, happy or cry, healthy or sick, heaven or hell, if we could pick it ? whether happiness a choice? This book is used to find and feel the happiness. Happiness is so easy and simple, as well as to be happy everyday. Do you want to know how to get it? Let's get happy every day, want to accept this challenge?
Facing the current advanced era, it is very nice to see the young generation studying, developing, and advancing their way of thinking and their outputs in their contribution to life and community. However, some of the challenges faced are, on the contrary, many young people today are detached from noble behaviour, especially the Muslim generation who live without the appropriate direction of Islamic behaviour. Furthermore, many Muslims are intelligent but corrupt in behaviour, negatively impacting their bad behaviour on their attitudes and the people who interact with them. This bad behaviour results in a far-from happiness slump and always feels lacking and greedy.
Different cultures experience happiness differently. Traditionally, the West is considered materialistic, and happiness is said to come from achievement and acquisition. The East is said to be more people-oriented, where happiness is a result of deep personal interactions. Thus, poor people can be happier in the East than the West, because they are not so concerned with possession and more with society. This book considers happiness and quality of life in non-Western countries and cultures. Its coverage is diverse and spans the breadth of the non-Western world, revealing unique perspectives of happiness and life quality embedded in rich cultural traditions and histories.
BAHTERA KULASENTANA Penulis : Ni Ayu Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-319-126-5 Terbit : Januari 2021 Sinopsis : BAHTERA KULASENTANA Adalah Angga pemuda murah hati harus menyelamatkan Anggia yang terjerat ke dalam sebuah geng pengguna narkoba. Penyelamatan yang didukung keluarganya itu berhasil. Anggia terselamatkan dan sembuh dari kecanduannya. Angga Anggia saling jatuh cinta. Keluarga merestui pernikahan mereka. Namun, dampak penggunaan narkoba mengakibatkan janin Anggia tak berkembang sempurna. Lalu, apakah cinta tulus Angga berbalas sempurna? Anggia yang tak bisa hidup susah kembali berulah mengundang nestapa. Bagaimana kisah Angga selanjutnya? Mari silakan simak dan serap sejuta falsafah yang termuat dalam novel ini. Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
'Funny, wise and absolutely fascinating.' Adam Kay, author of This Is Going to Hurt *** Do you want to be happy? If so - read on. This book has all the answers* In The Happy Brain, neuroscientist Dean Burnett delves deep into the inner workings of our minds to explore some fundamental questions about happiness. What does it actually mean to be happy? Where does it come from? And what, really, is the point of it? Forget searching for the secret of happiness through lifestyle fads or cod philosophy - Burnett reveals the often surprising truth behind what make us tick. From whether happiness really begins at home (spoiler alert: yes - sort of) to what love, sex, friendship, wealth, laughter and success actually do to our brains, this book offers a uniquely entertaining insight into what it means to be human. *Not really. Sorry. But it does have some very interesting questions, and at least the occasional answer.
Semua orang ingin bahagia, karena itu kita mati-matian mengejarnya. Upaya meraih kebahagiaan ini mendorong kita untuk bekerja (bahkan sampai larut malam), jatuh cinta, menonton stand-up komedi, pergi ke terapis, mengejar obsesi, berburu kekayaan, dan meraih kesuksesan. Tetapi, dengan melakukan semua itu, apakah kebahagiaan akan datang? Dari manakah datangnya kebahagiaan, dan mengapa kita sangat membutuhkannya? Apakah kebahagiaan itu abadi―atau hanya sementara? Dan apa hubungan kebahagiaan dengan otak? Dalam buku ini, Dean Burnett menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut—dan banyak pertanyaan penting lainnya—dari perspektif neuro-science. Dengan pendekatan teori-teori mutakhir tentang ilmu-ilmu emosi, ia mewawancarai banyak kalangan guna mengumpulkan pengalaman mereka, seperti pakar hubungan, psikolog, komedian, artis, jutawan, dan hampir semua profesi yang terlibat, dalam upaya untuk mengungkap apa yang membuat happy-dometer kita berdetak. Dipadu dengan selera humor cerdas dan mencerahkan, buku ini mengeksplorasi aspek yang menarik dari ilmu saraf modern dan menawarkan wawasan yang menghibur tentang apa maknanya menjadi manusia.
This book provides important information about the development of psychology as a discipline in Asia. Several research papers related to organizational psychology and the influence of psychology on quality of life in countries throughout Asia are included. The papers which appear herein were originally presented at the 3rd Convention of the Asian Psychological Association in Darwin, Australia during July, 2010; the 4th Convention of the Asian Psychological Association in Jakarta, Indonesia during July, 2012; and the International Conference on Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the National Institute of Psychology in Islamabad, Pakistan during April, 2012. The information presented ...
What are the methodologies for assessing and improving governmental policy in light of well-being? The Oxford Handbook of Well-Being and Public Policy provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary treatment of this topic. The contributors draw from welfare economics, moral philosophy, and psychology and are leading scholars in these fields. The Handbook includes thirty chapters divided into four Parts. Part I covers the full range of methodologies for evaluating governmental policy and assessing societal condition-including both the leading approaches in current use by policymakers and academics (such as GDP, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, inequality and poverty metrics, a...
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