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Dalam dunia yang terus berkembang ini, hukum dagang memegang peranan penting dalam mengatur hubungan bisnis dan perdagangan antara individu dan perusahaan. Buku ini, "Hukum Dagang," hadir sebagai panduan yang komprehensif untuk memahami landasan hukum yang mengatur aktivitas komersial dan bisnis. Dengan kompleksitas yang terus meningkat dalam transaksi bisnis global, pemahaman yang kuat tentang hukum dagang menjadi semakin penting. Melalui buku ini, pembaca akan dibimbing melalui konsep-konsep dasar hukum dagang, mulai dari pembentukan kontrak hingga penyelesaian sengketa, dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kerangka hukum yang mengatur dunia bisnis. Semoga buku ini dapat menjadi sumber pengetahuan yang berharga bagi para pembaca yang tertarik dalam memahami dan mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip hukum dagang dalam aktivitas bisnis mereka. Teruslah belajar dan berkembang dalam memahami hukum dagang, karena pengetahuan yang kuat dalam bidang ini akan menjadi landasan yang kokoh dalam menjalankan bisnis di era globalisasi ini.
Buku Perkembangan Terbaru dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia menyajikan analisis mendalam mengenai transformasi dan dinamika hukum acara pidana di Indonesia. Dimulai dengan pembahasan sejarah hukum acara pidana sejak masa kolonial hingga era reformasi, buku ini memberikan konteks historis yang penting bagi pemahaman hukum pidana saat ini. Selain itu, buku ini menguraikan konsep dan prinsip dasar hukum acara pidana, serta memaparkan perubahan signifikan dalam revisi Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP), dengan penekanan pada perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan hak-hak tersangka serta terdakwa. Pengaruh teknologi dalam proses peradilan pidana juga menjadi fokus penting, termasuk penggunaan teknologi forensik dan tantangannya dalam penyidikan dan pembuktian. Buku ini tidak hanya mengupas hukum acara pidana di Indonesia, tetapi juga membandingkannya dengan sistem hukum di negara lain, memberikan perspektif global yang komprehensif. Ditujukan untuk akademisi, praktisi hukum, dan mahasiswa, buku ini menjadi referensi berharga dalam memahami perkembangan terkini dan tantangan dalam sistem peradilan pidana Indonesia.
Buku "Hukum Penyelesaian Sengketa Arbitrase" ini disusun sebagai referensi mendalam tentang mekanisme arbitrase, yang semakin penting dalam penyelesaian sengketa di berbagai sektor. Buku ini terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian, dimulai dengan pengantar yang menjelaskan pengertian arbitrase, kelebihan dan kelemahannya, serta kedudukan hukum dari putusan arbitrase. Selanjutnya, buku ini membahas landasan hukum arbitrase di Indonesia, termasuk tinjauan terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa. Prosedur arbitrase nasional diuraikan secara rinci, memberikan panduan praktis mengenai tahapan pelaksanaan arbitrase di Indonesia. Bagian lain dari bu...
This handbook consists of essays on contemporary issues in criminal law and their theoretical underpinnings. Some of the essays deal with the relationship between morality and criminalization. Others deal with criminalization in the context of specific crimes such as fraud, blackmail, and revenge pornography. The contributors also address questions of responsible agency such as the effects of addiction or insanity, and some deal with punishment, its mode and severity, and the justness of the state’s imposition of it. These chapters are authored by some of the most distinguished scholars in the fields of applied ethics, criminal law, and jurisprudence.
Plan how to build a better app, grow it into a business, and earn money from your hard work using Firebase. In this book, Laurence Moroney, Staff Developer Advocate at Google, takes you through each of the 15 Firebase technologies, showing you how to use them with concrete examples. You’ll see how to build cross-platform apps with the three pillars of the Firebase platform: technologies to help you develop apps with a real-time database, remote configuration, cloud messaging, and more; grow your apps with user sharing, search integration, analytics, and more; and earn from your apps with in-app advertising. After reading The Definitive Guide to Firebase, you'll come away empowered to make ...
Brief biographical information of local parliament member of Jakarta Province, 2004-2009.
Artificial Intelligence in Data Mining: Theories and Applications offers a comprehensive introduction to data mining theories, relevant AI techniques, and their many real-world applications. This book is written by experienced engineers for engineers, biomedical engineers, and researchers in neural networks, as well as computer scientists with an interest in the area. - Provides coverage of the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence as applied to data mining, including computational intelligence and unsupervised learning methods for data clustering - Presents coverage of key topics such as heuristic methods for data clustering, deep learning methods for data classification, and neural networks - Includes case studies and real-world applications of AI techniques in data mining, for improved outcomes in clinical diagnosis, satellite data extraction, agriculture, security and defense
Since the publication of the first edition of Canada, and Australia have increased teach Handbook of Powder Science and Technology, ing, research, and training activities in areas the field of powder science and technology has related to particle science and technology. gained broader recognition and its various ar In addition, it is worth mentioning the many eas of interest have become more defined and books and monographs that have been pub focused. Research and application activities lished on specific areas of particle, powder, related to particle technology have increased and particle fluid by professional publishers, globally in academia, industry, and research technical societies and university presses. Also, institutions. During the last decade, many to date, there are many career development groups, with various scientific, technical, and courses given by specialists and universities on engineering backgrounds have been founded various facets of powder science and technol to study, apply, and promote interest in areas ogy.
The book is based on the "best practices" of the UT Software Quality Institute Software Project Management certificates program. Quality Software Project Management identifies and teaches 34 essential project management competencies project managers can use to minimize cost, risk, and time-to-market. Covers the entire project lifecycle: planning. initiation, monitoring/control, and closing. Illuminates its techniques with real-world software management case studies. Authors (leading practitioners) address the pillars of any successful software venture: process, project, and people. Endorsed by the Software Quality Institute.
Generally, in accordance with anatomical characteristics, urinary tract infections (UTIs) and in particular recurrent UTIs occur in women; in contrast, UTIs normally occur in men with different predisposing factors. There are several types of UTIs, including asymptomatic and symptomatic, complicated and uncomplicated, acute and chronic with a diversity of microbial pathogens. In pathogens, virulence factors and genes determine the type and severity of the UTIs. Obviously, UTIs are a huge problem in global public healthcare systems with a wide range of predisposing factors, including gender, microbial agent, the host's immune deficiencies, genetic diseases, catheterization, etc. The recent items determine the microbiology of UTIs. Accurate diagnosis and definitive treatment are the key to UTI reduction.