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  • Language: de
  • Pages: 313


Auswärtige Kulturpolitik (AKP) vertritt als Teil der Außenpolitik die Interessen Deutschlands. Zugleich soll sie dialogisch angelegt sein. Dieses Spannungsfeld repräsentativer und kommunikativer Aufgaben hat Heike Denscheilmann anhand der Tourneeausstellungen des Goethe-Instituts e.V. und des Instituts für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. von 1990 bis 2010 untersucht. Sie entwickelt sieben Typen von Tourneeausstellungen und macht sichtbar, welche Themen und Formate die Ausstellungsarbeit prägen. Zudem beleuchtet die Autorin die Ziele der Kulturarbeit im Ausland, Leerstellen in den politischen Konzepten, die Machtposition der Mittlerorganisation in der AKP und die nationalen Interessen im internationalen Ausstellungswesen.

Foreign Acquisitions Newsletter
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 112

Foreign Acquisitions Newsletter


Europäisch verbunden und national gebunden
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 301

Europäisch verbunden und national gebunden

Claudia Schneider widmet sich dem Spannungsfeld zwischen voranschreitender Europäisierung in der Auswärtigen Kulturpolitik der EU-Mitgliedstaaten und der zwangsläufigen Aufgabe nationaler Eigenlogik. Die Autorin zeigt die praktische Arbeit der Kulturinstitute und Kulturabteilungen der Botschaften der EU-Mitgliedstaaten empirisch auf. Die zentrale Forschungsfrage wird anhand dreier Literaturfelder systematisch bearbeitet: Institutionelle Europäisierung, Europäische Öffentlichkeit und der Umgang mit kollektiven (europäischen) Identitäts- und Gedächtniskonstruktionen. Im Ergebnis können die kulturpolitischen Europäisierungsprozesse lediglich als „Schein-Europäisierung“ bezeichnet werden.

Malerbücher, Künstlerbücher
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 152

Malerbücher, Künstlerbücher

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Writing New Worlds
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Writing New Worlds

Writing New Worlds analyses the different ways in which travel literature constituted a fundamental pillar in the production of knowledge in the modern era. The impressive frequency of publication and the widespread circulation of translations and editions account for the leading and essential contribution of travel literature for a better understanding and awareness about the dynamics and practices associated with decoding and making sense of the prose of the world. These texts, in some cases accompanied by illustrations, covered a broad and extensive panoply of languages, grammars and ways of seeing, translating and writing new worlds. In drawing special attention to internationally less-studied sources from Portugal and Germany, the book shows how authors, scholars and artists between the 15th and 17th centuries responded to the challenges of modernity, and explores the cultural dynamics involved in grasping and understanding the New.

East Asian Aesthetics and the Space of Painting in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 279

East Asian Aesthetics and the Space of Painting in Eighteenth-Century Europe

  • Categories: Art

An insightful look at how East Asian notions of space transformed Western painting. This volume offers the first critical account of how European imports of East Asian textiles, porcelain, and lacquers, along with newly published descriptions of the Chinese garden, inspired a revolution in the role of painting in early modern Europe. With particular focus on French interiors, Isabelle Tillerot reveals how a European enthusiasm for East Asian culture and a demand for novelty transformed the dynamic between painting and decor. Models of space, landscape, and horizon, as shown in Chinese and Japanese objects and their ornamentation, disrupted prevailing design concepts in Europe. With paintings no longer functioning as pictorial windows, they began to be viewed as discrete images displayed on a wall—and with that, their status changed from decorative device to autonomous work of art. This study presents a detailed history of this transformation, revealing how an aesthetic free from the constraints of symmetry and geometrized order upended paradigms of display, enabling European painting to come into its own.

On the Discursive Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 267

On the Discursive Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Europe

​Europe is the name for a scintillating variety of historically emerged concepts, constantly developed and discussed over time. Its complexity and fuzziness is reflected in a multitude of myths, topoi, symbols and boundaries, which all constitute shared knowledge of the concept of EUROPE and which continue to influence attempts to (de- and re-)construct European identity. The case studies collected in this volume investigate the competing concepts of Europe in political and public discourses from a wide range of perspectives (e.g. frame semantics, discourse linguistics, multimodal analysis), focusing on the following aspects: How is EUROPE conceptualised, (re-)negotiated and legitimised by different political actors, political bodies and institutions? How does “the European idea” change throughout history and how is the re-emerging idea of nationality evaluated?

The Political Economy of Namibia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 380

The Political Economy of Namibia

Research institutes and documentation centres.

Germany's Foreign Policy of Reconciliation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 413

Germany's Foreign Policy of Reconciliation

Since World War II, Germany has confronted its own history to earn acceptance in the family of nations. Lily Gardner Feldman draws on the literature of religion, philosophy, social psychology, law and political science, and history to understand Germany's foreign policy with its moral and pragmatic motivations and to develop the concept of international reconciliation. Germany's Foreign Policy of Reconciliation traces Germany's path from enmity to amity by focusing on the behavior of individual leaders, governments, and non-governmental actors. The book demonstrates that, at least in the cases of France, Israel, Poland, and Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic, Germany has gone far beyond banishing war with its former enemies; it has institutionalized active friendship. The German experience is now a model of its own, offering lessons for other cases of international reconciliation. Gardner Feldman concludes with an initial application of German reconciliation insights to the other principal post-World War II pariah, as Japan expands its relations with China and South Korea.

Auswärtige Kulturpolitik und „Auslandsdeutsche“ in Lateinamerika 1949-1973
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 587

Auswärtige Kulturpolitik und „Auslandsdeutsche“ in Lateinamerika 1949-1973

​In der auswärtigen Kulturpolitik hat es keine „Stunde Null“ gegeben. Gestützt auf umfangreiches Quellenmaterial arbeitet Nikolaus Barbian die langen Linien einer auf die „Auslandsdeutschen“ bezogenen Außenkulturpolitik heraus und weist nach, dass es in dieser Hinsicht deutliche Kontinuitäten in der jungen Bundesrepublik gegeben hat. Besonders in Lateinamerika stellten die deutschen Migrantengemeinschaften eine nicht zu unterschätzende Herausforderung für den kulturpolitischen Wiederaufbau dar. Die Geschichtsschreibung und das Selbstbild der auswärtigen Kulturpolitik in Deutschland müssten daher unvollständig bleiben, wenn sie die Entwicklung der problembeladenen Haupttradition dieser Politik nach 1945 unberücksichtigt ließen.