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One of the most surprising discoveries of our time is that the universe is an unfolding and highly creative story: a cosmogenesis. In Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe, Br. Ivan Nicoletto reveals how very insightful the Scripture and its commentary tradition are to these deep and cosmic perspectives, thus surprising even seasoned Bible-hearers with fresh understanding. It will serve as rich nourishment to anyone involved in the ministry of preaching or who wants to explore the lectionary in a new way. The distinction of the book is Br. Ivan’s capacity to speak with depth and originality on both the Scripture readings and the cosmic spirituality, in fact, to blend them usefully, insightfully. This selection of homilies offered on various Sundays and holy days of the three-year lectionary cycle offers fresh insights on the readings for the day to those who are also open to the challenge to theology and Scripture that comes from new cosmology.
In this book, Charles Murphy explores the still unfolding rediscovery of Emily Dickinson (1830–1886), our foremost American poet, as a mystic of profound depth and ambition. She declined publication of almost all of her hundreds of poems during her lifetime, describing them as a record of her wrestling with God, who, in the Puritan religious tradition she received, she found cold and remote. Murphy places Dickinson's writings within the Christian mystical tradition exemplified by St. Teresa of Avila and identifies her poems as expressions of what he terms theologically as "believing unbelief.” Dickinson's experiences of love and her confrontation with human mortality drove her poetic insights and led to her discovery of God in the beauty and mystery of the natural world.
The Privilege of Love: Camaldolese Benedictine Spirituality is a collection of essays by Camaldolese monks, nuns, and oblates. After an introduction by Michael Downey and an overview chapter on Camaldolese Benedictine history and spirituality, three chapters center on the Benedictine aspects of spirituality, such as liturgy, lectio divina, and Word/Wisdom of God. The book focuses on Camaldolese sources, eremitical/cenobitical dialectic, and solitude, followed by chapters on Camaldolese ecumenical and interreligious involvement, as well as oblate spirituality. The concluding chapter comments on Camaldolese Benedictine spirituality in a post-Vatican II context.
The relationship between theology and film has always been a complicated one. When film was invented at the end of the nineteenth century, it quickly gained its place in popular culture, far from the orthodoxies of the scholarly world and of the Church. For the better part of the twentieth century popular cinema was considered off limits for serious studies of Bible and culture. Recently, however, there has been a growing understanding of how the Bible is being used in popular culture-not as a historical document or as an authoritative canon, but as part of the cultural intertext. Cinema is a vivid example of the role and impact of the Bible in contemporary society. In this well-theorized co...
Drawing on a wide range of examples, this book – the first devoted to the phenomenon of the film trilogy– provides a dynamic investigation of the ways in which the trilogy form engages key issues in contemporary discussions of film remaking, adaptation, sequelization and serialization.
Between World War II and Vatican II, as Italy struggled to rebuild after decades of Mussolini’s fascism, an eleventh-century order of contemplative monks in the Apennines were urged by Thomas Merton to found a daughter house on the rugged coast of California. A brilliant but world-weary ex-Jesuit, who had recently withdrawn from a high-intensity public life to go into reclusion at the ancient Sacro Eremo of Camaldoli, was tapped for the job. Based on notes kept for over sixty years by an early American novice at New Camaldoli Hermitage, The Hermits of Big Sur tells the compelling story of what unfolds within this small and idealistic community when medievalism must finally come to terms with modernism. It traces the call toward fuga mundi in the young seekers who arrive to try their vocations, only to discover that the monastic life requires much more of them than a bare desire for solitude. And it describes the miraculous transformation that sometimes occurs in individual monks after decades of lectio divina, silent meditation, liturgical faithfulness, and the communal bonds they have formed through the practice of the “privilege of love.”
«In queste pagine sulla lettura della Bibbia, Lidia Maggi e Angelo Reginato mettono a tema proprio l'atto del leggere, interrogandosi su come leggiamo e su come potremmo farlo diversamente. Se, come dice Lévinas, nessuno può infatti rifiutare i lumi dello storico, questi non sono tuttavia sufficienti a mettere in gioco i lettori, i loro cuori ascoltanti e pensanti, per far risuonare nel loro oggi la Parola. Gli Autori, in uno slancio forse eccessivo di modestia, lo chiamano "un libricino". È vero che il libro è piccolo di dimensioni, ma non è piccolo di valore. Spesso le cose piccole sono le più preziose: la perla, ad esempio, è piccola ma preziosa. Così lo è questo "libricino", che meritava di essere scritto e merita di essere letto». Paolo Ricca
«Nella vita ho sempre sognato di essere uno tra i tanti testimoni di Gesù, ben consapevole della mia inadeguatezza, ma anche certo che solo attraverso la conoscenza dei Vangeli mi sarebbe stato possibile intravvedere i suoi sogni, quelli inconsci e...