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A Companion to Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Cordoba
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 525

A Companion to Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Cordoba

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-03-06
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  • Publisher: BRILL

A Companion to Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Cordoba cover the history and culture of Roman, late antique, Visigoth and al-Andalus Cordoba in nineteen contributions, from the foundation of the city in the 169/168 B.C. by the praetor Marcus Claudius Marcellus to the end of the Muslim period in 1236 B.C., when the city fell into the hands of Ferdinand III the Saint, King of Castile. Making use of archaeological data and historical sources, combined with the latest research on the various fields under study, its authors give a compelling account of Cordoba’s most important archaeological, urban, political, legal, social, cultural and religious facets throughout the most exciting fifteen centuries of the city.

A Companion to Gregory of Tours
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 685

A Companion to Gregory of Tours

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-11-16
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Gregory, bishop of Tours (573-594), was among the most prolific writers of his age and uniquely managed to cover the genres of history, hagiography, and ecclesiastical instruction. He not only wrote about events (of the secular, spiritual, and even natural variety) but about himself as an actor and witness. Though his work (especially the Histories) has been recycled and studied for centuries, our grasp of an even basic understanding of it, never mind Gregory’s significance in the history of the late antique West, has hardly yet attained a definitive perspective. A Companion to Gregory of Tours brings together fourteen scholars who provide an expert guide to interpreting his works, his period, and his legacy in religious and historical studies. Contributors are: Pascale Bourgain, Roger Collins, John J. Contreni, Stefan Esders, Martin Heinzelmann, Yitzhak Hen, John K. Kitchen, Simon Loseby, Alexander Callander Murray, Patrick Périn, Joachim Pizarro, Helmut Reimitz, Michael Roberts, Richard Shaw.

The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-03-13
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  • Publisher: BRILL

The bibliography includes material published from 2013 to 2015. Following on from the first bibliography (Brill, 1988) and its updates (Brill 2006, 2008, 2011, 2014) this volume covers recent literature on: Archaeology, Liturgy, Monasticism, Iberian-Gallic Patristics, Paleography, Linguistics, Germanic and Muslim Invasions, and more. In addition, peoples such as the Vandals, Sueves, Basques, Alans and Byzantines are included. The book contains author and subject indexes and is extensively cross-indexed for easy consultation. A periodicals index of hundreds of journals accompanies the volume.

The Politics of Identity in Visigothic Spain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

The Politics of Identity in Visigothic Spain

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-03-20
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This book reappraises the historical writings of the seventh-century Spanish bishop Isidore of Seville as a coherent and pastorally-informed programme intended to reconcile the population of Spain to their recent conquest by the barbarian Visigoths.

Römische Militärgeschichte Band 1
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 174

Römische Militärgeschichte Band 1

Das Römerreich des 6. Jahrhunderts wurde von großen Kaisern wie Anastasius, Justinian und Mauricius nachhaltig geprägt. Es war ein Zeitalter großer Erfolge, nicht zuletzt durch das Programm zur Wiedereroberung des Westens, in dessen Folge es noch einmal einen Triumphzug in Konstantinopel geben sollte. Doch war dieses Jahrhundert ebenso geprägt von heftigen Abwehrkämpfen gegen die persischen Sasaniden. Durch die hier erlittenen verheerenden Niederlagen wurde das Reich an den Rand seiner Existenz gebracht. Am Ende standen Gebietsverluste im lang umkämpften Italien und Zugeständnisse an die Langobarden, sowie der Verlust großer Teile des Balkans und Griechenlands an die eindringenden S...

The History of Marks from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 358

The History of Marks from Antiquity to the Middle Ages

The act of inscribing the first distinctive signs on manufactured products and recipients of merchandise constituted the earliest example of what we call today intellectual property. More than 8000 years B.C., long before the Sumerians, the artisans and merchants of Catal Hüyük in Turkey, Jericho in Palestine, Harappa, Mehrgarh, Mohenjo-Daro and Lothal in the Indus valley already used signs, verbal or figurative marks in the course of trading with others... This study, spanning the years from the sacred, collective property of Antiquity to the Guilds and Corporations of the Middle Ages, seeks to discover marks throughout their historical context. Fortis: organic yoghurt or else a pottery m...

Sepolture di prestigio nel bacino mediterraneo (secoli IV-IX). Definizione, immagini, utilizzo
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 818

Sepolture di prestigio nel bacino mediterraneo (secoli IV-IX). Definizione, immagini, utilizzo

Il periodo compreso tra la tarda Antichità e l’alto Medioevo fu segnato da profonde trasformazioni che investirono ogni ambito della sfera sociale e culturale, ivi compresa quella funeraria. La diffusione del cristianesimo e l’arrivo di nuovi popoli sulla scena europea e mediterranea determinarono l’affermazione di inedite forme di autorappresentazione dei defunti e dei loro gruppi familiari, prime tra tutte l’uso della deposizione ad sanctos e delle sepolture con ricco corredo. A quasi quarant’anni dallo storico incontro di Créteil L’inhumation privilégiée du IVe au VIIIe siècle en Occident, il convegno di Pella si è voluto proporre come una rinnovata occasione di dibattito sugli usi sepolcrali delle popolazioni del mondo tardo e postromano, cercando di offrire una visione il più ampia possibile, in senso geografico e cronologico, dei fenomeni che investirono la sfera funeraria tra il IV e il IX secolo. I testi dei contributi e dei poster raccolti in questi due volumi intendono, dunque, apportare nuovi spunti di riflessione riguardo a uno dei temi più vivacemente dibattuti dall’archeologia e dalla storiografia degli ultimi anni.

Navegando en un mar sin orillas
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 277

Navegando en un mar sin orillas

Entrañas de plomo y plata, campos infinitos de esparto y un mar sereno. El mar, siempre el mar; un Mare Nostrum que durante milenios ha traído experiencias históricas diversas a este rincón hispano donde se juntan las provincias Baetica y Carthaginiensis. De la mano de investigadores de distintas universidades españolas, especialistas en Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Geografía, Derecho Romano, o Historia del Arte, este libro propone un acercamiento interdisciplinar al sureste hispano, a cuanto une las actuales provincias de Almería y Murcia. El lector se podrá encontrar así, desde las claves del escenario histórico, con un análisis de sus sectores económicos esenciales, hasta la profunda romanización de su territorio, con un estudio de la civitas de Carthago Nova y otras aglomeraciones urbanas y rurales, en donde es patente su concepción como simulacra Romae. El periodo visigodo y, en especial, la ocupación justinianea de estas tierras, ocupan un lugar destacado en estas páginas, en las que los ecos bizantinos resuenan con vigor. Formato PDF

Entre civitas y madina
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 414

Entre civitas y madina

En las regiones a las dos orillas del Gaditanum fretum existía una concentración de ciudades única en el Imperio. La importancia y el significado de estas ciudades como centros de poder se mantienen -según el debate actual- sin interrupción hasta comienzos del siglo VIII, pero, ¿cómo se desarrolla a partir de entonces, después de estos años que hasta ahora siempre se habían considerado como punto de inflexión decisivo en la historia de estas regiones? Ya en 1985, Hugh N. Kennedy llamó la atención sobre el hecho de que la llamada «Madīna» debería considerarse consecuencia de transformaciones sociales y económicas, más que resultado de una «islamización» abrupta de la sociedad. Este volumen, en función de la nueva valoración del mundo de las ciudades de la Antigüedad tardía, quiere cuestionar sus consecuencias para la época de la temprana Edad Media, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar y sobre una nueva base material.

Espacio y tiempo en la percepción de la antigüedad tardía
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 1088

Espacio y tiempo en la percepción de la antigüedad tardía

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: EDITUM

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