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Volume 2 of the Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation stands alone as a clinical handbook for neurorehabilitation.
Fully revised, this third edition is a concise and practice-orientated guide to the fast-moving and expanding field of stroke medicine.
Clinical evidence clearly demonstrates that physical therapeutic measures begun as soon as possible after a stroke, often within 24 to 48 hours, greatly increase everyday competence and quality of life. Physical Therapy for the Stroke Patient: Early Stage Rehabilitation covers all the issues that physical therapists must deal with in this critical period: assessment of patients abilities; care during the acute phase; early mobilization; effects of medication; risk factors; ethical questions; and much more. It provides complete guidelines on how to examine and treat the patient, the dosage of physical therapy required, and the key differences between early and late stage rehabilitation after ...
Stroke remains one of the major causes of death and long-term disability worldwide. Currently, the only approved therapy for the acute treatment of this disease is thrombolysis, a strategy that can only be applied to a small percentage of patients due to its narrow therapeutic window. Unfortunately, during the last years numerous promising drugs that showed neuroprotection in the experimental setting failed to translate into the clinic because of their toxicity or lack of efficacy. Researchers in the field now face the crucial need to develop effective stroke therapies and successfully translate novel strategies into the clinical setting. Rational Basis for Clinical Translation in Stroke The...
Work smarter, not harder. The first guide to truly holistic health and fitness for those in their 40s From Tom Brady to Serena Williams, Tiger Woods and Roger Federer athletes are increasingly peaking later in their careers. Let Dr Marc Bubbs be your personal trainer in this accessible guide— aimed exclusively at those in their 40s. Create a customized program that works for YOU—from diet, to sleep, type of training and mindset, this book has all the tools you need. Peak 40 is for anyone wanting to rediscover the best version of themselves coming into their 40s. Author Dr Marc Bubbs is a performance nutritionist with a portfolio of professional and Olympic athletes - but he is also the d...
In two freestanding volumes, the Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation provides comprehensive coverage of the science and practice of neurological rehabilitation. Revised throughout, bringing the book fully up to date, this volume, Neural Repair and Plasticity, covers the basic sciences relevant to recovery of function following injury to the nervous system, reviewing anatomical and physiological plasticity in the normal central nervous system, mechanisms of neuronal death, axonal regeneration, stem cell biology, and research strategies targeted at axon regeneration and neuron replacement. New chapters have been added covering pathophysiology and plasticity in cerebral palsy, stem cell therapies for brain disorders and neurotrophin repair of spinal cord damage, along with numerous others. Edited and written by leading international authorities, it is an essential resource for neuroscientists and provides a foundation for the work of clinical rehabilitation professionals.
Effektiv behandeln in der Frühphase nach Schlaganfall! Patienten mit Schlaganfall sind nicht immer leicht zu behandeln. Vor allem in der Frühphase steht man als Physiotherapeut vor der Frage: Wie viel und welche Therapie nützt dem Patienten? Eine fundierte Antwort auf diese Frage gibt Ihnen dieses Buch. + Aktualisieren Sie Ihr medizinisches Fachwissen zum Schlaganfall + Bauen Sie Ihre physiotherapeutischen Kompetenzen aus + Lernen Sie die Pflege und ethische Aspekte in der Versorgung von Patienten nach Schlaganfall kennen + Gewinnen Sie Sicherheit in der Therapie Ihrer Patienten + Lesen Sie zahlreiche Fallbeispiele für den Praxisbezug Freuen Sie sich auf ein Buch, das Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Praxis unterstützen wird. Das internationale Autorenteam gibt Ihnen alle Informationen über physiotherapeutische und medizinische Maßnahmen in der Frühphase nach Schlaganfall, die Sie benötigen. Physiotherapie aktuell - ein Leitfaden für die ersten Wochen nach Schlaganfall
Die ganze Komplexität der Schlaganfallrehabilitation - Allle Facetten der Rehabilitation verstehen und effektiv in die Behandlung integrieren - Von internationalen Experten gut verständlich aufbereitet - Zum Selbststudium und für die tägliche Arbeit am Patienten - Didaktische Elemente erleichtern das Begreifen: Lernziele zu Beginn und Zusammenfassungen am Ende jedes Kapitels
This book will provide an overview of the rehabilitation engineering field, including key concepts that are required to provide a solid foundation about the discipline. It will present these concepts through a mix of basic and applied knowledge from rehabilitation engineering research and practice. It's written as an introductory text in order to provide access to the field by those without previous experience or background in the field.These concepts will include those related to engineering and health that are necessary to understand the application of rehabilitation engineering to support human function.
Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen neue Perspektiven zum Einsatz von Yoga als Behandlungsmethode. Es widmet sich der Anwendung des therapeutischen Yoga bei muskuloskelettalen, neurologischen und internistischen Krankheitsbildern wie Multiple Sklerose, Long COVID, Koxarthrose und Halswirbelsäulen-Syndrom. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis, die in fundiertes Grundlagenwissen eingebettet sind, veranschaulichen, wie Beschwerden mithilfe von Körper- und Atemübungen aus dem Yoga nachhaltig gelindert und die Lebensqualität verbessert werden kann. Anhand der vorhandenen Fallbeispiele wird beschrieben, wie der klinische Denkprozess in Bezug zur externen und internen Evidenz umgesetzt wird. Zudem wird d...