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The National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 782

The National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1968
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Spy Who Loved School Dinners
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 138

The Spy Who Loved School Dinners

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-07-03
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  • Publisher: Nosy Crow

Izzy is really pleased to have been put in charge of the new girl at school. Mathilde is French, and Izzy and her friends can't wait to show her their den and its moth, and to help her avoid school dinners (also known as poison). But Mathilde LOVES school dinners and even has seconds! And that's when they know. Mathilde is a spy and she has come to find out their secrets. They must stop her before it's TOO LATE!!! A brilliant, laugh-out-loud story about everyday school life turned on its head. Clear, appealing black and white illustrations bring the humour to life! Read more of Izzy's adventures! Baby Aliens Got My Teacher My Headteacher Is a Vampire Rat Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies To Wee Or Not To Wee! There's a Werewolf in my Tent There's a Yeti in the Playground The Phantom Lollipop Man Icarus Was Ridiculous

El celler
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 393

El celler

-El Llenguadoc, França, finals del segle XIX.- En Josep Álvarez descobreix de la mà d'un viticultor francès l'art de l'elaboració del vi. Des d'aquest moment, la seva vida restarà dominada per aquesta passió. Malgrat la seva joventut, en Josep ja ha conegut a la vida l'amor, les intrigues i el treball ardu, experiència que, junt amb la seva vocació, caracteritzarà el seu destí. Després de participar contra la seva voluntat en un complot polític, fugirà a França, on treballarà per a un viticultor. Tot i la por que sent de caure en mans de la justícia, un dia decideix tornar a la seva llar. Lluitant contra els elements en Josep empren una aventura tan àrdua com fascinant: l'e...

Moving Target
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 227

Moving Target

In this exciting and action-packed adventure by an award-winning author, a young girl discovers her secret ancient bloodline. The fate of her family, and the world, may rest in her hands . . . Cassie Arroyo, an American studying in Rome, has her world ripped apart when someone tries to kill her father, an art history professor at an Italian university. Is she their next target?Cassie sets out to uncover what is happening, only to learn that she is a member of an ancient bloodline that enables her to use the Spear of Destiny--a legendary object that can alter the future. Now running from a secret organization intent on killing those from her bloodline, Cassie must--with the help of some friends--decipher the clues that will lead her to the Spear.Christina Diaz Gonzalez has created a fast-paced thrill-ride of a book, rich with riddles and myth, that young readers will not want to put down.

Mataró, 1680-1719: El pas de vila a ciutat i cap de corregiment (2a edició)
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 284

Mataró, 1680-1719: El pas de vila a ciutat i cap de corregiment (2a edició)

Amb motiu dels tres-cents anys de l’obtenció de Mataró del títol de Ciutat, sortia a la llum la segona edició, ampliada, de la publicació de Joaquim Llovet que va merèixer el Premi Iluro 1965. L’autor documenta i aporta més dades sobre la realitat demogràfica i urbana del Mataró de l’època i incideix en els problemes que es derivaren de la Guerra de Successió i la implantació del règim felipista. Joaquim Llovet (Mataró, 1921-2017). Historiador, membre de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres (Barcelona, 1967) i de la Reial Acadèmia de la Història (Madrid, 1990). Els estudis de Llovet versats en Mataró i el Maresme constitueixen un referent de primer ordre. S’especialitzà també en temes marítims i del comerç amb Amèrica, durant el segle XVIII. A mitjan segle passat adquirí popularitat la seva obra La Ciutat de Mataró, una síntesi històrica global de la capital del Maresme, publicada per l’editorial Barcino en dos volums, entre els anys 1959 i 1961. L’any 2000 sortia a la llum la seva obra cabdal Dels orígens de la vila a la ciutat contemporània.

  • Language: es
  • Pages: 326


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1998
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: en
  • Pages: 289


As the former chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, author Michael Hyatt gained insight on the importance of combining compelling products with a meaningful platform. Now, with nearly three hundred thousand followers on Twitter, his large and growing platform serves as the foundation for his own successful writing, speaking, and business coaching practice. In this straightforward how-to, he offers down-to-earth guidance on crafting an effective and meaningful online platform to help readers extend their influence, monetize it, and build a sustainable career.Social media technologies have provided unprecedented opportunities for getting noticed and earning money in an increasingly noisy world. Platform goes behind the scenes into the world of social media success. You'll discover what bestselling authors, public speakers, entrepreneurs, musicians, and other creatives are doing differently to gain contacts, connections, and followers and win customers in today's crowded marketplace. With proven strategies, easy-to-replicate formulas, and practical tips, this book makes it easier, less expensive, and more possible than ever to stand out from the crowd and launch a business.

Els viatges del capità Moreu. Entre la dominació napoleònica i la insurgència mexicana (1808-1815)
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 244

Els viatges del capità Moreu. Entre la dominació napoleònica i la insurgència mexicana (1808-1815)

Els viatges del capità Moreu parteix dels copiadors de cartes, registres d’operacions mercantils i quaderns de bitàcola del pilot i capità de vaixell, Francesc Moreu i Oliver. L’autor narra els quatre viatges del capità Moreu amb el seu bergantí la Puríssima Concepció i aporta informació fefaent del comerç amb Amèrica i els riscos que comportava.

The Open Work
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 324

The Open Work

  • Categories: Art

This book is significant for its concept of "openness"--the artist's decision to leave arrangements of some constituents of a work to the public or to chance--and for its anticipation of two themes of literary theory: the element of multiplicity and plurality in art, and the insistence on literary response as an interaction between reader and text.

Leadership Pain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 270

Leadership Pain

Do you want to be a better leader? Raise the threshold of your pain. Do you want your church to grow or your business to reach higher goals? Reluctance to face pain is your greatest limitation. There is no growth without change, no change without loss, and no loss without pain. Bottom line: if you're not hurting, you're not leading. But this book is not a theological treatise on pain. Rather in Leadership Pain Samuel Chand—best-selling author recognized as "the leader's leader"—provides a concrete, practical understanding of the pain we experience to help us interpret pain more accurately and learn the lessons God has in it for us. Chand is ruthlessly honest and highly practical as he ex...