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Maya-British Conflict at the Edge of the Yucatecan Caste War interrogates the 1862 alliance forged between the San Pedro Maya and the British during the Caste War of Yucatán (1847–1901). Illuminating the complex interactions among Maya groups, Yucatecans of Spanish descent, and British settlers in what is now Belize, Christine A. Kray uses storytelling techniques, suspense, and humor, via historical documents and oral history interviews to tell a new story about the dynamics at the heart of the Social War. Official British declarations of neutrality in the Caste War were confounded by a variety of political and economic factors, including competing land claims befuddled by a tangled set o...
Es un documental en el que se dará a conocer la historia de un Rey que nunca murió, llamado Miguel Laure Rubio, mejor conocido por su nombre artístico como Mike Laure, su espíritu y su esencia musical ha quedado inmortalizado en los corazones del público y es por ello, que su historia será escrita con letras de oro en este legado literario por haber sido uno de los pilares y creadores de La Cumbia en México. Miguel Laure siempre se caracterizó por su sencillez y humildad ganándose el cariño del público, quien lo bautizó con el seudónimo del Rey del Trópico. Cantautor y actor de Cine, de una Época de Oro, a quien su infinidad de grandes éxitos lo llevaron a formar parte del Pa...
Mayan rebels killed an American plantation manager in 1875, but no one has ever unravelled why this murder took place. Paul Sullivan's fascinating and skillful telling of this story reads like a mystery novel.
This is the definitive bibliography of autobiographical writings on Mexico. The book incorporates works by Mexicans and foreigners, with authors ranging from disinherited peasants, women, servants and revolutionaries to more famous painters, writers, singers, journalists and politicians. Primary sources of historic and artistic value, the writings listed provide multiple perspectives on Mexico's past and give clues to a national Mexican identity. This work presents 1,850 entries, including autobiographies, memoirs, collections of letters, diaries, oral autobiographies, interviews, and autobiographical novels and essays. Over 1,500 entries list works from native-born Mexicans written between 1691 and 2003. Entries include basic bibliographical data, genre, author's life dates, narrative dates, available translations into English, and annotation. The bibliography is indexed by author, title and subject, and appendices provide a chronological listing of works and a list of selected outstanding autobiographies.
Violent class struggles and ethnic conflict mark much of the history of Latin America, continuing in some regions even today. Perhaps the worst and most prolonged of these conflicts was the guerra de las castas or ?Caste War,? an Indian rebellion that tore apart the Yucatan Peninsula for much of the nineteenth century (1847?1903). The struggle was not only ethnic, pitting indigenous peoples against a Hispanic or Hispanicized ruling class, but also economic, involving attacks by rural campesinos on plantation owners, merchants, overseers, and townspeople. The rebels met with sporadic and limited success but still managed at times to remove whole portions of the Yucatan Peninsula from state control. ø Don E. Dumond?s work is the anticipated complete history of the Caste War. Drawing on primary sources, he presents the first comprehensive description of this turbulent century of conflict in Yucatan and sets forth a carefully argued analysis of the reasons and broader social, political, and economic processes underlying the struggle.
Este libro tiene un carácter documental y pretende resaltar la vida y obra artística de un personaje que ha trascendido dentro del ámbito musical; para lograrlo tuvo que pasar muchos años de trabajo, paciencia, tolerancia y, sobre todo, persistencia hasta ganarse el título de “Embajador de la Cumbia”. Además es un libro que inspirará a muchas personas a escribir su propia historia que por diversas razones no se han atrevido a escribirla, quizá por miedo a las críticas, sin saber que su experiencia artística puede ayudar a muchos jóvenes a concretar sus sueños musicales como lo está haciendo Fernando Marinero. A través de una investigación exhaustiva, y entrevistas con el artista, se ha logrado concretar el presente trabajo que marcará un precedente para la historia de la música y del cine. Fernando Marinero es un artista fuera de serie por sus diversos talentos y virtudes, desempeñándose como: Cantante, Compositor, Empresario, Médico, Actor y Productor de Cine, además de ser reconocido por su sencillez y humildad.
This book explores the origins, process, and consequences of forty years of nearly continual political violence in southeastern Mexico. Rather than recounting the well-worn narrative of the Caste War, it focuses instead on how four decades of violence helped shape social and political institutions of the Mexican southeast. Rebellion Now and Forever looks at Yucatán's famous Caste War from the perspective of the vast majority of Hispanics and Maya peasants who did not join in the great ethnic rebellion of 1847. It shows how the history of nonrebel territory was as dramatic and as violent as the front lines of the Caste War, and of greater significance for the larger evolution of Mexican society. The work explores political violence not merely as a method and process, but also as a molder of subsequent institutions and practices.