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Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine offers an in-depth understanding of emergency disease processes and the underlying rationale for the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and prognosis for these conditions in small animals. A comprehensive reference on a major topic in veterinary medicine The only book in this discipline to cover the pathophysiology of disease in depth Edited by four respected experts in veterinary emergency medicine A core text for those studying for specialty examinations Includes access to a website with video clips, additional figures, and the figures from the book in PowerPoint Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine offers an in-depth understanding of emergency disease processes and the underlying rationale for the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and prognosis for these conditions in small animals.
Feline Emergency and Critical Care Medicine is the first book to focus specifically on feline-specific emergency and critical care. Designed as a quick-access manual of emergency and critical care procedures, information is presented in an easy-to-follow outline format. With an emphasis on the unique considerations for treating cats, this book provides all the information needed to confidently manage the feline critical patient.
This book is dedicated to the fundamental clinical signs of astute observation, careful differential diagnosis and analytical therapeutic decision-making in emergency veterinary settings. It clearly defines the physiological and clinical principles fundamental to the management of the critically ill small animal patient. With clear guidelines for organizing an emergency/critical care unit, the book also discusses ethical and legal concerns. The 80 expert authors have created a clinically specific resource for the specialist, residents in training, veterinary practitioners, technicians and students.Published by Teton New Media in the USA and distributed by CRC Press outside of North America.
Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Second Edition presents essential information on common emergencies in small animals using a concise, practical outline format. Offering a thorough update to this classic reference, the new edition provides new chapters on orthopedic injuries and wound management, significant revisions to the treatment protocols, and expanded toxicology information, as well as new references and drug information. The book retains its logical division into two parts, the first covering initial stabilization and the second offering a systems approach to specific conditions. As in the previous edition, chapters are extensively indexed and cross-referenced to facilitate ease of use in emergency situations. With many formulas, tables, drug dosages, and illustrations, Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine is an indispensable, convenient resource for busy emergency clinicians, whether they are new graduates or seasoned professionals.
Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat provides quick access to clinically relevant information on stabilizing, diagnosing, and managing the trauma patient. The book uses an outline format to provide fast access to essential information, focusing on practical advice and techniques for treating traumatic injuries. Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat is an ideal handbook for quickly and confidently managing this common presenting complaint. Beginning with a concise summary of the global assessment of traumatized patients, the heart of the book is devoted to guidance on managing specific types of trauma following definitive diagnosis. Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat is a valuable quick-reference guide to treating canine and feline trauma patients for general practitioners and emergency specialists alike.
Monitoring and Intervention for the Critically Ill Small Animal: The Rule of 20 offers guidance for assessing the patient, interpreting diagnostic test results, and selecting appropriate monitoring procedures. Based on Rebecca Kirby’s time-tested Rule of 20, with a chapter devoted to each item on the checklist Provides comprehensive guidance for monitoring a critically ill small animal patient Emphasizes the interplay of each parameter with one another Designed for fast access on the clinic floor, with potentially life-saving ideas, tips, lists and procedures Presents tables, schematics, algorithms, and drawings for quick reference
A vital pocket-sized reference tool for busy practitioners andstudents, saving hours of searching through multiple sources.Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine, SecondEdition brings together comprehensive differential diagnosislists covering a wide range of presenting signs. This newedition has been fully updated with alphabetised lists for improvednavigation. The lists cover the majority of presentations that areencountered in practice, including both common and uncommonconditions. Details differential diagnoses from diverse findings such ashistory, physical examination, diagnostic imaging, laboratory testresults and electrodiagnostic testing Provides guidance on how common conditions are, and howcommonly they are the cause of the presenting sign Useful throughout the working day for vets in small animalpractice, the information will save hours searching alternativemultiple references New co-author Kate Murphy brings her expertise as an ECVIMdiplomate For ultimate ease of use this book is also available as an appfor iOS and Android devices. To purchase the app visit ahref=""
Emergency care is one of the most important areas of veterinary medicine. Building on the success of the previous editions, the international team of editors and authors have reviewed and updated the manual so that it reflects the continued growth in knowledge and understanding in this crucial area while remaining a highly practical resource. The introductory chapters, covering areas such as triage, catheterization and the assessment of shock and dyspnoea, sit alongside chapters that cover system specific emergencies, ranging from cardiac arrhythmias to uterine prolapse, and from corneal ulceration to fractures and luxations. The text is fully illustrated throughout. • Highly practical • Updated to reflect current knowledge in this crucial area • Illustrated throughout
Dieses wegweisende Fachbuch wurde gründlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Präsentiert werden fokussierten Ultraschalluntersuchungen des Abdomens, Thorax, Bewegungssystems und des Auges in der veterinärmedizinischen Praxis. Auch die 2. Auflage ist das Referenzwerk für gezielte Ultraschalluntersuchungen in der klinischen Praxis. Neue Anwendungen werden vorgestellt und weitere Tierarten berücksichtigt. Videoclips der verschiedenen Verfahren können auf der begleitenden Website abgerufen werden. Gezeigt werden Ultraschallaufnahmen aus der Praxis, die als Vergleich dienen können und die Fachrichtung verdeutlichen. Die 2. Auflage von Point-of-Care Ultrasound Techniques for the Small Animal...
Veterinary Disaster Response is the essential guide to disaster training, preparation, planning, and recovery. The book takes a question-and-answer format to promote understanding and outline the steps for veterinary response to natural and man-made disasters. Veterinary Disaster Response is a must-have reference for anyone involved in disaster medicine, including veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, animal control and shelter personnel, search and rescue personnel, and emergency response teams.