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This powerful diagnostic tool is becoming more widespread and practitioners and laypeople alike can turn to 'Iridology in Practice' to further their understanding of the available information for maximum benefit. Beyond the technical aspects of iridology, this book also presents a holistic approach to wellness of body, mind, and soul, where the author draws on her twenty years of practical experience in complementary medicine.
A lexicon listing natural and ethnomedical terms. Whilst designed for both the practitioner and student, it is also useful as a home reference work
#1 New York Times bestselling author and Oscar–winning producer Brian Grazer has written a brilliantly entertaining and eye-opening exploration of curiosity and the life-changing effects it can have on every person’s life. From Academy Award–winning producer Brian Grazer, New York Times bestseller A Curious Mind offers a brilliant peek into the “curiosity conversations” that inspired him to create some of the world’s most iconic movies and television shows. He shows how curiosity has been the “secret” that fueled his rise as one of Hollywood’s leading producers and creative visionaries, and how all of us can channel its power to lead bigger and more rewarding lives. Grazer ...
This book has investigated the presence of gerontoxon in mental disabled children and youngsters with down syndrome and other health disorders, and also in mentally healthy children. The study was based on data from 81 cases wich are going to be presented afterwards in the light of the studies of Battello, Jensen and others. The analysis of the facts shows that the gerontoxon is present in most of the cases with diseases wich affect the central nervous system.
Created by Traditional Naturopath Leonard Mehlmauer (ND, ret.) in 1975, The GREAT Liquid Diet has been used to help many patients, friends, students, colleagues and family. The basic principle is "less is more!" By reducing the food processing work of the mouth, stomach and bowel, much bodily energy is freed up for purification. In health as in life, purification is the name of the game.Their high natural nutrient content make pure raw foods healthier than cooked. Cooking loses many nutrients. Raw or cooked, solid foods take much energy for mouth and stomach to break down--and the bowel to process. By blending the (mostly) raw GLD foods, we get the nutrients--while the blender and juicer do ...
„O relatare captivantă despre cum simplul fapt de a pune întrebări îți poate schimba viața.“ – Malcolm Gladwell La prima vedere, australianul Terence Tao pare un om normal. Are 36 de ani și predă matematica la University of California, Los Angeles. Dar nu este nici pe departe o persoană obișnuită. Conform Institutului Davidson din SUA, el are un IQ de 230, cel mai mare înregistrat vreodată. Cu alte cuvinte, Terence este cel mai deștept om din lume. Coeficientul mediu de inteligență se situează în jurul valorii de 100. Dincolo de 100 începe țara oamenilor deștepți, oameni care nu numai că știu mai multe, dar VOR SĂ AFLE mai multe. Oameni care își pun ÎNTREBĂ...
Esta é uma obra inovadora, correlacionando sinais iridológicos com alterações cardiovasculares. Trata-se de um trabalho observacional realizado no Hospital São Francisco em Brasilia – Brasil, que pode ampliar formidavelmente, a propedêutica das alterações cardiovasculares do individuo, através da detecção dos referidos sinais iridológicos funcionando, dessa maneira, de forma profilática e preventiva.